Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 429 Causing a Sensation

"The flesh of the peak emperor..." Lin Mo's blood and qi power is just like a layer of blood-colored mist, and there are purple thunder jumping. The crystal-clear flesh is vaguely visible, which makes people feel a tremor in their hearts at a glance.

"He is about to take that step at most... I just need to kill him before he completes that step!" John sneered and urged the blood and qi power around him again, integrating it into his flesh.

He was originally full of explosive muscles. At this moment, his muscles kept beating, and even energy was constantly escaping.


The air in the entire gravity room suddenly made a burst of explosions. It was John who increased his speed to the extreme in an instant, exceeding the limit that the gravity room could withstand.


John shouted coldly, and while running wildly, he jumped into the air and stretched out one foot towards Lin Mo.

You can see behind him, a gray shadow vaguely emerged. It was a giant wolf, with a fierce look in its eyes.

"John's ancestors are said to have the blood of fierce wolves. When he exerts all his strength, a giant wolf's shadow will appear behind him and give him some kind of power!" Vina shouted, "Lin Mo, be careful!"

"Too late!" John sneered, "You can die under my kick without regrets, Chinese people, remember me!"

"You are too happy too early!"

At this moment, Lin Mo slowly stood up and stretched out one hand.

Fierce Wind Palm!

The improvement of the physical body actually directly made the proficiency of the Fierce Wind Palm reach the master level. With one palm strike, the whole gravity room was once again filled with the sound of air explosion.


A crisp sound rang out, and Lin Mo's palm collided with the foot, followed by a shrill scream.

John's right foot was directly broken by a palm!

And while Lin Mo broke the foot, he grasped his ankle with his hand, then swung it up fiercely and smashed it to the ground!

Bang bang bang!

John was like a rag in Lin Mo's hand. He kept smashing down, and the ground of the entire gravity room was shaking.

Lin Mo had a cold look on his face. He didn't stop even when John screamed. He kept attacking.


The entire gravity room was shaking. Finally, when Lin Mo jumped up and smashed John to the ground, all the lights in the gravity room went dark instantly!

The display screen outside was also completely extinguished.

The gravity room was directly destroyed by Lin Mo!

He threw John to the ground casually, and then stood under normal gravity with his eyes slightly closed.

At this time, his blood and qi were boiling again, and the thunder was still jumping, but this time, it could be clearly seen that the thunder was born from Lin Mo's body and then drilled into the body.

The whole process seemed to form a perfect closed loop. Lin Mo's face had a slightly painful look, and his eyebrows trembled slightly.

"Master!" Outside the gravity room, John's two bodyguards saw John lying there and didn't care about controlling Vina, and they shouted and ran towards him.

After a check, the two people's faces were full of despair.

"All the bones in his body are broken. It may take at least two years to recover, and after two years, his martial arts path will basically be ruined!"

One of the bodyguards looked at the other and said, "If you take the master back, we will also be punished..."

Then they all looked at Lin Mo, who was still immersed in the perception of physical improvement at this moment, and didn't notice them at all.

"You two dare!" Vina understood what the two meant, shouted coldly, and rushed towards them directly.

Unfortunately, Vina was not a combat-type martial artist, so when the two people attacked at the same time, Vina was defeated after only a short fight and was controlled by one of them.

"He is now immersed in perception, and there is no way to get out of it. You just do it now!" The bodyguard said.

The other person nodded and ran towards Lin Mo.


At this moment, a ray of light flashed and lit up, and then fell on the bodyguard's head.


The next moment, the bodyguard turned around and inserted one hand into the chest of another bodyguard without hesitation.


After killing the bodyguard, the bodyguard walked step by step to John who was lying on the ground and made the same action.

After killing two people in a row, Vina, who was standing there, was stunned.

Then he looked at the bodyguard with blood on his hands and slapped his head with one hand.


Like a bursting watermelon, the scene was extremely tragic.

Looking at the body lying on the ground, Vina reacted after a long time.

At this time, Lin Mo slowly opened his eyes.

"You will not live if you do evil!" He said softly.

"You did all this?" Vina looked at Lin Mo and asked in a low voice.

"Vina, I don't understand what you are saying. It's obvious that this bodyguard went insane and killed two people in succession, and then committed suicide. What does it have to do with me?" Lin Mo said innocently.

Vina was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

After all, John has a huge family behind him. If he really wants to kill Lin Mo, the follow-up may be very troublesome.

But it's different now. Lin Mo casually gave them a good reason.

John wanted to kill Lin Mo, but was later defeated by Lin Mo. This was reasonable.

Even if the family behind John came to find him, the Eros Association would have reason to fight back.

As for John's death, it was caused by his two bodyguards and had nothing to do with Lin Mo!

With these, the Eros Association is absolutely sure to make the family behind John speechless!

"Congratulations, you have suddenly reached the peak of the emperor." Wei Na directly changed the subject.

"Thank you, I owe you a favor from the Cupid Association." Lin Mo said with a smile: "By the way, I need to enter the gravity room again to consolidate my cultivation!"

Wei Na nodded, and at the same time took out her mobile phone and asked someone to come in and clean up the scene.

"Tell the family behind John that he broke into the God of Love Association for no reason and killed people from the God of Love Association. When we have time, we will personally come to seek justice!

In addition, send back the bodies of John and these two bodyguards!

Give a copy of the entire gravity chamber video to John's family! "

After making arrangements in an orderly manner, he turned to look at Lin Mo: "Wait a moment!"

Half an hour later, Lin Mo entered another brand-new gravity chamber. Under a hundred times gravity, he began to slowly consolidate himself.

Wei Na, who was standing outside the gravity room, looked at Lin Mo sitting there cross-legged with a surprised look on her face.

"What a terrifying potential. Where is his limit?"

"Perhaps in the remaining five days, he really has a chance to completely consolidate the physical realm of the emperor's peak...

Even the next time he comes to the Cupid Association, he can definitely challenge the Eye of Zeus! "

The Eye of Zeus is the top place for physical body tempering that the Cupid Association can provide. It is actually very dangerous for a strong person at the peak of the emperor to enter it.

The general requirement is that only martial arts cultivators whose physical realm has reached at least half-step to the emperor realm can enter it.

But Lin Mo is different. Wei Na firmly believes that as long as Lin Mo is completely consolidated in the realm of the emperor, he can try to enter the Eye of Zeus!

While Lin Mo was immersed in the practice of the gravity chamber, John's death had spread throughout the beautiful country in a short period of time!

"Lin Mo actually killed John!" In the villa, Tang San held red wine in his hand, enjoying the attentive service of the two beauties while scrolling through his phone.

"John is a direct descendant of the Luke family. Although he is not one of the top people, but he died in the hands of us Chinese people, the Luke family will never let it go!" A man next to Tang San said anxiously: "This Lin Mo is really going to kill us all!

It's not enough to kill Xiao Lin with one knife, but he also dares to kill people from the beautiful country! "

"The man was killed by Lin Mo, what does it have to do with us?" Tang San chuckled and said: "People are too arrogant, and it always does no good. This Lin Mo really thinks that Beautiful Country is the same as China!

I originally planned to teach him a lesson personally, but now it seems that it saves trouble!

Just wait quietly, someone will take care of him later! "

After Zhou Lu and others heard the news, their faces were full of shock, and it took a long time before they uttered the words "Boss, that's awesome!"

Then he looked sad and thought about whether he should contact China to see if there was any room for maneuver.

In the Luke family, several young men sat together and looked at the messages on their phones, and they all fell silent.

"That idiot John is dead!" One of them finally said: "I have told him a long time ago that Wei Na, that woman, is not simple. Since she has clearly rejected him, then don't pester her. It's fine now. She's dead. In the hands of a Chinese!"

"This is a shame to my Luke family. Although he is dead, this revenge must be avenged!"

"There must be a lot of Chinese people coming to the beautiful country this time. Kill them all!"

"No, if we kill them all and China investigates them, one or two of us may become scapegoats.

But it doesn't matter if we only kill Lin Mo. I don't believe that China will attack our Luke family just for Lin Mo! "

"Yes, the debt must be repaid with blood. I will go find my father now. As long as he agrees, I will directly kill Lin Mo!"

The other families in the beautiful country, watching the news of John's death, all wanted to watch the excitement, waiting for the reaction of several forces.

But they all knew in their hearts that Lin Mo, as one of the core members of this matter, would inevitably die!

"It's normal for people who are too arrogant not to live long!" Someone sighed and made the final conclusion on Lin Mo's fate.

Within the Cupid Association, the president was sitting on the throne, with a look of surprise on his beautiful face.

"You actually killed John?" Of course she had watched the video. Anyone who wasn't a fool could see that all this was done by Lin Mo.

So she was a little surprised by this.

"It's interesting, it really changed my mind!" She said softly: "Give me an order, John kills the people from my Cupid Association, and let the Luke family give me an explanation!"

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