Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 427 I knew there would be trouble

"Contractor? Vina's contractor has appeared?"

"I want all the information about that person now!"

"Tell the Cupid Association that I want to go there now!"

Within a few minutes after Lin Mo appeared at the Cupid Association, someone from several large families in the beautiful country spoke, and at the same time, someone set off directly and boarded a private plane to head to the Cupid Association.

At this moment, Lin Mo naturally knew nothing about this. He followed Wei Na directly into the Cupid Association.

After really entering it, Lin Mo finally understood what it meant to have nowhere to focus his eyes.

Everywhere you look, there are top beauties. No matter what style you like, you can find it here.

But when they saw Wei Na walking in holding Lin Mo's arm, all their eyes fell on Lin Mo.

Some were curious, some were surprised, some were mocking, and some looked like they were watching a play.

Everyone was watching Lin Mojiang, but his face didn't show it at all.

"According to the regulations of our Cupid Association, after you become my contractor, you need to see our president!"

Wei Na whispered in Lin Mo's ear. When she spoke, hot breath came out of her mouth, which made Lin Mo feel strange all over.

President of the Eros Association...

Being able to control such a huge force, Lin Mo is very interested in this association.

"Vina, is this your contractor?" a voice sounded, and then a woman wearing a fiery red dress came out of the crowd.

She looks much older than Wei Na, and her whole body is full of maturity.

There was a smile on that beautiful face, but her eyes were full of provocation.

"Diana." Vina stepped forward with a smile. She had slender legs and raised her chin like a white swan when she walked. She had a completely different style from her opponent.

These two different styles collided directly, making Lin Mo feel dazzled.

"This is my contractor, his name is Lin Mo!" Wei Na continued.

"Lin Mo..." Diana looked Lin Mo up and down and nodded with satisfaction.

Just when Lin Mo was about to smile back, he suddenly felt that the scenery around him had changed!

The original Wei Na and others disappeared, leaving only Diana standing in front of them.

However, Diana's fiery red dress had faded away, and she stood naked in front of Lin Mo.

"Lin Mo, we..." Diana spoke, with a blush on her face.


Just when Diana stretched out her hand towards Lin Mo, a cold shout suddenly came from the latter's mouth.

Immediately afterwards, a tsunami-like mental power burst out, instantly scattering everything around him!


A scream came from Diana's mouth, and she staggered back several steps. When she finally stood still, two lines of hot blood were already flowing out of her nose.

Lin Mo looked around. Wei Na was standing next to him. The person who had disappeared also appeared in front of him. The most important thing was that the fiery red dress was still on Diana.

"Diana, what's wrong with you?" Weina walked up with a worried face, but the mocking in her eyes was undisguised.

"Hmph! Vina, I'm looking forward to watching your contractor die in the hands of George!" After leaving these words, Diana turned and left.

"Who is George?" Lin Mo looked at Wei Na and asked.

"George was her contractor!" Wei Na explained: "It's just that at the beginning, the person George pursued was me, but I didn't agree. Then Diana gave herself to George and let him become own contractor.

From that moment on, Diana regarded me as her enemy! "

With a helpless look on her face, Vina explained everything.

"I'm lying on my back!" Lin Mo shrugged, obviously not taking this matter to heart.

"But you really have to be careful. George is still very strong, but you two should not be able to meet him. He is still exploring the deep abyss!" Weina said with a smile.

The two soon came to a spacious and luxurious room. Lin Mo saw a girl with fiery red hair sitting on a chair inlaid with rubies.

Compared to Wei Na, the girl in front of her is even better in appearance and temperament, especially her eyes, which really look like an elf.

"President!" Wei Na stepped forward and saluted respectfully.

The girl in front of me is actually the president? ! Lin Mo was startled, but he quickly reacted.

"President!" Lin Mo followed suit and saluted.

"He is your contractor?" the girl asked, looking at Lin Mo with a curious look in her eyes: "The aura is very weak, the mental power is very strong, and the physical body is also very powerful at the same level, but other than these , it seems there is nothing worthy of your attention!

Vina, tell me why you want to be with him! "

"Because I think Lin Mo has great potential!" Wei Na said: "You should still remember that President Saint Heidi resolutely chose Caesar as her son before he had fully grown up. The contractor finally achieved such great achievements!

I think the Eros Association should have a long-term vision, and Lin Mo is my most long-term investment! "

"Okay, this is your freedom, I hope you can succeed." The president nodded, then looked at Lin Mo: "You are indeed weak now, but I hope you will become stronger in the future!

Vina is a very high-ranking woman in our Cupid Association. I hope you can cherish it!

Of course, please remember your promise to the Cupid Association at all times.

No one can violate the contract of the Cupid Association without being punished, I hope you can remember it! "

Lin Mo smiled and nodded.

The president in front of her clearly looks like a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl, but now she has to look mature, steady and even majestic. The immature overseas Chinese couplet picture is full of seriousness, but it actually looks a little funny.

In other words, is this the legendary contrasting cuteness?

"President, I have another request when I come back this time. I want Lin Mo to enter the gravity chamber and temper the Eye of Zeus. His physical strength needs to be improved!" Wei Na said another purpose of hers.

"There is no problem in entering the gravity room, but the Eye of Zeus, with its strength, may not be enough!" The president said softly: "People will die!"

The last four words were naturally spoken to Lin Mo.

"President, this is my own choice. Please fulfill it. Even if I die, Lin Mo will have no regrets!" Lin Mo directly held his fists and spoke loudly.

Hearing this, the president showed a pensive look on his face, and finally nodded and said: "Okay, but you need to start from the gravity room first. When can you pass the 100th floor, and then you can enter Zeus?" Eye!

Good luck!

In addition, Cage and Lucian have arrived, Vina, you'd better make some preparations! "

"What are the two of them doing?" A look of disgust appeared on Wei Na's face: "I have rejected him so many times, why don't I give up? Now that Lin Mo and I have become contracting parties, is it possible that they also want to treat each other? Will Lin Mo take action?"

"As long as I'm here, they will definitely not take action, but they can still stumble him secretly!" The president said softly: "I will try my best to hold them back for a while here. If I can't hold them back, they can still do it!" Stay, then you will have to adapt to your own circumstances!”

Lin Mo and Wei Na nodded heavily.

Time was running out, Lin Mo followed Wei Na and left here, directly coming to the huge training room of the Cupid Association.

"There is a martial arts performance hall within the Cupid Association, which is fully equipped. Even if you start practicing from the warrior realm, you can directly practice to the martial emperor! All the equipment here can satisfy you!

Do you want me to show you around? "

Wei Na took Lin Mo into the martial arts hall inside the External Examination Association and introduced with a smile.

"It's better to enter the gravity room first. You also know that I don't have much time here!" Lin Mo said.

Wei Na could only nodded and led Lin Mo in another direction.

After a while, a dozen huge houses appeared in front of Lin Mo. The whole house was almost transparent, and everything going on inside could be seen.

At this moment, Lin Mo saw a prehistoric mammoth beast appearing in front of someone. Its terrifying tusks were several meters long, and its long howl was enough to frighten many people.

However, Mammoth's opponent was not nervous at all. He raised his hand and punched him down.

With a bang, the mammoth turned into a ball of blood!

"So strong!" Lin Mo sighed, the person in front of him was indeed too strong.

"These monsters are all simulated in the gravity room. These people must have regarded the gravity room as a game arcade!" Wei Na stepped forward with some dissatisfaction and shouted coldly to the young man who had just killed the mammoth. : "Get out of here!"

When the people in the gravity room saw Wei Na, they were stunned for a moment, and then trotted out quickly.

"Miss Wei Na, you're looking for me... who is this?" When the person coming out of the room originally looked at Lin Mo with a smile, he discovered the two of them holding hands together.

"He is my contractor, and I need to occupy your gravity room!" Wei Na said: "According to the regulations of the Cupid Association, you cannot do anything unrelated to training within the gravity room, so I ask to get out now!"

The man had a helpless look on his face and said, "Miss Wei Na, you may not know that I am helping Lord Lucian with errands, so..."

"I told you to get out, do you understand?" Wei Na's voice suddenly rose several times, and she stared at the man with her eyes.

"Yes...yes...I understand!" The man nodded repeatedly and quickly left here with the messy things.

"Okay, go in, remember, if you feel any discomfort, give me a signal immediately and I will let you out directly!" Wei Na said, and then opened the door.

"Thank you, I will!" Lin Mo nodded and strode in directly.

He made an OK gesture to the outside, and then the pressure in the entire space suddenly increased by 60%!

"Ah!" Lin Mo couldn't help shouting, and he almost fell to the ground!

What a terrifying gravity!

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