Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 447: Future Planning of Rob City

Following Zhou Lu were Li Fengchun and others. At this moment, they all had shocked expressions on their faces, and there was a hint of excitement in their eyes.

Lin Mo turned around and looked at them calmly: "What did you find?"

"Wu Emperor! They are all Wu Emperor! My god, I saw five Wu Emperors in a huge city of Luobu!"

"There are all Wu Emperors outside, we are surrounded by Wu Emperors!"

Zhou Lu and Liu Mi spoke at the same time, their tone was both excited and a little uncertain.

"It's just Wu Emperor, what's the fuss!" Lin Mo said calmly.

"Just a Martial Emperor?!" Li Fengchun widened his eyes and looked at Lin Mo and said, "Do you know how many Martial Emperors there are in the whole of China now? How big is Rob City? There are so many Martial Emperors...

Hahaha, I can walk sideways in the future!"

The remaining few people also had smiles on their faces. They originally thought that they would need to be terrified for a while after arriving here. After all, in their impression, the conditions in Rob City are very difficult, and the top combat power is only Lin Mo and his teacher and master.

Now Chen Banzi has reached the realm of Martial Emperor. Although it is only a low-level, it can be regarded as a top combat power in the whole of China.

In addition to Lin Ya and others who grew up later, the strength of the entire Rob City has increased several times at once.

It can even be said that in the current Rob City, even if it is a heritage family, it dare not fight hard with all its strength.

"It's too early to walk sideways." Lin Mo said with a smile: "However, it is true that the Tang family will never dare to come to investigate the things we caused in the capital this time!"

Everyone laughed directly after hearing this.

"However, now that I'm back, I must start preparing for the development of Rob City!

After this time in the Beautiful Country, I have a great sense of crisis!"

After hearing Lin Mo's words, everyone fell silent. They couldn't help but think of the moment when the exit of the abyss opened, and the blood and flesh flew everywhere after the monsters rushed out. They also couldn't forget the heroic scene of Aaron and others directly detonating themselves and perishing with the monsters.

"Boss is right. This kind of thing can't be allowed to happen in Rob City, nor can it be allowed to happen in China!"

Li Fengchun spoke first, expressing his agreement with Lin Mo's words.

"I agree with what the boss said, but I will listen to the boss on how to arrange it specifically. I don't have enough IQ, so I just need to be obedient!"

"Zhou Lu is right. We are not think tank talents, so we just need to be obedient!" Liu Mi followed.

Lin Mo nodded and looked at Ye Qing: "Please ask my master and others to come over for me, so that we can discuss the direction of future development!"

Half an hour later...

In the original residence of the Dog King in Rob City, Lin Mo sat in the main seat, and in front of him sat Chen Banzi and others.

"Lin Mo, you did very well this time. I didn't expect that Huaxia could get such a good result!" Chen Banzi looked at Lin Mo and said with emotion: "I still remember that I followed them to the United States, and I didn't even make it into the top ten!

There were more than 20 people who went with us at that time, but only five people came back in the end!

Among these five people, three of them were abolished...

The United States and some other countries are really too strong, and Huaxia is no match at all.

But I didn't expect that you would give me such a big surprise this time!

First place!

Those corpses over the years can rest in peace !”

“Master, in fact, I called everyone here this time to see where Rob City will develop in the future!”

Lin Mo spoke, thought for a while, and then said: “I have experienced too many things after returning from the United States this time. I think Rob City should have its own plan!

First of all, the disaster in the United States reminds us of one thing, that is, some countries may have mastered the way to open the abyss!

I even suspect that they are colluding with the monsters in the abyss, and I even suspect that the Tang family is the same!

So we must be prepared!”

Hearing Lin Mo’s words, the faces of a group of people became serious.

Li Fengchun slammed the table and shouted: "There is probably something wrong with the Tang family, especially those supreme elders, they don't look like good people at all!"

"Tang family was not like this ten years ago. At that time, Tang family was also full of passion, but it's a pity that ten years later, it has become like this..."

Chen Banzi's face was full of emotion, and he continued: "Among the people who died in the battle in the United States, there were three people from the Tang family."

"Master, I don't care what they were like before, I just want everyone in Rob City to live well!" Lin Mo said in a deep voice: "Now, we are facing too many crises, the Tang family is still second, the most important thing is actually the abyss!"

When mentioning the abyss, everyone's face became solemn.

The abyss is actually not only a threat to Rob City, but also a huge threat to the entire China and even the entire Blue Star.

"What are you going to do?" Chen Banzi put away his emotion and looked at Lin Mo.

He knew very well that since his disciple had raised such a question, he must have had his own arrangements and plans.

Moreover, Chen Banzi has always been very satisfied with his disciple. After such a long period of training, his mentality has become more mature and stable.

"I have some suggestions for everyone's reference!" Lin Mo pondered for a moment and said: "First, I want to have my own troops in the giant city of Rob!

Second, I need a group of ultimate martial arts practitioners!

Third, I need to develop martial arts technology!


Lin Mo spoke out his thoughts in one breath.

Everyone was listening attentively, some had shocked looks on their faces, some had their eyes slightly closed in contemplation, and some looked excited, as if they were about to look up to the sky and roar at any moment.

Lin Mo saw everyone's expressions in his eyes, but he didn't express any opinions. He just sat there quietly with an indifferent expression.

"Form your own army, do you know what this means?" Chen Banzi said slowly: "Even the inherited family cannot have its own army!

Your decision may very well make the Ministry of War take action against you directly! "

"I know, but if I have this token, can I do something?" Lin Mo took out the soldier master's order and placed it in front of everyone: "Actually, I have been thinking about it since I got this token. What is the purpose of the Lord giving this thing to me?

I still don’t know the function of the Soldier Master Order, but I think with this token, it shouldn’t be difficult to form an army of my own, right? "

Chen Banzi looked at the order from the commander of the army and stood up immediately. He took two trembling steps forward, stretched out his hand, and then retracted it.

"Commander of the Army, you actually have this thing!" Chen Banzi said excitedly: "You don't know the function of this thing!

With this thing, you can control part of the troops. These troops can be your own or those of the Ministry of War!

This thing is actually equivalent to an identity, which means that you have a complete tiger talisman!

You should know exactly what this thing represents! "

"Sure enough!" Lin Mo nodded. The effect of the Soldier Master's order was almost as he predicted. From this point, Lin Mo could basically deduce that building his own army might be what the Soldier Master wanted him to do.

"So, the first point should be no problem, right?" Lin Mo said with a smile.

"Of course there is no problem!" Chen Banzi nodded: "Besides, you can also apply for some resource subsidies for these soldiers, which is equivalent to the Ministry of War giving us part of the cost of raising soldiers!"

"This is so cool!" Li Fengchun said with an excited look on his face: "Boss, when the time comes, you will be the leader of the group!"

"The commander's authorization is for one thousand people!" Chen Banzi said calmly: "It doesn't meet the regiment-level standards at all!"

Hearing these words, Li Fengchun was immediately discouraged and sat back honestly.

"One thousand people, that's enough!" Lin Mo's eyes sparkled: "I want to invite everyone to see this!"

Lin Mo took out the attribute affinity detector and placed it in the middle of the hall.

"You kid, you really surprised me. I went to the beautiful country and you got everything back!" Chen Banzi looked at Lin Mo and felt extremely appreciative: "We in China can't do this at the moment. The beautiful country does not allow any machine to be leaked, and you actually got one!

With this thing, we can completely select the people with the highest attribute affinity as our troops. If a thousand people are all extreme martial arts..."

The eyes of a group of people have begun to light up. If thousands of people are practicing extreme martial arts, if they all take action during a battle... the scene will be so beautiful!

“There is only one of this thing, so I can only use it myself and think of ways to develop it at the same time!

I'll leave this matter to Ye Qing. You can start contacting some experts during this period. You can also contact Tianlong Martial Arts University first. We have a good relationship with them and can develop together! "

After all, Tianlong Martial Arts University is one of its own, and Lin Mo has given away a few Holy Fruits. There will definitely be no problem in developing such a machine together.

"The other thing is this!" Lin Mo took out the storage ring given to Ye Qing: "This is the storage ring from Beautiful Country. We have been studying this thing. Now that we have samples, I think the research speed can be speed up!

In addition, I will launch the latest Qi and Blood Pill refining method as soon as possible. When the troops are recruited, the Qi and Blood Pills will need to be fully prepared! "

"I always feel that if this continues, the giant city of Rob will be able to rise!" Li Fengchun and others looked at each other and said with a smile.

"It's not that you can rise, but you must rise!" Lin Mo stood up: "In addition, what was said in the beautiful country must also start to be implemented.

Zhou Lu, the specific intelligence work is left to you!

The opening of the abyss this time was completely done by Neon and Baixiang Kingdom.

I want you to collect relevant information as soon as possible. It would be better if you could find the place where the gods of Neon really live! "

"I understand, I will build the intelligence network in the shortest possible time!" Zhou Lu stood up with an excited look on his face.

He didn't expect that Lin Mo would really use him after arriving in Rob Giant City.

"Li Fengchun, you are very weak, so I will leave the rest of the training to you!"

Lin Mo arranged the tasks one by one.

"Lin Mo, what about you?" Ye Qing looked at Lin Mo.

He arranged everyone's work, but did not arrange his own work.

"I will take the initiative and enter the abyss!" Lin Mo said in a deep voice: "This time the abyss is opened, there are some things I need to figure out!"

Just as Lin Mo and others finished the meeting and were about to leave, several figures came from a distance.

The leader turned out to be the seventh of the pillars of the nine countries!

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