Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 443: Celebration Banquet, Rewards from the Chief of Arms

"I still want to ask the Tang family for justice!"

When Lin Mo finished speaking, everyone took a breath of cold air.

The Tang family, a heritage family, has endless heritage accumulated by ancestors, plus so many years of dedication to China, which has made this family almost deified.

But now, someone actually said that he wanted to make trouble for the Tang family? !

Is this killing him?

"Lin Mo!" Li Fengchun stood beside Lin Mo and couldn't help but whispered: "You are so blatantly targeting the Tang family, it is likely to cause all the heritage families to target at the same time..."

The Tang family represents the heritage family. If they are really humiliated by Lin Mo, it is tantamount to slapping all the heritage families in the face.

This kind of thing, all the heritage families will not allow it to happen!

"Of course I know, don't worry, I know it!" Lin Mo said softly, and then looked at the reporter: "Do you have any other questions?"

The reporter was stunned for a moment, just about to say something, but noticed Lin Mo's cold eyes, and immediately closed his mouth.

"I don't have anything else to ask!" The reporter shook his head, but he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. At least he asked a question and pushed Lin Mo to the forefront. This was considered to have completed the task assigned by the Tang family.

It's enough to get the money you should get. There's no need to lose your life for such a small amount of money!

Lin Mo smiled lightly, nodded and looked at other reporters: "Then do you have any other questions?"

Many reporters were silent. Not everyone has the opportunity to contact a behemoth like the Tang family.

Without a certain level of strength, you don't even have the qualifications to stand in a team!

"By the way, Lin Mo, there is a celebration banquet in the evening, you must attend!" The old nine of the pillars of the nine countries spoke, raised his hand and patted Lin Mo on the shoulder, turned around and left.

"Let's go together in the evening. Those who need to go home to report their safety can go home first. Those who don't want to go home can move freely first, and just go with me in the evening!"

Lin Mo smiled and said, and then left here directly.

A group of reporters looked at Lin Mo's back, and then took up the camera and took pictures non-stop.

Lin Mo bought a property in Beijing, so he went back to his house, reported to Ye Qing that he was safe, and then turned on the computer.

He typed Huangdi Neijing in the search box, and the content that appeared was completely different from what he had in his mind.

"So, this may really be a lost part of Huangdi Neijing! This is really precious!" Lin Mo said with excitement on his face.

Then, he began to practice according to the content in his mind.

The Huangdi Neijing currently circulating has too many compatible contents, but the Huangdi Neijing in Lin Mo's mind only contains the way to practice mental power.

"Mental power can be controlled in this way. Huangdi Neijing mentioned the concept of nourishing essence and raising qi.

So, nourishing essence should refer to mental power, and raising qi must be the power of qi and blood!"

The power of qi and blood and mental power began to gather around Lin Mo's body, and the scene that originally appeared on Aaron began to appear around his body.


A voice rang out, it was a call from Zhou Lu.

"Boss, the celebration banquet is about to begin." Zhou Lu's voice sounded: "Give me a location, I'll pick you up!"

After Lin Mo hung up the phone, he sent him a location directly.

After more than ten minutes, a roar of an engine came.

Lin Mo stood in front of the window, looked down, and was speechless.

Li Fengchun, Zhou Lu and others each drove a sports car, all gathered under the building where Lin Mo lived.

A group of young men had arrogant smiles on their faces, the roar of the engines continued, and the whole community echoed with roaring sounds.

Lin Mo heard that several families opened the window and were about to curse, but when he saw that all the sports cars downstairs were worth tens of millions, he immediately held back the ugly curse.

"This group of young men is really interesting. Could it be that they are chasing after a girl in our building!"

"Who can resist this! I, a man, am tempted!"

Lin Mo stood in front of the window and heard other people's conversations, and was speechless for a while.

He quickly opened the door and walked out, trotting to the front of the sports car, opened the door and got in.

"Hurry up and drive, don't embarrass yourself here!" Lin Mo said unhappily: "Are you guys too idle to do anything?!"

"Hey, boss, aren't we here to show you face?" Zhou Lu smiled: "Okay, boss, sit down, let's go!"

"Tsk tsk, he's really a man!" A man who was watching this scene upstairs touched his chin and said expectantly: "This group of young men have a wide range of hobbies, do I have a chance too?"


The celebration banquet was held at the headquarters of the Ministry of War. According to the news Lin Mo heard on the way, many people were required to attend the banquet this time.

It is said that the military leader will attend this meeting, and then several inherited families will also send representatives.

"I guess it's a bad banquet, someone might take the opportunity to attack me!" Lin Mo said with a chuckle.

"He dares!" Zhou Lu glared and shouted, "Don't worry, Boss. After I returned to the Zhou family this time, I have gained the support of many people in the Zhou family. My status in the Zhou family has also improved a lot. My permission is almost at the level of the direct descendants!

As long as someone dares to target you, I will definitely stand on the boss's side and lead the Zhou family to fight them! "

"Zhou Lu is right. I, Liu Mi, am also on the boss's side and will fight with them!"

"You bunch of reckless men, what you have to do at this time is to outwit. Do you know what it means to outwit!" Li Fengchun's angry voice came from the team's communication channel: "Boss, grandpa and I fought over it. The Li family will be on your side.

We are also reckless this time! "

"Tch! We are still reckless. Don't you, the old Li family, also follow Mang?!"

"That's right!"

There was a burst of boos in the motorcade, and the entire team was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

Lin Mo was sitting in the car with a smile on his face, sitting with this group of people, it really felt good.

"I hope you can maintain such an optimistic mood after arriving in Rob Giant City!" Lin Mo said silently in his heart.

Entering the banquet hall, you can see the pillar of the Nine Kingdoms sitting quietly in the highest position from a distance.

Then there were some strong men from the family. Most of them gathered together in twos and threes, talking in low voices.

When Lin Mo and others appeared, everyone's eyes fell on them.

"Have murderous intent?!" Lin Mo's expression remained unchanged, but his eyes searched the crowd and finally found the source of murderous intent.

"There are actually two places. Do so many people want to kill me?" Lin Mo felt helpless.

These two people are from the Tang family and the Zhou family respectively!

"That one over there has a grudge against you?" Lin Mo pointed in the direction of the Zhou family and looked at Zhou Lu.

"Boss, how do you know?!" Zhou Lu looked surprised: "That guy's name is Zhou Yang. He used to have a higher status than me in the Zhou family. Now my status is the same as him, so he is naturally unhappy.

But don’t worry, boss, he can’t make any big waves! "

"Who is coming from the Tang family?" Lin Mo looked at Li Fengchun and asked.

"The one who came from the Tang family this time turned out to be the eldest elder of the Tang family." Li Fengchun looked serious: "That's the old man over there. I heard that this old guy is about the same strength as the current head of the Tang family.

Then following the eldest elder of the Tang family were Tang Ya, Tang Shuang, and Tang Ling!

These are all brothers and sisters of Tang San. It is said that they are very close to each other. Among them, Tang Ling is not weak and has already reached the peak level of the seventh-grade Martial Emperor! "

The seventh-grade peak Martial Emperor realm?

Lin Mo raised his eyebrows. Such a small amount of strength is not enough. The Tang family is probably going to decline!

With this thought in his mind, Lin Mo nodded slightly, led a group of people to the pillars of the nine countries, saluted slightly: "Lin Mo, see the pillars of the country!"

Behind him, Li Fengchun and others also shouted.

The voices of a group of people sounded in unison, like thunder!

"Okay, okay, I know you are so powerful this time!" The boss of the Pillar of the Country said with a smile: "Tsk, tsk, a place like the Beautiful Country directly won the first place!

Hahaha, majestic! So majestic! "

Everyone also applauded, and some people even stood up and cast admiring glances at Lin Mo and others.

Then, Lin Mo saw the eldest elder of the Tang family glance at those people.

Those people trembled all over, as if they had been electrocuted, and they quickly sat down in embarrassment.

With a chuckle, Lin Mo didn't pay much attention.

He took Li Fengchun and others to sit in the arranged seats and quietly waited for those people to attack him.

"Please, Lord of War!" The pillars of the nine kingdoms stood up at the same time and saluted respectfully into the air in the distance.

After hearing this, a group of people stood up directly and saluted deeply in the same direction.

Soon, a figure appeared in front of everyone.

The soldier leader just stood in the air, with a round of moonlight behind him, his face completely hidden in the darkness, only a pair of eyes still shining in the darkness.

Lin Mo felt those eyes looking at him.

"You did a great job!" The soldier leader finally spoke, and after a brief pause, he raised his hand and threw out more than a dozen rays of light: "These are rewards for you!"

These rays of light intersected in the sky and finally landed in front of the corresponding person.

A palm-sized token hung in front of Lin Mo, with the word "Soldier Master" written in seal script on it!

As for other people's tokens, they are all numbers.

"It turns out to be the Abyss Access Token! With this token, you can enter the abyss corresponding to the token unlimited times!"

Li Fengchun on the side had an excited smile on his face. It was really a great benefit to be able to freely enter a certain abyss.

"Then what's the use of my token?" Lin Mo glanced at the token in front of Li Fengchun.

"Hold Cao!"

When Li Fengchun saw Lin Mo's token, he immediately shouted: "Order from the Commander of the Army!"

Then, as if he realized where he was now, he quickly covered his mouth: "Sorry, sorry..."

He lowered his head obediently, and Lin Mo also quickly put away the order from the commander of the army.

But he noticed the change in the way everyone looked at him.

Especially those from the Tang family, when they looked at Lin Mo, their eyes were filled with hatred and envy!

"So what is the use of this thing?" Lin Mo thought to himself, looking up at the soldier master.

"Okay, the rewards are all for you, I'll leave first!" After leaving these words, the soldier leader disappeared directly.

Everyone looked at the direction in which the soldier master disappeared, and were speechless for a while.

The Pillar of the Nine Kingdoms quickly took over the scene, and with some words, the entire banquet officially started.

During the banquet, everyone was having a great time. The Tang family even took the initiative to challenge Lin Mo to a drinking contest, as if they had forgotten about Tang San.

But the more they did this, the more alert Lin Mo became.

The banquet quickly came to an end, but neither the Tang family nor the Zhou family made trouble.

Just as Lin Mo was about to leave, a figure rushed in.

"Report to the pillars of the nine great nations, the United States is going to attack China!"

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