Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 450 Xiao Cang's sneak attack

"Are you sure this is where they were lost?"

Lin Mo looked at the surrounding plains and towards Xiao Cang.

At this moment, Xiao Cang's huge body turned into about the same height as Lin Mo, standing quietly beside him.

Xiao Cang nodded: "This is where they suddenly disappeared!"

The entire plain is so large that all you can see is a green ocean. When the wind blows, all the leaves begin to sway.


Lin Mo frowned and rushed toward Xiao Cang.

A bloody strip-shaped object rushed towards Lin Mo crazily.

Accompanied by the fishy wind, it swept across at once!

Xiao Cang was thrown aside by Lin Mo and avoided such a blow.

At the same time, Lin Mo was also fighting back. The Kyushu Order turned into a stream of light and suddenly nailed the bloody thing to the ground.

"Why are you so alert? If I hadn't reacted quickly, you would have been hit!" Lin Mo looked at Xiao Cang and said helplessly.

Xiao Cang's eyes were fixed on Lin Mo, with an inexplicable meaning flashing in his sharp eyes.

"You shouldn't have saved me..."


After Xiao Cang finished speaking, Lin Mo felt a sudden pain in his chest.

Looking down, a blue-black feather pierced his chest. Blood dripped along the feather and fell on Xiao Cang's body, and then slid along the feather and fell to the ground.

Lin Mo looked at Xiao Cang with a look of disbelief on his face: "Why? Are Xiao Lu and the martial arts clone also you?"

He thought of a terrible possibility. If Xiao Cang attacked Xiao Lu and the martial arts clone, with the two of them being vigilant towards Xiao Cang, they would probably be killed directly!

"I won't attack them! I'm just attacking you!" Xiao Cang's eyes showed anger. He stood up at the same time, and his whole body instantly became a foot tall. His wings flapped, and the strong wind stirred up the surroundings. All the green grass is hanging in the air.

These green grasses are wrapped with the power of Qi and blood, so they all look like green swords at the moment. In addition, the edges of the grass are already very sharp, so when they shuttle through the air, they will even leave a sound of breaking through the air. !


Lin Mo looked at the blades of grass. If they all exploded towards him, Lin Mo would definitely die!

But at this time, Lin Mo didn't care whether those leaves would fall on him, he just wanted an answer!

"Why? Because you humans are all our enemies. Only by destroying you can we have a better life!"

Xiao Cang's eyes flashed with sadness: "You killed my brother, I should kill you!"

After saying that, all the leaves burst out towards Lin Mo!

The water-attribute breath instantly enveloped Lin Mo inside, and at the same time, the Xuanwu shell also completely enveloped Lin Mo.

Ding ding ding!

When these blades hit Lin Mo's body, they made a metallic impact sound, which made people feel their scalp numb!

In just a few breaths, Lin Mo had blocked all the leaves.

At the same time, Lin Mo tore off the feathers on his chest and threw them to the ground.

The circulation of water-attribute energy and blood restored Lin Mo's body completely in a short period of time!

Lin Mo's face was already full of anger. At this time, there was really nothing more to say. Let's just do it!

The Kyushu Order flew up and hung directly on Xiao Cang's head.


The sound of breaking wind sounded again, and the scarlet thing swept towards Lin Mo again!

"Get out!" Lin Mo casually grabbed the scarlet thing in his hand, and then used force!


The thing disconnected, and then a scream was heard in the distance, and then a toad-like monster was seen, with a body like a hill beating continuously, and finally disappeared from Lin Mo's sight. .

"Could it be a frog spirit?" Such thoughts flashed through Lin Mo's mind, and then he directly took action, tied up Xiao Cang with his tongue, and threw it on the ground.

The three-pointed two-edged knife was held in Lin Mo's hand, and the tip of the knife was pointed at Xiao Cang coldly: "You said I killed your brother, but I don't even know who your brother is?

During this period of time, not many monsters have died in my hands, the only one..."

When Lin Mo said this, something suddenly came to his mind, and then he looked at Xiao Cang: "Is your brother the one who left the abyss and entered the human world?"

Back in the beautiful country, Lin Mo killed a bird. Could it be that that thing was Xiao Cang's brother?

"You finally remembered. Don't you have to pretend to be stupid? Keep going!" Xiao Cang's face was full of ridicule, as if he had exposed Lin Mo's ugly face, and his face was full of pride!

Seeing her expression like this, Lin Mo was speechless.

"Your brother entered the human world and killed so many people. Shouldn't I kill him?" Lin Mojiang raised Xiao Cang's eyes with cold eyes.

"My brother..." Xiao Cang faced Lin Mo's eyes and didn't know what to say for a moment.


In Lin Mo's mind, spiritual power poured out overwhelmingly, pouring directly into Xiao Cang's head.

Soon, Xiao Cang saw those monsters stepping out of the abyss exit gate and began to crazily devour ordinary people and relatively low-strength martial arts experts.

He saw a child falling directly to the ground, with confusion and sadness written all over his face.

The child looked around, couldn't help crying, and then was swallowed by a bird!


Seeing this scene, Xiao Cang couldn't help but retched.

"This is all fake, it's all fake!" Xiao Cang didn't believe the scene in front of him at all: "My brother can't eat people!"

"The facts are right in front of you, and it is reasonable for me to kill him. If you think I killed him wrongly, you can seek revenge from me at any time in the future, but now, you must tell me their whereabouts!"

Lin Mo's tone was unquestionable, and his eyes were absolutely cold.

Xiao Cang firmly believed that if he didn't tell the truth, Lin Mo would probably kill him directly!

Thinking of this possibility, Xiao Cang's eyes were filled with an incomprehensible look.

"Lin Mo, promise me, everything you show me is true!" Xiao Cang looked at Lin Mo and spoke again.

"I can guarantee it!" Lin Mo's voice was cold.

"Okay, I'll tell you where they are!" After hearing Lin Mo's assurance, Xiao Cang's face was full of despair, and he directly told the location: "There is a discussion on the plan to enter the human world.

Both Xiao Lu and the martial arts clone were invited over.

You have to be careful, those monsters are hostile to humans. If they attack you, you are very likely to die! "

"If I die, wouldn't you be avenging your brother?" Lin Mo said lightly, then turned around and headed in the direction Xiao Cang directed!

At the same time, the tongue wrapped around Xiao Cang was untied, and Lin Mo let it go!

His body returned to its original size again, and his eyes flickered as he watched Lin Mo's retreating figure.


The next moment, a chirping sound rang out, and Lin Mo felt as if his body was being lifted up by a tyrannical force, and then landed on the back of the fluffy bird.

Lin Mo looked at Xiao Cang and said nothing.

"Don't get me wrong, I still want to find an opportunity to kill you to avenge my brother, but now, I want to help you find Xiaolu and the martial arts clone. After all, they are also my good friends!

I'm not doing it for you! "

Ogura's voice sounded.

"Okay!" Lin Mo said unclearly.

This sound immediately left Xiao Cang speechless, and he could only speed up. A few hours later, they stopped a few hundred meters away from a low mountain.

"It's not too early now. Going forward is the range of their patrol. Let's rest here for the night. You are still injured. Don't fail to rescue Xiaolu and the others when the time comes. Instead, you will be stuck in it! "

Xiao Cang spoke, then stood there, closed his eyes and began to rest.

In the fight just now, Xiao Cang stabbed Lin Mo when he was unprepared at the beginning, but later, it was Lin Mo who was completely suppressing him and beating him!

He is no match for Lin Mo at all. He is completely the material to be abused one-sidedly.

Lin Mo glanced at him and closed his eyes directly. The power of Qi and blood flowed, and there was even a faint sound of thunder.

During this period of time, his current energy and blood power has reached about 750,000, which is considered to be the middle stage of the seventh-grade martial saint.

This speed of improvement is really terrifying. Calling him a genius is not an exaggeration!

After a night of silence, what woke Lin Mo up early the next morning was not a big rooster, but a howl of a wolf!

On the plain, such a wolf howl could be said to be extremely penetrating. The moment he heard the sound, Lin Mo opened his eyes suddenly.

Xiao Cang's whole body trembled suddenly, because at that moment, Lin Mo's aura was so overwhelming that he couldn't breathe!

"You..." Xiao Cang looked at Lin Mo and didn't know what Lin Mo was going to do.

"Follow me!" Lin Mo said in a deep voice: "Of course, if you want to leave, you can leave now! Anyway, I know their location now!"

Xiao Cang looked at Lin Mo and finally snorted coldly: "You can't get in at all, because you are a human being. If they find out, you won't survive at all!"

Lin Mo frowned. This was indeed a problem. Although his current strength was pretty good, with all the monsters coming together, Lin Mo had no chance of survival!

At this moment, Lin Mo suddenly felt a breath approaching in the distance!

The spiritual power was emitted, and Lin Mo felt a familiar aura approaching!

"Are there any acquaintances? Why are there acquaintances here!" Lin Mo was speechless for a while, then used the Yan Xiang Technique to stand in the air and look into the distance!

Seeing this, Lin Mo could only say what a coincidence.

There is a team in the distance, only three people, walking towards here quickly.

The leader was a woman, followed by two young bodyguards, each wearing black robes, looking like the starring actors in The Matrix.

This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that Lin Mo knows that woman, she is Princess Yu'er!

"You can go in now!" Lin Mo's eyes lit up. He could enter the banquet just by using their identities!

Of course, it doesn't matter whether Princess Yu'er agrees or not. As long as a three-pointed two-edged knife is placed on her neck, she must agree even if she disagrees!

So, ten minutes later, Lin Mo looked at Princess Yu'er with a smile on his face: "We met again. I'm sorry to tell you that because your bodyguards are too weak, they have now returned to the West. Do you want to If you enter it and want safety, you have to follow me!”

Princess Yu'er looked at Lin Mo's smiling face and wanted to slap him.

But she didn't dare, because she couldn't beat Lin Mo.

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