"This is a public area. The instructor said that anyone can train here, so why not let us in?"

"Didn't you hear what the instructor said, here, strength is the rule! If you don't accept it, the two of us can have a fight!"


Lin Mo heard the discussion of several people from a distance. He suddenly became interested and walked towards there.

"Brother Lin, you're here!" A voice sounded, and Yan Kai walked out of the crowd and raised his hand to say hello to Lin Mo.

"Lin Mo is here?"

Upon hearing Lin Mo's arrival, a group of people quickly turned around, looked at Lin Mo, and automatically moved out of the way.

Lin Mo saw Leng Feng in the center of the crowd.

At this moment, Leng Feng also saw Lin Mo. He just hummed softly, pushed open the door in front of him and walked in.

Lin Mo glanced at the sign on the door: Gravity Training Room!

"This is the most basic training room, which can provide up to five times the gravity." Yan Kai stood next to Lin Mo and introduced with a smile: "For a warrior, five times the gravity is enough, but Brother Lin, your strength It's so strong, five times gravity probably won't satisfy you..."

"Five times gravity?" Lin Mo stepped forward, opened the door of the gravity room, and walked in.

"Lin Mo, I won't mess with you, and you'd better not mess with me!" Leng Feng was training. When he saw Lin Mo coming in, his face suddenly sank.

Lin Mo ignored him and looked at the operation buttons aside.

"This is the place where gravity is adjusted. Leng Feng is now bearing three times the gravity, which is very powerful!" Yan Kai explained standing aside.

"Three times the gravity!" Lin Mo nodded: "It's indeed very strong!"

Leng Feng showed a little pride on his face. After glancing at Lin Mo, he was ready to continue training.

At this moment, Lin Mo reached out to the control button and flipped it twice.

The gravity of the entire gravity chamber suddenly increased to five times the gravity.

Leng Feng, who was about to display his martial arts with a proud face, felt as if a huge boulder was pressing on his body, and he fell to the ground with a plop.

He struggled twice, trying to stand up, but found that he was firmly pressed to the ground by gravity. No matter how hard he struggled, it was useless!

"Lin Mo, damn it, bring me back!" Leng Feng yelled at Lin Mo.

"Please bear with it." Lin Mo's tone was calm, like a scumbag.

After the gravity stabilized, Lin Mo walked directly into the gravity chamber and felt the gravity around him.

"Tiger Fist!" Lin Mo used martial arts, and under five times the gravity, the fist wind was still extremely fierce.

"Too...too strong!"

Everyone around them exclaimed.

"It's okay..." Lin Mo nodded. Under five times gravity, the power of the Tiger Fist was reduced, but the attack power should reach 200!

After pondering for a moment, Lin Mo moved his legs and then started running wildly in the gravity room.

He was very fast, and in just a few seconds, he had already run around the room.

"The speed is almost not affected..." Lin Mo analyzed while running.

The onlookers were dumbfounded. If Leng Feng hadn't still been lying there, they would have suspected that there was something wrong with the gravity system.

After a few minutes, Lin Mo slowed down, returned to the controller, restored gravity to three times, and walked out.

Leng Feng, who was lying on the ground, struggled to stand up and looked at Lin Mo's back with a gloomy face.

"You can try the intermediate gravity chamber, which can provide up to ten times the increase in gravity..." Yan Kai said while leading the way.

Lin Mo followed behind, passing the simulation room, actual combat room and other rooms along the way.

"Psychiatric testing room?" Lin Mo paused and looked at the room next to him.

"This is a place for testing mental power. It is generally only used by ninth-grade warriors, and King Wu uses it the most!" Yan Kai said with a smile: "As for warriors, forget it! After all, the way to check mental power is different..."

"What's different?" Lin Mo looked at him curiously.

"Qi and blood detection is through the induction of instruments, while the detection of mental power is through the confrontation of mental power..." Yan Kai said: "Adjust to a specific mental power value, and then use your own mental power to fight...

Evaluate based on the amount of mental power you bear..."

"How far can the mental power of an average warrior reach?"

“The cultivation of spiritual power started with King Wu, but some people with extraordinary talents have already begun to cultivate spiritual power at the warrior level.

I heard my brother say that there is a genius in the Capital Martial Arts University. He developed spiritual power when he was a fifth-grade warrior. Now, he is in the realm of a ninth-grade warrior and has a full 9 points of spiritual power! This has reached the standard of a first-grade Martial King! "

"Is 9 points of mental power the standard for King Wu?" Lin Mo nodded, then opened the door and walked in.

At the same time, an alarm suddenly sounded in the monitoring room of the camp. Sun Qian and Zhang He, who were practicing, opened their eyes at the same time and looked at the monitoring screen.

"What trouble did those boys cause again!" Zhang He cursed and stood up: "Can't you just be tortured in the gravity room on the first day?"

I adjusted the video to the gravity room, only to find that there was no one inside.

After switching several shots, Sun Qian's expression also changed.

"There are no people in the practice rooms. These guys must have escaped!" Zhang He couldn't help but say.

"No, these people are all geniuses. Even if they really suffered some hardships, they would not leave easily." Sun Qian shook her head: "Call up the surveillance video of the entire camp and look for them one by one!"

Zhang He clicked the keyboard a few times, and dozens of windows popped up on the screen.

"Found it!" Zhang He pointed to one of the windows: "What are these guys doing... Damn, they are not going to enter the mental testing room!

Are they crazy?"

Zhang He's face became ugly. The mental testing room is different from other training rooms.

In other testing rooms, the most you get hurt is a little, but in the mental testing room, you will be destroyed in the brain and become an idiot if you are not careful!

"Idiot!" Sun Qian also cursed, and ran out without saying a word.

On the other side, Lin Mo had opened the door of the mental testing room, took a look at the environment inside, and walked in.

In the room, there was a machine, and a person stood inside, with an adjustable button in front of him.

Lin Mo walked in directly and put his hand on the adjustment button.

"Brother Lin, come out quickly, this thing is not a joke, you will become an idiot if you are not careful!" Yan Kai waved his hands repeatedly.

But he did not dare to step forward, because if Lin Mo really turned on the test instrument, he might be hit and become an idiot.

Leng Feng stood aside and looked at Lin Mo with a gloomy face, wishing to see Lin Mo become an idiot immediately.

As for the expressions of others, they were different.

"Lin Mo, stop right there!"

"Lin Mo, get out of here!"

At this time, Sun Qian and Zhang He had already arrived here, looking at Lin Mo standing in the machine, and they were so nervous that they sweated coldly!

Hearing their voices, Lin Mo looked back and pressed the button.

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