Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 471 Lin Mo's Wedding

The wedding day.

If you look down from the sky above the giant city of Rob, all you can see is a sea of ​​red.

Everyone had smiles on their faces, and their eyes were looking towards a huge mansion not far away in the center of the city, their eyes full of yearning and blessings.

In Prince Dog's mansion, Chen Banzi had a smile on his face and was directing everyone to make final preparations.

"The lanterns and red cloth have been hung up for me. There can be no mistakes. Do you understand everything?"

Chen Banzi was very angry. As a master, he was higher than Lin Mo's father in terms of seniority, so he took the initiative to take on the task of hosting the wedding.

In front of him, Liu Lei, Lin Ya and others were busy with smiles on their faces.

These busy people are at the lowest level of the Martial Emperor.

No matter where they go, these people are always at the top, but now they are doing work such as hanging lanterns and posting couplets.

"This wedding should be of high quality. After all, Emperor Wu personally hangs the lanterns. I just want to ask who else is there!"

Liu Lei smiled and hung a huge lantern by the door.

"Do you want to drink something today!" Zhou Lu asked with a smile: "Brother Lei, did Lin Mo get you drunk that day? Do you want to take revenge today?"

Liu Lei's eyes lit up: "You're right, you have to drink wine!"

"But where has Lin Mo been now? Why hasn't he seen anyone yet?" Zhou Lu looked at Chen Hanzi curiously.

"What are you all looking at me doing? I don't know where he is!" Chen Banzi spread his hands: "At such an important time, he will definitely show up on time, don't worry!"

Everyone laughed and continued to work.

At this moment, the groom was sitting in the room with a nervous look on his face.

"After all, this is your first time getting married, so you should be nervous!" Lin Mo took a deep breath and said, "I'll get used to it gradually in the future!"

"Bah! What nonsense did I say!"

Lin Mo was talking to himself alone in the room, sometimes frowning, sometimes showing a silly smile.

Time passed little by little, and Lin Mo looked into the distance: "I wonder what Ye Qing is doing now?"

"I don't know what Lin Mo is doing now!" Ye Qing was also sitting in the room at the moment. She had changed into a red bridal dress, with a shy smile on her face.

"The time is coming, get ready!" A voice sounded outside the door.

The Ye family doesn't have many relatives now, so Ye Qing simply didn't notify the Ye family of this wedding.

Ye Qing's aunt standing outside the door now represents the woman's elder.

Ye Qing stood up and opened the door, looking at her aunt Shen Yue with a smile on her face: "Auntie!"

"She's so beautiful today. My sister would be very happy if she could see you get married!" Shen Yue spoke softly, her eyes slightly red.

Ye Qing also had red eyes and opened her mouth, not knowing what to say.

"Look at my mouth, today is a happy day, don't talk about it!" Shen Yue raised her hand and patted her mouth gently, and then said with a smile: "Don't worry, you and Lin Mo will definitely be together happy!"

Ye Qing also nodded.

"It's getting late. Lin Mo should be here to pick you up. Get ready. Don't let him pick you up so easily later! Give me a big red envelope!"

Shen Yue smiled and joked, trying to lighten the atmosphere.

"Auntie, don't embarrass Lin Mo!" Ye Qing said quickly. She was worried about something going wrong at the wedding.

"You're not married yet, and you're already talking to Lin Mo!" Shen Yue deliberately made a serious face: "Okay, I'm teasing you on purpose. Don't worry, when the person comes, I will let you go with him. !

Look at how impatient you are! "

"Auntie, you are laughing at me!" Shen Yue said with annoyance on her face.

At this time, there was a burst of music outside, and then the roar of the engine was heard.

Lin Mo walked out of the car with a slightly nervous look on his face.

Today he was wearing a black suit and a white shirt, which made his whole look look completely different.

Originally, Lin Mo had a majestic aura about him, but now Lin Mo has suddenly matured a lot.

"Lin Mo is indeed handsome. You will definitely be happy!" Shen Yue looked at this scene with a smile on her face and spoke slowly.

Ye Qing nodded gently. At this time, she became nervous. She sat on the bed and waited uneasily.

Footsteps were approaching, followed by a knock on the door.

Shen Yue chuckled and said, "If you want to open the door, you have to give me some indication!"

Lin Mo was prepared for this. He took out a red envelope and stuffed it through the crack in the door.

Shen Yue looked at the red envelope in his hand with a smile on his face.

She thought it was fun, but she didn't expect Lin Mo to actually give it to her!

After thinking about it, she opened the red envelope and revealed a card lying inside.

Looking at the card, Shen Yue was shocked.


There is only one word on the card, but the meaning is very clear.

All inheritance families will have their own exclusive cards. The holder of this card can make a request to the inheritance family.

As long as it's not too excessive, the inheritance family will generally be satisfied.

Now, the Li family has become a heritage family. The word "Li" on this card naturally represents the Li family!

So, he directly gave her a family inheritance card!

Shen Yue's breathing became rapid. Although she was not in a high position, her husband's family was not small.

But compared with the inherited family, it was still far behind.

But now with this card, everything is different!

"Aunt, are you still not opening the door?" Lin Mo's voice sounded.

Shen Yue immediately came back to her senses and quickly opened the door.

Then, a group of people squeezed in, and Lin Mo was pushed to the innermost.

Looking at the lineup of the bride, Shen Yue also took a breath of cold air. Among these people, the weakest one was the peak of the Martial Emperor!

The rest were all Martial Emperors!

"This lineup is too luxurious, are you afraid of someone snatching the bride?" Shen Yue said speechlessly in her heart.

At this time, Lin Mo took the initiative to step forward, knelt on one knee, and held Ye Qing's hand.

"Qing'er, come back with me!" Lin Mo said softly.

"Okay!" Ye Qing spoke softly and nodded slightly.

A cheer suddenly rang out in the crowd.

Ye Qing blushed all of a sudden.

"This little girl is really impatient!" Shen Yue was laughing and crying at the side. She didn't expect Ye Qing to not set any test at all.

"Kiss! Kiss!"

Everyone started to make a noise. After hearing this, Ye Qing lowered her head quickly and didn't dare to look at Lin Mo.

Lin Mo laughed and picked up Ye Qing directly, then walked out.

"You want to see everything!" Lin Mo cursed with a smile, then carried Ye Qing to the wedding car.

People were standing all over the street. They looked at Lin Mo and Ye Qing with a blessing on their faces.

Because there were too many people, the wedding car moved very slowly. It took half an hour to complete the less than one mile.

When they arrived at the wedding scene, the salute sounded immediately, and Lin Mo and Ye Qing came to the starting point of the wedding surrounded by the crowd.

Under the auspices of Chen Banzi, the wedding began!

A ceremony was quickly held, and then it was time for the banquet to start.

"The Li family sent a gift!"

"The Kong family sent a gift!"

"The Tang family sent a gift!"

At this time, voices rang out, and then dozens of people walked in from a distance.

"This... these are all inherited families, why are they all here!"

"Doesn't the Tang family have a grudge against Lin Mo? Why are they here too!"

"Isn't this because Lin Mo's strength has been recognized by them!

Don't you know that Lin Mo directly rushed into the Kong family and almost wiped out the Kong family!"

There were discussions all around, and a group of people pointed at Lin Mo with proud looks on their faces.

Thinking back then, when the Dog King was there, there was no such treatment.

Lin Mo took the initiative to welcome them out and brought in all the people from the inherited families.

Then came the Tianlongcheng Martial Arts University, and Zhang Lianchang, the teacher of the Third Middle School where Lin Mo used to be.

They all walked in with gifts.

Zhang Lianchang looked at Lin Mo with a look of emotion on his face.

This student of his is really amazing!

"Beijing Wuda sent a gift!"

A voice sounded, and Lin Mo's eyebrows slightly raised.

Lin Mo didn't have much of a good impression of Beijing Wuda.

So, Lin Mo didn't plan to get up to greet him.

"Beijing Wuda insulted my teacher, I can't accept this gift!" Lin Mo's voice sounded, and the people of Beijing Wuda suddenly looked embarrassed.

They wanted to take this opportunity to ease the relationship with Lin Mo, but they didn't expect Lin Mo really didn't give any face!

A group of people left with an embarrassed look, and now they hated the principal at that time and the group of short-sighted people in their hearts.

Originally, Lin Mo would be their pride and one of their most powerful helpers, but now, he has become an enemy!

"Isn't this a bit too much!" Chen Banzi looked at Lin Mo and spoke softly.

"Nothing too much, they treated my teacher like that, if I didn't show any appreciation, then I would really be a disciple of the teacher in vain!" Lin Mo spoke softly, with a serious look on his face.

"You're right!" Chen Banzi finally nodded, which was also the point he had always admired most about Lin Mo.

As time went by, more and more people began to come forward.

The gift from the survivors of the pre-Qin Dynasty was a leather scroll with some marks on it.

Lin Mo looked at the leather scroll with a puzzled look on his face.

"I know almost most of the places in China, but I have no impression of where this place is!" Lin Mo looked at the leather scroll and spoke softly.

"This should be a map!" The old village chief thought for a while and said, "This is something passed down from our ancestors.

It was probably given to us by the First Emperor!"

The old village chief's words made Lin Mo's expression serious.

It was related to a powerful figure two thousand years ago, so Lin Mo naturally couldn't treat it as a joke.

"Thank you, it's very important to me!"

"Humph!" At this time, a cold snort sounded.

A crack appeared in the sky in the distance, and an eye appeared there, with a huge pupil looking at where Lin Mo was.

"Are you Lin Mo?"

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