Beautiful Country, San Francisco, Harvard Stadium.

"This is too big!"

Zhou Lu followed Lin Mo and looked around with a shocked look on his face.

Next to Lin Mo and others, there were other Huaxia team members standing, but they had divided into two waves, following Tang San and Li Fengchun respectively.

Li Fengchun had a faint smile on his face, and his eyes fell on Lin Mo from time to time.

After what happened in the abyss, the relationship between the two was pretty good. At least Li Fengchun had begun to plan to conquer Lin Mo and make him bow before him.

As for Tang San, he always had a smile on his face, no matter who he was smiling at, he was like the big brother next door.

"Lin Mo, did you last night..." Li Fengchun suddenly approached Lin Mo with a smile on his face and spoke coquettishly.

"What happened last night?" Lin Mo looked at him pretending to be surprised: "Don't tell me that you were marked by the Cupid Association?"

Li Fengchun was suddenly speechless and snorted: "Don't tell me, you don't have a brand!"

"Sorry, I really don't have any brand!" Lin Mo shrugged: "And it's not just me, everyone who lives with me has no brand!"

"Yes, the advantage of following the boss is that you don't need to be responsible after you have fun!" Zhou Lu said with a smile on his face: "Let me tell you a secret... The one who accompanied the boss last night was... Miss Wei Na!"

"Vina?!" Li Fengchun couldn't help but raise his voice and looked at Lin Mo in disbelief.

This cry directly attracted the attention of others.

Lin Mo even noticed that Tang San glanced at him casually. Although it was only for a short moment, Lin Mo still felt the coldness.

As for the eyes of others, they were mixed with envy and jealousy.

"Don't get me wrong, we didn't do anything last night." Lin Mo explained with a smile: "Miss Wei Na, you'd better come out and explain!"

Lin Mo looked at Wei Na not far away and said helplessly.

"Explain what?" Wei Na looked at Lin Mo, with resentment on her beautiful face: "So you are also the kind of man who doesn't want to take responsibility, right?

I've obviously promised you everything, what else do you want me to say? "

Listening to Wei Na's resentful words, a group of people immediately imagined a detailed description of at least 300,000 words of restricted level...

"How shameless!"

"Miss Wei Na, don't worry, we will seek justice for you!"

"Miss Wei Na, come up to me tonight. I promise you won't ask for so many things..."

Various voices sounded around, and the most numerous of them was naturally the crusade against Lin Mo.

Lin Mo simply rolled his eyes at Wei Na, explained to Zhou Lu, and left the crowd with his hands behind his back.

The beautiful country is far ahead of China in martial arts, and coupled with various technological blessings, other countries on the Blue Star have been trying to catch up.

"The martial arts hall and the gymnasium only have different names, but their functions are similar..."

Lin Mo saw the energy and blood detector and the combat power detector. At the same time, Lin Mo also found some instruments that he had never seen before.

"This is an element affinity detector."

A voice sounded, and a young man came over with a smile.

He was wearing a white sportswear, with a full head of yellow hair tied back, and a sunny face on his handsome face.

"Seventh-grade Martial Emperor... Nian Qi Master!" Lin Mo looked at the young man and raised his eyebrows.

I actually met the Qi Master from the beautiful country!

"Hello, my name is Lin Mo!" Lin Mo greeted with a smile and stretched out his right hand.

"My name is Aaron Neer, you can call me Aaron!" The young man also stretched out his hand and shook it with Lin Mo.

"You speak Chinese so well!"

"Of course, I hired a Chinese teacher and studied for a long time." Aaron said with a proud look on his face: "I like Chinese culture, and I think that in the future of martial arts, China will be the absolute center. Learning Chinese in advance is to lay the foundation for that time!”

"The martial arts in Beautiful Country is the most powerful in the entire Blue Star. You actually said that China is the center of martial arts?" Lin Mo shook his head helplessly: "Aaron, are you kidding me?"

"No, no, no!" Aaron waved his hand: "China has the oldest history, and it is inherited in an orderly manner. Whether it is myths, legends, or various historical materials, it is fully recorded.

Wudang, Longhu, and Shaolin, these places where Buddhism and Taoism are inherited, are even more mysterious...

Lin Mo, you are Chinese yourself, you must have confidence in your own culture! "

Lin Mo was speechless, to be persuaded by a foreigner to have cultural self-confidence... He simply didn't know what to say!

"Aaron, you just said this is an element affinity detector. Can you tell me how to use it?"

Lin Mo changed the topic and asked, pointing to the previous instrument.

"The purpose of the elemental affinity detector is to create the ultimate warrior. You and I both know that the ultimate warrior will be much stronger than ordinary warriors.

The beautiful country has always been working hard to create the ultimate warrior.

This instrument can detect the elements that are most suitable for your cultivation, and then start cultivating the elements with the best affinity.

The way to measure is also very simple! "

Aaron said and cut his finger directly, squeezed out a drop of blood, and flicked it on the testing table of the instrument.

"This drop of blood contains Qi and blood, as well as basic information about a person. One drop of blood can detect many things!" Aaron said with a smile.

At this time, information was already displayed on the screen.

"Fire attribute and thunder attribute." Aaron pointed at the screen: "The affinity of the fire attribute has reached ninety-five, and the affinity of the thunder attribute has reached seventy-five. Generally speaking, if the affinity reaches more than seventy-five, you can move towards the extreme. To train in the direction of warriors.

My affinity with the fire attribute is enough to support me in becoming the ultimate warrior!

As for the thunder attribute, it is still difficult for ordinary people to become the ultimate warrior! "

Lin Mo smiled. Aaron said that it is difficult for ordinary people, but it is obvious that Aaron is not an ordinary person. He must be the ultimate warrior with the dual attributes of thunder and fire!

After deducing this, Lin Mo's face turned serious.

Because his physical body is in a special condition, it can accommodate a variety of attributes.

But in the beautiful country, there should be a way for a person to combine two or more attributes at the same time!

"This beautiful country cannot be underestimated!" I sighed in my heart and heard Aaron's voice.

"Lin Mo, do you want to try it?"

"I, let's forget it!" Lin Mo waved his hand: "I'm afraid of pain..."

"China has actually always wanted to get such an instrument from the beautiful country, but this thing has always been in the technical control stage.

If you are willing to try it, I can give you one! "

Aaron suddenly smiled and spoke.

Lin Mo blinked and said with a smile: "Mr. Aaron, you are kidnapping me morally!"

After saying that, he cut his finger directly, squeezed out a drop of blood, and flicked it onto the testing table.

After doing all this, Lin Mo kept staring at the screen.

Soon, a line of information appeared on the screen: "Sorry, the element affinity is not enough..."

Lin Mo's face showed a look of disappointment, and then he showed a forced smile: "Haha, it doesn't mean that everyone can become the ultimate warrior, right?

However, Mr. Aaron, keep your word. When can you send me an instrument? "

"I'll give this instrument to you!" Aaron pointed to the instrument that Lin Mo tested earlier: "This is stained with your blood, so we won't keep it to prevent someone from using your blood to do immoral things. !”

"Thank you!" Lin Mo said seriously: "Mr. Yalin is different from the beautiful Chinese people I know."

"Every country has its good and bad." Aaron blinked: "Let's go, I will take you to other places to see. I have been to China and I know very well what the gap is between you and us.

I can explain it to you bit by bit! "

After saying that, regardless of whether Lin Mo agreed or not, he pulled Lin Mo towards the gymnasium.

"Wait a minute!" Lin Mo suddenly said, then raised his finger and pointed at the instrument, stepped forward and touched it with his hand, and then the instrument disappeared.

"Oh my God, Lin Mo, do you actually have such a large storage space?" Aaron was shocked: "It seems that you Chinese have mastered the legendary pottery technique?"

"That's right!" Lin Mo smiled and nodded, and at the same time he understood one thing:

The beautiful country has mastered the technology of storage space, and they are obviously ahead in this regard.

As the two of them walked together, Aaron really told everything he knew. As long as Lin Mo asked, he could answer it seriously.

This actually made Lin Mo a little embarrassed, because when he tested the element affinity previously, Lin Mo did some tricks.

All of his meridians have now been reshaped, and his mastery of the physical body is far beyond what other people can compare to. So the moment he cut his finger and squeezed out the blood, Lin Mo used the energy and blood contained in that drop of blood to The power was drained away.

Then fill it with the power of Qi and blood that has just been transformed from mental power.

The power of these qi and blood does not flow in the meridians, so the degree of elemental affinity cannot be detected.

"I won't lie to you next time..." Lin Mo said sorry silently in his heart, and then spoke like this.

"It's almost time. The game will start soon. Let's go to the venue first!" Aaron glanced at the time and said with a smile: "Lin Mo, I hope I can play against you on the field. I'm looking forward to seeing your performance." True strength!

Whether you are an ultimate warrior, a mind qi master or a sixth-grade martial emperor, there are not many people in this beautiful country who can be as good as you! "

Lin Mo was shocked. He didn't expect Aaron to have seen... part of his strength.

However, I feel relieved when I think about it. With Aaron's level of cultivation, it would be strange if he still couldn't see Lin Mo's strength!

"I'm also looking forward to fighting you!" Lin Mo nodded with a smile: "I hope we will still be friends by then!"

"Haha, Lin Mo, don't worry, we are friends no matter what!" Aaron patted Lin Mo on the shoulder, turned and left.

At this time, a figure ran over quickly from a distance.

"Boss, it's bad, Zhou Lu was beaten!"

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