The blond woman stood on the speedboat and looked at Lin Mo and others with a smile on her face.

"You must be their leader Lin Mo, my name is Wei Na, from the Cupid Association!" The woman introduced herself and said with a smile.

Her smile seemed to have a sinking look, and just one glance made Lin Mo feel like he was about to sink.

As for Zhou Lu and the others, their eyes were filled with stars, and they were almost drooling at them!

"Humph, you gave us such a powerful attack when you first came here. The beautiful country is really interesting!" After just a moment of confusion, Lin Mo used his tyrannical mental power to recover himself. He glanced at Wei Na coldly, He snorted softly.

With this sound, Lin Mo directly used his mental power, and then his mental power circulated and wrapped up Zhou Lu and others, saving them from this situation.

"We just..." Zhou Lu and others looked embarrassed. Thinking of what they had done before, they felt extremely embarrassed. Some even got their pants wet. They were obviously so embarrassed!

"Huh, what a bunch of trash!" Someone in the crowd snorted coldly.

Obviously, he was one of the people who was charmed before, but because he was relatively strong, he was able to recover in a short period of time.

"When you call others trash, you'd better be really capable!" Lin Mo said lightly, and then controlled the water flow to send them all to the speedboat.

"Mr. Lin is very powerful. His control over water is so exquisite. I'm afraid even our legendary Poseidon, the god of the sea, is not as good as you!"

Wei Na smiled lightly and walked towards Lin Mo step by step.

She had a delicate fragrance on her body, and when she was close to Lin Mo, the smell penetrated directly into Lin Mo's nostrils, making the latter feel excited.

"Ms. Wei Na must have seen Poseidon, otherwise why would she think that my ability to control water is better than him?" Lin Mo asked with a smile.

Wei Na pursed her lips and chuckled, but said nothing.

Lin Mo looked at her reaction and felt a little heavy in his heart.

For a long time, Lin Mo couldn't figure out why the martial arts in the beautiful country was so strong.

China's heritage and existence are older than the beautiful country, but it was the beautiful country that produced the tyrannical martial arts.

Therefore, Lin Mo had an idea in his mind, that is, whether the Western god system has arrived, so that Western martial arts have developed extremely smoothly.

This time Lin Mo opened his mouth, it was actually a test.

But I didn't expect that Wei Na wouldn't take the bait at all.

"Since you don't want to tell me, then I'll go and see it myself!" Lin Mo thought in his mind as the speedboat started and headed quickly towards San Francisco.

"They are almost arriving in San Francisco. Do you want to make some arrangements?"

At this moment, in the meeting room of the martial arts training ground of the Chinese Ministry of War, the pillars of the nine great nations were listening to the reports given to them by the people below.

"I'm really surprised that we arrived so quickly!" Lao Jiu said with a smile: "How many people are left? Being able to enter the abyss must have caused a lot of damage!"

"There are still fifteen people left. Looking at it now, they should be divided into three groups. Lin Mo, Tang San, and Li Fengchun each lead a group of people. Among them, the people following Tang San are the largest, and their strength is averagely strong. Followed by There are the fewest people behind Lin Mo, only three people, and because they are injured, their strength is considered weak..."

The Pillars of the Nine Kingdoms nodded slightly after hearing this. There was actually no difference between this information and what they knew in advance.

"Let's see, Tang San doesn't seem to be interested in this, but his methods are actually good and he can convince the public. Only so many people died during this trip to the abyss. Did Tang San play a role in it? ?" Lao Qi said with a smile.

Lao Qi was a member of the Tang family, and Tang San was his direct descendant. Although the Tang family had no relationship with Lao Qi, I was still very happy when I heard that Tang San appeared.

"Tang San never made a move, and he didn't participate in any fights in the abyss. The reason why so few people died was because someone got the most important things in the abyss in advance. In order to get these things, he killed attracted many people.

On the contrary, the bloody scene calmed everyone down, and in the end when he got everything, no one was willing to oppose him! "

This subordinate told all the information he knew, and then lay on the ground, waiting for the follow-up plan of the Pillar of the Nine Kingdoms.

"Who is the person who has received the inheritance of the abyss?" Finally, Lao Yi asked the question that everyone was paying attention to.

"Who else could it be? It must be Tang San. This guy is the direct descendant of Lao Qi, and he's secretive!

So I think Tang San must be the inheritor! "

"I think Li Fengchun has more face. As for Lin Mo, I can't say that there is no chance at all, I can only say that the chance is not big!"

Everyone present expressed their opinions, but strangely, no one expressed their belief that Lin Mo could be passed on.

"Tang San received the inheritance of Gengjin Qi, and the person who truly understood the inheritance of the abyss was actually Lin Mo!

As for Li Fengchun, I think his biggest gain is the friendship he gained from Lin Mo! "

The man spoke with a smile, an envious look on his face.

After all, having Lin Mo's friendship is equivalent to the achievement that in the future, you can easily suffer minor injuries but cannot die from major injuries.

"Let's continue to see. This trip to the beautiful country, I feel that because of this little guy Lin Mo, everything has become more interesting!

Let's take a good look, I hope they can continue to surprise us! "Lao Yi said calmly.

"At the same time, take care of your own family members. If I cause trouble in this beautiful country, don't blame me for being rude!"

In the martial arts hall, a voice suddenly sounded.

The Pillar of the Nine Kingdoms' face darkened, and then he quickly stood up and looked around: "I will obey the order of the Army Master!"

Beautiful country, San Francisco.

The speedboat slowly approached the shore, and everyone stepped onto the land one by one, with expressions of emotion on their faces.

"I finally made it ashore. In the abyss, I thought I was going to die!" someone said with emotion.

"At any time, you must be firm in your martial arts heart. Even in desperate situations, you must not be discouraged. Look, now things are clearing up!"

"You speak nicely now, but you cried the most at that time!"

After landing, a group of people had mixed feelings, so their words were naturally different, so much so that several of them almost got into a fight.

"I will arrange all your itineraries in the beautiful country. According to our initial arrangements, this time your itinerary will mainly include a visit to a martial arts university, followed by competitions and discussions, and then you can choose a teacher from a school as your own Master in the beautiful country!

I know that you Chinese respect teachers, but here, please think twice.

Of course, if you feel that your strength no longer requires you to learn skills from a teacher, then naturally you don’t need to do so! "

With a smile on her face, Vina told all the news.

Lin Mo frowned, and the schedule was a little tight. Lin Mo didn't know if he would have a chance to find something related to the Qi Master!

"You have just arrived in the beautiful country today, so you have an afternoon of free time. Tomorrow morning, we will all gather!

Just take it from the backpack over there where you live. The backpack has everything you need here!

I hope you all have a good time this afternoon, and then, when you fall asleep at night, you can have a good rest, because tomorrow is going to be a tough battle! "

After saying this, he stood up with a smile and left here step by step.

"I always feel that this woman is a bit evil!" Lin Mo sighed inwardly, and then looked at Li Fengchun: "Do you have any information about this woman?"

Li Fengchun's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard Lin Mo calling him, thinking that Lin Mo had finally fallen into his hands.

But he didn't expect that Lin Mo would ask such a question.

Li Fengchun was stunned.

Li Fengchun pondered.

Li Fengchun gave up contemplating and just smashed it.

"Sorry, I haven't heard of it. Goodbye!" Li Fengchun directly covered his entire face with the hood of his windbreaker, not intending to expose any of it.

Looking at this scene, Lin Mo knew that he would definitely not be able to get any information from them.

"Lin Mo and Wei Na are members of the Cupid Association. It is said that one of the weird things about this association is that their cultivation base is generally not high, but with their extraordinary figure and beautiful appearance, they have accumulated a lot of connections!

In fact, many times, no matter how the people in the beautiful country change, in the end, it is all the conspiracy of the Chinese people! "

Zhou Lu spoke softly.

"This is the custom of the beautiful country. It likes to throw dirty water on China. Just get used to it." Lin Mo nodded with a smile, then looked at Zhou Lu: "You do know a lot. To be honest, you Do you want to follow me to Rob Giant City?

I promise you can become invincible! "

Lin Mo was convinced by Zhou Lu's source of information. It seemed that all the information could be found from him.

"Give me a big house and some people, and I can set up the intelligence network of Rob Giant City for you!"

Zhou Lu patted his chest and said with a smile: "I liked watching spy movies when I was a child, and now I have the opportunity to practice them!"

With a smile on his face, he spoke his true thoughts.

"I can meet your request, but I have a prerequisite!" Lin Mo thought for a while and then put forward his request: "For those who come with us this time, you have to find a way to fool them... not all of them. Persuaded to go to Rob Giant City!”

"What you just said was a lie, I heard it!" Zhou Lu said helplessly, and finally nodded: "Don't worry, these people are following you wholeheartedly. If I can go to Luobu Giant with you, City, there must be a hundred willing ones!”

A smile appeared on Lin Mo's face. It didn't matter even if he didn't gain anything from this trip to the beautiful country. At least he had a few people who he could safely hand over to his descendants!

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