At the same time, rays of light rose up from his body.

A sword hung there, emitting light and covering Lin Mo's body. He suddenly found that his connection with the power of Qi and Blood disappeared!

Then a cross seal soared into the sky, instantly enlarged, and then landed on Man Man's body.

Four bloody wings appeared behind him and began to flap continuously.

In addition, there are other lights suspended there, and the light falls either on Lin Mo or on Man Man.

Lin Mo stood there, the water attribute power had not dissipated yet.

The Man man in front of him obviously mastered a variety of weapons, and he directly used the power of these weapons to kill Lin Mo directly!

"Do you think you are the only one with more weapons?" Lin Mo's voice was cold, and then the Nine Provinces Order flew over Tang San's head.

It turned into eight rays of light in mid-air, and the remaining Zhenzi Yuan fell on Tang San's head.

Tang San's face was ugly, Zhen Ziyuan suppressed his energy and blood power, making him unable to move. Now she felt that she had lost too much blood, and he suspected that he might even die here!

The Nine Provinces Order was dispersed by Lin Mo, and then like the Man people, part of the light fell on him, and the other part fell on the Man people.

"Would you like to try the new method of using your mental power that I just learned?" Lin Mo's voice was loud.

Immediately afterwards, he rushed over with overwhelming spiritual power.

The man's expression changed slightly, and he was enveloped in it just as he was about to resist.

In just a few breaths, the screams of the Man Man could be heard.

In the spiritual world, the man Lin Morangman was constantly being crushed by two huge millstones.

The endless pain caused his whole body to begin to twist and deform.

At the end, the man suddenly took out a mirror and looked at himself. In an instant, an identical Man appeared and took his place.


The copied Manmen were crushed directly!

The man who escaped was about to breathe a sigh of relief when he saw Lin Mo waiting for him in the real world holding a three-pointed two-edged knife!

"When did the Man people join forces with the Neon people!" Lin Mo said lightly, but his eyes fell on the mirror and the original sword.

Lin Mo had also obtained duplicate versions of the three artifacts back then. Now that duplicate versions of the three artifacts appeared before him again, Lin Mo naturally knew about it.

Now such a replica appears again in the hands of the Man people.

"You ask too many questions!" Manren smiled faintly, and the last of the three artifacts appeared behind him!

It was a piece of magatama, but the difference from the one copied by Lin Mo was that the magatama in front of him was more primitive and full of mysterious power.

"The sky breaks!" Manman roared, and then a crack appeared in front of him!

An inexplicable aura spread from the cracks.

"Magatama actually cut open the void?!" Lin Mo looked solemn: "Once you are pulled into it, you will definitely get lost. It is very likely that you will never be able to leave the void in this life!"

Just when Lin Mo was thinking this, a huge pulling force pulled him towards the crack!

Feeling the terrifying power, Lin Mo's eyes were cold. The next moment, he suddenly threw the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand!

Along with a series of breaking wind sounds, Manren's expression changed drastically. When he raised his hand to block it, he found that it was already too late!

There was a pop.

The three-pointed two-edged knife directly pierced Man's chest. The force of inertia made him fly backwards and was directly nailed to the stone wall not far away.

A large amount of blood spread out, and the Manman was already dead at this moment!

Lin Mo looked at the various weapons on the stage and his eyes flashed.


The copied sword was shattered by Lin Mo's punch, followed by the mirror and other things.

At the end, only the magatama was left on the stage.

Lin Mo looked at this simple magatama with a sneer on his face: "Neon people are really good at spending money, and they actually gave away the real ones!"

The eight-foot magatama in front of him is naturally the real eight-foot magatama. Lin Mo cannot let go of such a good opportunity.

With a bang, the fist was so violent that it smashed the mirror and made it tremble.

Then the cracks dissipated, and Lin Mo stepped forward to take the eight-foot magatama in his hand.

At this moment, a figure appeared on the ring and looked at Lin Mo: "You can't touch this thing, it's my neon thing!"

"Neon?" Lin Mo looked at the man in front of him, and the next moment, he rushed out.

The power of fire attribute energy and blood instantly enveloped him, and the overwhelming arrogance made the neon man keep retreating.

"I said I want this thing, will you give it to me or not?" Lin Mo's voice was filled with murderous intent, and the man was so frightened that he took a few steps back again.

Looking at the neon man who was too scared to speak, Lin Mo smiled mockingly and put the magatama away.

Just when Lin Mo was about to turn around and walk off the ring, Tang San's voice suddenly sounded.

"What are you waiting for? If you don't take action now, will there be another chance in the future?"

As soon as he finished speaking, nearly twenty strong men suddenly rushed out of the area where Neon, Baixiang and other countries were located in the stands!

Their energy and blood power are actually above the seventh level of the Martial Emperor!

If these people took action directly, Lin Mo would have no chance of survival!

"Hmph, you traitor, I was going to spare your life!" Lin Mo looked at Tang San with cold eyes.

The next moment, he uttered the word "Zhen"!


The only remaining Zhen character shook, and then a mountain-like pressure enveloped Tang San.

Tang San, who was unable to mobilize any blood and energy, was instantly crushed by this terrifying pressure and turned into meat paste!

After the Zhen character was done, it flew back and landed in Lin Mo's palm.

Throwing the Zhen character out, the Jiuzhou Order was united again.

"Kill!" Someone among the people surrounding Lin Mo spoke coldly.

"Who dares to touch my boss!" At this time, several voices sounded, and Zhou Lu and others jumped directly onto the ring.

Vina, Aaron and others also appeared at the same time.

For a time, even though there were more than 20 people on the opposite side, there were as many as thirteen strong men standing beside Lin Mo!

The most important thing is that the people standing next to Lin Mo are stronger than those around him.

For a moment, all the people around Lin Mo became hesitant.

"It has come to this point, what is there to hesitate about, don't forget what our purpose is!"

Another voice sounded, as if it was this voice that stimulated everyone.

Then, one figure after another soared into the sky, and they roared towards Lin Mo.

"Go! Kill happily!" Li Fengchun held a green sword and started fighting in the crowd.

Aaron also turned into a living person, constantly bombarding the surroundings with the power of thunder.

Lin Mo's expression was unusually calm, strolling in the crowd, and every time he made a move, a figure would fall directly.

In the end, Lin Mo's fists were already stained red with blood.

Feeling the blood on his hands, Lin Mo couldn't help but look into the distance.

There seemed to be a few hateful eyes on the stands there.

"Eliminate all evil!" Lin Mo spat out four words, then used the Yan Xiang technique and flew directly towards those people.

These people were hiding in the crowd, thinking that they were well hidden, so they were a little proud.

But when they saw Lin Mo rushing over, their expressions suddenly changed.

They roared and roared, wanting to fight back or resist, but it was too late.

A large amount of blood splattered, and these people were killed by Lin Mo in an instant.

"Lin Mo... Hehe, you are all going to die. Do you think you can leave alive? All of you... are finished! Hahaha!"

The last person fell down, he covered his wound and laughed loudly.

At this time, the whole stadium began to shake.

A group of people showed a look of horror on their faces, pointing not far away, and said sternly: "Abyss! The exit of the abyss appeared here!"

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