Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 44: I’ll tell you a secret, Lin Mo was fired!

One day later, Lin Mo opened his eyes and jumped off the bed.


He moved his hands and feet, and his whole body suddenly made a slight sound.

"My head is about to explode. During the mental test, although I endured the mental attack, it was equivalent to fighting with others with mental power.

This is still too difficult for me!!"

The strong men at the King of Martial Arts level are far superior to warriors in all aspects. With Lin Mo's current strength, he can't support it by forcibly fighting with mental power.

"Everyone gather!"

At this time, Sun Qian's voice sounded.

"Gather at this time?" Lin Mo frowned, changed his clothes, and walked out.

In the open space outside the door, there stood students with the same bewildered look on their faces.

Seeing Lin Mo coming, a group of people turned around in unison and made way.

Lin Mo's level is not the highest, but he conquered everyone with his strength!

Sun Qian stood in the front, watching this scene, and couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

The genius training camp has been held for so many sessions, and there have been people who conquered everyone with absolute strength before.

But just three days after two months of training, he has conquered everyone... Lin Mo is the first one!

"Due to some special reasons, Lin Mo was removed from the training camp!

Considering your strength, we will change our strategy and invite four instructors from the military to give you a brand new training!

Others, disband, Lin Mo, follow me!"

After leaving this sentence, Sun Qian left.

"Lin Mo was removed from the training camp?"

"Why? Was he fired?"

"It's okay to be fired. With him around, I feel like I'm wasting my life..."

Hearing that Lin Mo was removed from the training camp, everyone was shocked, and some people also breathed a sigh of relief.

Staying with a monster like Lin Mo for two months is a kind of destruction to their confidence...

"Is it because I can't afford to play? I just broke two pieces of glass..."

After following Sun Qian into the monitoring room, Lin Mo spoke helplessly.

"Three days later, go to Sand City, which should be more suitable for you." Sun Qian put a piece of paper in front of Lin Mo: "Take this, you can leave now!"

Lin Mo picked up the paper, which was just a simple pattern on it, like an eagle with its wings spread.

Below the eagle is Sun Qian's signature.

"Okay, actually I'm reluctant to leave here!" Lin Mo sighed: "After all, those who successfully pass the training camp will be recommended to Beijing Wushu University."

"When you leave there, Beijing Wushu University will be vying for you!" Sun Qian said lightly, then glared at Lin Mo: "Take the certificate and leave!"

Lin Mo looked at her speechlessly, took the certificate and turned to leave the monitoring room.

"I really feel like a waste after just one look!" Zhang He's voice sounded, and this guy walked in from the other side of the door with a smile on his face: "I'm still smart, waiting outside, so I won't be hit!"

"When he passes the special training of the Eagle, we will still meet, but I don't know how much he will grow by then..." Sun Qian glanced at him: "At that time, you will be hit even harder!"

"So in order to avoid being hit too hard by then, I decided to train hard from now on!" Zhang He spoke loudly with a firm look on his face.

"You finally have some fighting spirit!" Sun Qian nodded with satisfaction: "Will you come with me to the gravity room for training for a few days?"

"Forget it, it's only nine o'clock now, I'm going to take a nap, and we'll talk about it in the afternoon!" Zhang He yawned, turned around and left the monitoring room...

Lin Mo left without disturbing anyone, and walked out of the gate of the training camp with his schoolbag.

"These people are too crazy. In order to run a training camp, they turned the whole mountain into a gravity training venue!" After seeing the role of the gravity room, Lin Mo immediately understood the source of the pressure when he climbed the mountain.

Without the pressure at the beginning, Lin Mo's speed down the mountain now seems to be flying.

"Dear, I can't walk anymore, you carry me..."

On the mountain road, a couple was going down the mountain. The girl's forehead was full of sweat, and she looked at her boyfriend beside her tenderly.

The boyfriend was strong and strong, with a height of 1.9 meters, with tendons all over his body, and exuding a strong blood and energy.

"Honey, you are so amazing. You can run so fast even with me on your back! You are the best!" The girl lay on her boyfriend's back and said with admiration.

"Of course!" The boyfriend said proudly: "Before I became a warrior, I often trained in the mountains. Climbing and descending the mountain are just routine operations! I dare say that no one can match my speed of descending the mountain..."

Crackling... Crackling!

As soon as the voice fell, a sound similar to the jumping of electric current and the sound of trees breaking came from the untrodden wild road beside.

The two looked in the direction of the sound and were immediately scared to open their mouths.

Not far away from them, a figure quickly passed by, and the light blue arc kept jumping on his body. The dead branches around were swept by the arc and directly broken!

In the shocked eyes of the two, the figure quickly disappeared from their sight.

"Just now..." The girl looked at her boyfriend with some stammering.

"Illusion, it's all an illusion... No one can exceed my speed on this mountain road..." The boyfriend was pale and murmured: "Yes! It must be an illusion!"

After Lin Mo ran down the mountain in one breath, he took out his mobile phone to check the time and nodded with satisfaction.

"Not bad, a little faster than I expected!"

"The Thunder Breathing Method seems to be able to burst out stronger power when the blood and qi are squeezed to the limit!"

Lin Mo frowned as he left Zishan.

When he got to the highway, Lin Mo got on the bus home and arrived at the gate of the community half an hour later.

"Xiao Mo? Didn't you go to the genius training camp? Why are you back again?"

At the gate of the community, several aunts who were chatting saw Lin Mo and were shocked.

"Oh, come back to rest for a few days, and leave in a few days!" Lin Mo responded casually and entered the gate of the building.

Looking at Lin Mo's back as he left, several aunts looked at each other, and their faces showed meaningful expressions.

"I heard that the training camp lasts for two months and no one is allowed to leave... I think Xiao Mo was probably kicked out of the training camp!"

"Kicked out of the training camp? Isn't he very powerful? I saw his deeds on TV yesterday!"

"What's so powerful about him? You don't know that this kid from the old Lin family was a waste more than a month ago!

My grandson is his classmate. My grandson said that this kid ate a lot of Qi and Blood Pills... He looks very strong, but he's actually not very good.

Otherwise, why would he be kicked out of the training camp!"

"Tsk tsk, I was wondering how could the old Lin family produce such a powerful genius..."

Several old ladies were talking about it, and pedestrians on the road heard it. If they were interested, they hurried over to listen.

In this way, the news of Lin Mo's return spread in just a few dozen minutes.

Some people even said that Lin Mo was kicked out because he was useless in the training camp.

Because it was said with details, many people believed it to be true...

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