Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 463: Fighting the Kong Family

Don't know about the Pre-Qin survivors?

Lin Mo frowned and glanced at Chen Banzi, and saw that the latter had a puzzled look on his face, obviously he really didn't know.

Lin Mo's face became ugly, and he looked at the people outside and said: "Help me find Li Fengchun!"

A few minutes later, Li Fengchun ran in with a smile on his face.

"Boss, you are finally back. How is it? Is everything going well?" Li Fengchun said flatteringly.

"Not too smooth, I have something to ask you, just tell me the truth!" Lin Mo said with a serious look.

Seeing Lin Mo's serious expression, Li Fengchun also put away his smile and said: "Boss, ask!"

"Where are the Pre-Qin survivors that the Li family helped to transport?" It was Li Fengchun who helped contact the Li family in the first place.

Now that the Pre-Qin survivors are gone, Lin Mo naturally has to go back to find Li Fengchun to ask clearly.

"I called Grandpa at that time. He had arranged a boat to go to Neon. Has it not returned yet?"

Li Fengchun frowned, and then hurriedly said: "Don't worry, Boss, I will call Grandpa now to ask clearly!"

The phone was connected, and Li Zong's voice came from the other end.

"Grandpa..." Li Fengchun was about to say something, but was interrupted by the voice on the other end of the phone.

"Is Lin Mo with you? Give him the phone!" Li Zong's voice was a little anxious, and he spoke directly.

"Senior Li, I asked Li Fengchun to turn on the hands-free. If you have anything to say, just say it on the phone!" Lin Mo's voice sounded.

On the other end of the phone, Li Zong's voice was obviously stagnant, and then he continued: "Okay!

It's like this..."

It turned out that Li Zong arranged people to go to Neon to pick up people, and on the way back, he met people from the Ministry of War.

They took the order of the Ministry of War and directly asked to take over those pre-Qin survivors, while those people from the Li family were arranged to return to Neon to help blockade Neon Island.

Li Zong found that the ship had not returned yet, so he called the person in charge of the ship directly and learned the news.

After knowing that the survivors of the pre-Qin Dynasty were taken away by the Ministry of War, Li Zong immediately called the Ministry of War, but the result was that the Ministry of War did not receive the survivors of the pre-Qin Dynasty!

They even checked the recent mobilization records of the Ministry of War, but did not find any relevant records of the Ministry of War's actions.

This made Li Zong realize that he had been deceived!

He immediately mobilized the relationship of the Li family to start looking, and finally found a clue!

Among the pillars of the nine great countries, the fifth one is from the Kong family. Before, he had arranged his guards to go to sea!

After getting this news, Li Zong has basically confirmed one thing, that is, the survivors of the pre-Qin Dynasty should be in the Kong family now!

"Kong family!" Lin Mo's face became gloomy.

The Kong family had troubled him a lot several times before, but Lin Mo was too lazy to deal with it at that time. Now they dared to touch their own people!

Thinking of this, Lin Mo's eyes suddenly became extremely cold.

"Master, how is the strength of Rob City now?"

Chen Banzi's face changed slightly when he heard Lin Mo's voice, but he quickly said: "There are eight Martial Emperors in total. Your father and mother lack actual combat experience, so they can be ignored. The remaining six Martial Emperors are all quite strong, including your sister Lin Ya, all of whom have the combat power that meets the strength of Martial Emperors!

During this period, they all went directly into the abyss for training!"

Six Martial Emperors!

The expression on Lin Mo's face eased a lot.

"How many Martial Emperors are there?"

"The number of Martial Emperors is thirteen because you brought a lot of people from the Beautiful Country, plus some who have broken through now!"

"Thirteen Martial Emperors, the number is not small!" Lin Mo nodded with satisfaction, and the next moment, he took a step forward: "Let everyone get ready, we will go to Qucheng to meet the legendary Kong family!"

"Lin Mo, you have to think clearly!" Chen Banzi hesitated for a moment, and said in a deep voice: "Now, everything in Rob City is moving in a good direction.

Give us ten years, the Kong family There will be no need to worry.

But if we act impulsively now, Rob City may not be able to recover for a long time! "

"Master, if you are arrested, I will also try my best to rescue you!

I will rescue anyone in Rob City who is arrested!

I hope that Rob City can become a place that everyone yearns for!

I hope that my descendants can be assured to hand over to everyone in Rob City! "

Lin Mo spoke loudly, and at the same time said loudly: "Everyone, are you willing to fight with me!"

Swish, swish, swish!

For a while, several figures rushed out from several places in the entire Rob City.

Immediately afterwards, several figures rushed here at a very fast speed.

Six martial emperors, thirteen martial emperors and many martial saints all stood in front of Lin Mo.

"Lin Mo, tell us, who are you going to do, we are ready!"

"Boss, we listen to you!"

"Follow Lin Mo and crush the enemy!"


The mood of a group of people was very high.

Since Lin Mo took over the Rob City, there have been very few major events like this.

In addition, many of them have improved their strength a lot since they came here, but they have no chance to take action.

This makes them feel extremely empty, and they don’t even know what their strength is now.

Now that they finally have a chance to take action, how can they hold back?

"Our target this time is Qucheng, the Kong family!"

Lin Mo's voice sounded, and everyone suddenly fell silent.

With their current strength, it is impossible for them not to have heard of the inheritance family.

If you have heard of the inheritance family, it is impossible that you have not heard of the Kong family!

If you know the Kong family, you should know how strong the Kong family is!

Now, Lin Mo actually wants to take them to the Kong family? !

"Don't force it, Rob Giant City also needs someone to stay, and those who are willing to stay can just stay.

No matter what choice you make, please remember that your choice is the right one! "

After the words fell, Liu Lei laughed loudly in the crowd: "Haha, Lin Mo, don't be so nagging, just do it if you don't accept it. I won't ask you why, I will only follow your orders!"

"Yes, we listen to you! Rob Giant City is not afraid of anyone!"


A group of people spoke loudly with heroic smiles on their faces.

Chen Banzi also had a smile on his face. No matter what the outcome of this battle was, it would be a good thing for Rob Giant City.

Because the people in Rob Giant City come from all over the place, and there are even many former Dog Prince’s men here.

Therefore, Luobu Giant City has always lacked a sense of cohesion.

It was okay when Lin Mo was here, but if Lin Mo left one day, the entire giant city of Luobu might become a piece of sand!

But things are different now. If Rob Giant City goes through this battle, the cohesion will become extremely terrifying!

"Fight!" Thinking of this, Chen Banzi also shouted.

Now, he is the strongest and has reached the peak of the second-grade Martial Emperor.

Because of the Holy Fruit, it is already very difficult to take further steps. It can only be said that Chen Banzi's talent is too strong to achieve his current achievements.

"In that case, everyone, let's go!"

Luo Bu Giant City is still some distance away from Qu City, but among the people Lin Mo is waiting for, the weakest one is also a strong man at the martial saint level.

For them, such a distance of thousands of miles can actually be reached in about a day!

"Everyone, let's go there like this!" Lin Mo said, not choosing any means of transportation, just relying on his feet!

"Okay!" Everyone agreed with a roar.

This is to go against the Kong family. They did not sit on the plane and quietly go to Qucheng, but walked towards Qucheng in such a swaggering manner!

How confident this is!

A group of people were very fast, especially Lin Mo. With his ghostly movement, he could even leave Emperor Wu behind.

"The boss is so perverted. With such speed, if he becomes the Martial Emperor, no one will be able to catch up with him!"

"Yes! This speed is indeed terrifying, and the boss doesn't look tired at all!"

Several people who originally followed Lin Mo to Beautiful Country spoke helplessly.

In fact, Lin Mo did not feel tired at all.

But after walking a certain distance, Lin Mo stopped and let everyone take a good rest!

After all, there are Martial Saint-level experts in the team, so it will be difficult to catch up with the Martial Emperor.

"Grandpa just called me. The Kong family has received news of our departure, and they have probably started making preparations!"

"What we need is for them to be prepared!" Lin Mo smiled coldly: "This will have a better deterrent effect when the time comes!"

"Grandpa also said that he will personally take the Li family to meet in Qucheng!"

"Thank you, old man, for me!" Lin Mo said with a smile.

Li Zong is now completely on the same front as Luobu Jucheng because of Li Fengchun.

Lin Mo was still thinking about what he could give the Li family in return.

"Grandpa said that if one day we bring down an inherited family, all we have to do is help the Li family go one step further!" Li Fengchun seemed to know what Lin Mo meant, so he added with a smile.

"No problem!" Lin Mo said with a smile: "If it doesn't work out, just add one more place to inherit the family!"

In Lin Mo's opinion, it would be good if the number of inheritance families increased. There was no need for one family to decline before another family could take over!

"Actually, I don't know why." Li Fengchun shook his head: "Boss, it's almost time, we should set off!"

Lin Mo nodded, and instead of pursuing this issue too much, he yelled.

Everyone set out on the road again, this time, their speed was faster, and in just four hours, they appeared at the entrance of Qucheng!

Looking at Qucheng, which was full of historical atmosphere, Lin Mo's face showed a smile: "It has been here for so long that the Kong family may have forgotten that this is China, not the caste system like Baixiang Kingdom." Popular place!”

"Haha, little junior, who gave you the courage to speak so arrogantly in our Qucheng city?"

At this moment, a sneer sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a figure with more than a dozen figures stood on the gate of Qucheng, a pair of eyes staring coldly at Lin Mo and others!

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