Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 425 Internal Conflict

Because there are many countries participating in the competition, the entire competition venue is divided into several areas.

At this moment, Lin Mo left his competition area and came to another area. From a distance, he saw Li Fengchun standing there waiting for Lin Mo.

"You killed Xiaolin Yidao?" Li Fengchun looked at Lin Mo and said with some envy. 9.

Lin Mo nodded slightly: "He is not very strong, so I killed him casually!"

"Not very strong..." Li Fengchun said helplessly: "Do you know that before you took action, many people lost to him. In order to establish his prestige, no one who fought with Xiaolin Yidao survived!"

"So, I am also a harm for the people!" Lin Mo chuckled: "By the way, where is Aaron's game?"

"It's about to start, the opponent is Harry from Eagle Country!" Li Fengchun said: "Harry from Eagle Country is very strong, and he is only one step away from the Martial Emperor. And like the United States, Eagle Country is also a strong country of Qi Masters.

And Harry graduated from the legendary Hogwarts Martial Arts University. The principal of this school, Dumbledore, is one of the strongest martial artists on Blue Star!"


"The world is big!" Lin Mo said with emotion. It is far from enough to limit his vision to China.

At this time, Aaron Neil had already walked up to the ring, and a figure also walked out from the other side.

Harry was wearing a black cloak and holding a short stick in his hand.

"The martial arts of the Eagle Country are different from ours. They use the short stick in their hands to release it. There, they call it a martial arts staff!"

Zhou Lu explained to Lin Mo on the side.

Lin Mo nodded, and at this time, the competition on the ring began!

Harry held the martial arts staff and shouted something.

Then a beam of light burst out from the martial arts staff.

This beam of light was like a meteor, extremely fast.

Lin Mo estimated that at this speed, even if he used the ghost shadow, he might not be able to dodge it!

But Aaron's method was not to dodge, but to take a few steps forward.


He uttered such syllables, and then saw a fire shield appear in front of him.

But he did not use the fire shield to protect himself...


After a loud bang, he used the fire shield as a weapon and directly hit the meteor.

The terrifying aftermath of the collision spread wildly around, and Lin Mo's black hair was blown up and swayed wildly.

"What a strong aftermath!" Lin Mo sighed.

At the same time, he was shocked by Aaron's strength.

Harry sneered, and the whole person kept moving on the ring, and at the same time, the meteor-like attack just now was constantly released.

"The martial arts of the Eagle Country are too limited. You only know how to use long-range attacks, but you have no way to face close combat!

In my opinion, this is completely walking on one foot..."

Aaron's voice sounded, and then he saw Meng rushing out, waving the fire shield in his hand.

Countless aftermaths continued to explode, but such aftermaths did not stop him, but made him faster.

"Do you think we are all idiots? Knowing that close combat is your weakness, you still let the enemy get close!" Harry had a smile on his face, but he moved faster.

Moreover, Harry's methods were also changing. On the ring, there appeared terrifying monsters such as the Fire Phoenix, the Hydra, and the Lion.

But Aaron just took a look at such methods with a smile on his face.

Boom boom boom!

Loud noises continued to come, and the figures of monsters on the ring continued to disappear.

"What a strong physical strength. I can feel that Aaron is also using the power of thunder to temper his body. At least from this point of view, there is no problem with the power of thunder to temper the body!" Lin Mo said softly.

Watching such a battle can indeed confirm many of his own guesses.

"But what level has this guy's physical strength reached? Emperor or above the emperor?" Lin Mo's face showed a puzzled look, at least he felt that he could not do this.

"Look, Aaron has destroyed all the monsters!" At this time, someone in the crowd began to cheer.

Harry's expression did not change, and he still shouted the names of various martial arts calmly, and then performed them.

"If this is all you have, then you really don't need to continue..." Aaron said with some disappointment, and then the blood power on his body began to radiate.

His whole strength and speed increased several times!

"Have you noticed a problem, that is, Aaron has only started to use the blood power now!" Zhou Lu suddenly said in shock.

Lin Mo nodded, and a serious look appeared on his face. Since he condensed the shield, he really has never used the blood power again. Pure physical strength has forced Harry to this point!

Now, with the blessing of blood power, his speed has increased several times at once, and the sense of oppression caused to Lin Mo has also increased a lot instantly.

Harry's face also showed a shocked look. At this moment, he suddenly felt the danger.

Then he saw the smoke and dust dissipate, and Aaron's figure became clear in his sight.


The fire shield hit Harry with a huge collision force.


Harry spat out a mouthful of blood and flew backwards, with an unbelievable look on his face.

"I've said it before, your strength is not enough, there is something wrong with Eagle Country's martial arts!" Aaron's voice sounded, and then he punched Harry in the face!

If this punch really hit the face, the final consequence would be that Harry's head would be smashed.

But when Harry was ready to face death, the fist was slightly off.

"Give up!" Aaron said softly.

"I give up!" Harry finally spoke, and the whole person lay directly on the ground.

This was the first time he failed in his memory, and the whole person exuded a decadent atmosphere.

Lin Mo's face was smiling. Eagle Country's martial arts path was indeed problematic, but there were also places to learn from.

Martial arts are ultimately just a way of expressing strength. Whether it is released by the flesh, weapons, or using a martial arts staff, energy must be released in some form.

"It's a big gain, but am I a match for Harry? What are my chances of winning against him?" Lin Mo thought to himself, and his eyes fell on Aaron: "If I meet him, what are my chances of winning?"

"You are much stronger than before!" At this moment, a voice sounded, and Aaron had walked down from the ring, looking at Lin Mo with a smile.

"There is still some gap compared to you!" Lin Mo shook his head: "But I have a question to ask you, why did you let him go with the last punch?"

"I don't have any hatred with him, why should I kill him?" Aaron smiled: "But I heard that you killed Xiao Lin with a knife?"

Lin Mo nodded, just when he thought Aaron would say something critical.

"Hahaha, good kill, I wanted to kill him a long time ago, but I didn't have the chance!" Aaron said: "There is a deep connection between Neon's Takama-hara and some people in the United States. If this continues, the United States may go astray!"

"You seem to know a lot of things?" Lin Mo looked at Aaron with some curiosity.

"Sorry, this is the secret of our Beautiful Country, I can't tell you!" Aaron shook his head: "I'm leaving, as I said, I look forward to fighting with you!"

Watching Aaron leave, Lin Mo just stood up and saw Tang San and a few people coming over from a distance.

Tang San had a mocking look on his face, holding a mobile phone in his hand, with flashing lights, as if recording something.

"Tang San, what are you doing?" Li Fengchun and Tang San had a falling out, so when he saw this scene, he spoke directly.

"What can I do? Of course, I want to film such an important scene!" Tang San smiled faintly: "As the leader of China, he is so close to the strong men of the Beautiful Country.

I also heard that Mr. Aaron gave Lin Mo an attribute detector...

We in China have asked for this thing many times, and the Beautiful Country has been unwilling to hand it over. I didn't expect that Lin Mo got one as soon as he came to the Beautiful Country.

It's amazing!"

"Yes, I am so amazing, bite me!" Lin Mo turned around and looked at Tang San, and spoke slowly.

Listening to Lin Mo's vulgar words, Tang San was stunned.

He didn't expect that in front of so many Chinese people, Lin Mo would say such words.

"Lin Mo, are you not going to pretend?" Tang San suppressed his anger and asked with a forced smile.

"What are you pretending for? Why should I pretend?" Lin Mo chuckled, and then walked towards Tang San step by step: "To be honest, from the first time I saw you, I wanted to..."


Before Lin Mo finished speaking, he rushed directly in front of Tang San and punched him in the face.

With a bang, Tang San stepped back several steps, covering his face and looking at Lin Mo in disbelief.

"I just wanted to punch you hard!" Lin Mo breathed a sigh of relief and said what he had not finished.

"You... you dare to attack me?!"

Tang San looked at Lin Mo in disbelief.

"Yes, I hit you, you bite me!"

Lin Mo spoke again.

Tang San's face suddenly became gloomy, and the murderous intent on his body dissipated and swept towards Lin Mo.

"Let's fight on the ring!" Lin Mo smiled faintly: "I just had a life-and-death battle with Xiao Lin Yi Dao, I don't mind fighting with you once!"

Lin Mo raised his hand and pointed at the ring, speaking faintly.

Tang San only remembered at this time that Lin Mo already had the strength to kill Xiao Lin Yi Dao.

And Tang San's own strength is not much different from Xiao Lin Yi Dao.

So, Lin Mo can kill Xiao Lin Yi Dao, naturally he can also kill him!

"Humph!" Tang San turned around coldly: "I am a Chinese, I won't do anything to you!"

Looking at Tang San's back as he left, Lin Mo's eyes showed a look of disdain.

When he first saw Tang San, Lin Mo read the hypocrisy in his smile. Now after getting to know him, he is not only hypocritical, but also has no responsibility at all!

"You're just a piece of trash! You'd better not mess with me. If you mess with me, I don't care whether you are from the Tang family or not. If I say I want you to die, you must die!" Lin Mo murmured.

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