The old man's face was full of anger, like an old cowboy who was ignited with anger.

He pointed his finger at Lin Mo and sneered: "Your Chinese history is long, but your martial arts are far inferior to my country. Do you know why?"

Lin Mo did not speak, but just looked at the old man quietly.

At this time, he must not say a word. If Lin Mo said a word of rebuttal, the old man must have a hundred words waiting behind him!

"Humph, my country is the place where the first abyss appeared on the entire Blue Star.

How many people know about the location of the first abyss in the country of beauty? It can be said to be one of the secrets of the entire Blue Star.

What was found in the first abyss, that is, not many people know.

But I know, I will tell you clearly, here... is the location of the first abyss on the Blue Star!"

The words were shocking. After hearing this, Lin Mo and others were all stunned, staring at the old man blankly.

At this point, the old man seemed to regret it a little, thinking that he was too right, and his eyes flickered.

"Hmph, you are scared by me!" The old man snorted: "But, I just lied to you!"

"Old man, do you think we will believe you?" Lin Mo chuckled and said: "I really believe that this is the first abyss on Blue Star!"

"You kid, I have already said that I just lied to you, get out! Get out of here!" The old man raised his hand and waved impatiently.

But Lin Mo did not intend to leave. Since this is the first abyss in the United States, he naturally had to figure out a lot of things.

According to Lin Mo's understanding, at least all the abysses in China cannot coexist with the real world.

But the archive in front of him obviously exists in the real world, which is a bit strange.

There must be things that Lin Mo does not understand, so what Lin Mo has to do now is to figure it all out.

Maybe there will be other gains by then.

"You don't want to leave, right? I'll call someone to drive you away!" The old man saw that Lin Mo and others were unwilling to leave, so he blew his beard and glared at them and asked them to come and drive them away.

"I understand, this should be the first abyss, but some people don't know what's so strange here, so they have stayed here and explored for so many years, but still haven't gained anything.

Tsk tsk, senior, you are so pitiful, okay! Since I know that you have stayed here for so many years without any gain, I won't stay any longer, and I'm ready to leave now."

As he said, he took the book he had found and prepared to turn around and leave.

When Lin Mo turned around, he showed a mocking smile on his face, and it was this smile that deeply hurt the old man.

"All of you stop right there!" Seeing Lin Mo and the others about to leave, the old man couldn't help but shout loudly, "Who told you that I know nothing?

I know that you Chinese have a conspiracy called provocation, but what I want to tell you is that you have successfully aroused my anger.

I will tell you everything!

The first abyss in the United States appeared and was discovered hundreds of years ago.

At that time, this was a newly discovered place. A group of people came here, drove away the local savages, and discovered this abyss.

It's just that this abyss has been integrated with reality.

They entered the abyss, but found that this abyss was not very big, and there were all kinds of information everywhere.

The contents of these materials are basically suitable for mental power-related content.

Those who entered the abyss mastered the mental power-related content in the shortest time, and then left here.

These people are the first batch of martial artists on the entire Blue Star, and also the first batch of Qi Masters!

Later, they practiced martial arts here and promoted martial arts throughout the United States.

The books in the entire information room were read by them After they had almost finished their research, they set their sights on other countries.

They started the war directly. Relying on their strong military force, they conquered ancient countries one by one, and finally collected all the martial arts-related content in these countries and placed them in the archives.

Haven't you noticed that the entire archive is not very big when viewed from the outside, but after really entering it, you will find that there is a lot of space inside, enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people reading at the same time.

In addition, you should have also discovered that the entire abyss has been connected to the Internet, that is, the Internet can connect the abyss and reality.

The United States began to study the peculiarities of this abyss, and at the same time we found that the power contained in this abyss is actually the purest spiritual power, and the information is also spiritual martial arts.

At the same time, over the years, the United States has never stopped studying the entire abyss. Because this is the first abyss to appear on the entire Blue Star, we call it the source of spiritual power here! "

The old man said a lot in one breath, and at the end, Lin Mo was a little embarrassed, but a smile appeared on his face involuntarily.

"You bunch of bastards, get out of here!" The old man couldn't accept the fact that Lin Mo and the others were still standing in front of him, and yelled at Lin Mo to get out.

"Thank you, senior, for telling us so much today. I will come back to see you when I have the chance!" Lin Mo said with a smile, and then really turned and left.

"Lin Mo, we are leaving just like that. That is where the first abyss appeared on the entire Blue Star. If we stay there, we may get something else!"

Zhou Lu clapped his hands with some regret, and looked at Lin Mo eagerly.

And Lin Mo chuckled: "It is not necessarily that we get nothing. Didn't I get a book? I am going to go back and take a look!"

Once the book he bought before was mentioned, Lin Mo couldn't help but take a look at it.

When they left the archives, the old man sat on the chair by himself, stunned for a while, and finally sighed: "Damn it, why did I say everything? Am I really too old? If I am blamed by the higher-ups...

I remembered that as long as I don't say it, it will be fine.

Could it be that they dare to torture me to confess?"

After saying that, he sat down directly, picked up a book casually, and prepared to read it.

At this time, Lin Mo and others also stepped out of the archives.

Just as Lin Mo and others took the first step out of the archives, she suddenly felt that there seemed to be some power surging in her body.

Turning around to look at the creepers she had seen before, Lin Mo couldn't help but stare.

I don't know when it started, but all the creepers on the wall have come. Their branches and leaves are so lush, and the dark green leaves are constantly swaying with the wind, making a rustling sound.

"You looked at these creepers when you came here, why do you still have to look at them after you come back?" Vina stood beside Lin Mo and asked.

"There is something wrong with the creepers, as if they have already been born with spirits! Don't you feel that you are standing here, as if you are being stared at by something?!

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