Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 477: Beast Tide! The Village's Formation

After eating breakfast as quickly as possible, Lin Mo walked towards the distance under the leadership of Agu.

The eldest brother in Agu's mouth is named Ayang, and his strength has reached the level of a first-grade Martial King.

Ayang lives close to the center of the village, and the entire house is much more luxurious than other homes.

It seemed that Lin Mo and the others had already seen their arrival. A middle-aged man was standing at the door early, as if waiting for them.

"Brother!" Agu stepped forward with a smile and saluted respectfully.

Lin Mo thought for a while, then stepped forward and took the initiative to clasp his fists and salute.

Facing King Wu, Lin Mo felt that he might have the strength to fight, but when he thought of the formation in Agu's mouth, Lin Mo knew that there was no way he could defeat him.

"No need to be polite, we should be from the same clan!" Ayang smiled and stepped forward to take Lin Mo's hand and lead them into the house.

Feeling Ayang's enthusiasm, Lin Mo also breathed a sigh of relief.

At least so far, the people in the village have been kind to them.

"Senior Ayang..." Lin Mo thought for a while and was about to speak, but was interrupted by the latter raising his hand.

"Just like Agu, call me big brother!" Agu said with a smile, while bringing up a jar of wine and filling a large bowl for Lin Mo and Agu.

"Brother Ayang, I'm going to be blunt. I want to ask you how you practice here?" Lin Mo thought for a moment and said, "If possible, I can provide some practice methods, which may help your practice." To improve faster!”

Agu and Ayang showed a look of joy on their faces, but they quickly shook their heads slowly: "It shouldn't be of much use. There are records in our village that some people seemed to have practiced outside skills, but in the end they were Die faster!

This seems to be a cursed place, and we are the cursed ones! "

Ayang had a pessimistic look on his face. Although he was King Wu, the energy and energy in his body seemed to have disappeared.

Lin Mo sighed slightly in his heart. In this situation, he couldn't say anything, so he could only change the subject and said: "In this case, I won't force it anymore. There is another thing we want to see with you. An ancient place!

I don’t know if Brother Ayang can allow it! "

Ayang smiled and nodded: "As I said, we share the same ancestry and origin, so if you want to go and see it, of course you can!

But Agu should have told you that it is very dangerous there. We and the village next door often have fights over territory.

Because both sides know some formations, the casualties will be huge. If you follow, we can't guarantee that we will notice you! "

Lin Mo glanced at Yang Mi, and when he saw the other party nodded firmly, he could only sigh softly and said: "Brother Ayang, don't worry, we know it ourselves!"

Hearing what Lin Mo said, Ayang nodded.

"Okay, when we set off later, you can just come with us!"

What Lin Mo didn't expect was that the so-called stay for a while turned out to be much longer than Lin Mo imagined.

The three of them just sat there. After finishing a jar of wine, A Yang slowly stood up and walked out of the door with Lin Mo, A Gu and others.

He put his finger to his lips and whistled.

As the whistles gradually dissipated, a group of people emerged from various houses in the village.

At the same time, some women and children emerged.

The children looked at them with envious expressions on their faces. Some children even stepped forward and begged their father or brother to take them with them.

Such a request was naturally rejected.

Lin Mo glanced at the women. They were all looking at their husbands or sons at the moment, with reluctance on their faces.

"Everyone, today we are going to beat all the Konoha Village to pieces!" Ayang said loudly, holding a long knife in his hand.

"He's quite the boss. He beat them to a pulp and left nothing behind!"

"Leave no scraps of armor behind!"

Everyone shouted loudly with excitement on their faces.

Lin Mo could only shake his head gently, feeling that these villagers were indeed very simple, and just two simple sentences of mobilization could make them burst into such strong enthusiasm.

A group of people left the village in a mighty manner, holding various weapons in their hands. Lin Mo noticed that some of them were holding farm tools.

"The village is relatively poor, so we use whatever we can get!" Agu explained. His weapon was an iron rod. It made wind when he waved it. If the stick hit someone, it would definitely make them hit. people died instantly.

A group of people looked relaxed and walked towards the distance talking and laughing.

Lin Mo had been vigilant all around, fearing that a ferocious beast would suddenly rush out.

"Brother Lin, don't worry. There are no wild beasts or monsters around here. They have been killed and eaten by us as prey a long time ago!"

Agu looked at Lin Mo's nervous expression and explained with a smile.

Lin Mo nodded, but still looked around. It wasn't that he didn't believe Agu's words, but because he felt an uneasy feeling rising in his heart.

"Be careful, I'm worried about their sneak attack!" Lin Mo said softly.

Agu smiled disapprovingly, but Ayang nodded and said: "Lin Mo is right, everyone, be careful to prevent being attacked by others!"


As soon as the words fell, a roar rang out.

Immediately afterwards, a figure sprang out from a distance.

This is a black panther. There is no trace of color on the whole body. It is as big as a small mountain.

Looking at the black panther in front of him, Lin Mo had a solemn look on his face, because its aura was not much weaker than the eye-catching white-fronted tiger he met at the beginning!

In other words, this is at least the peak strength of King Wu!

"Set up the formation!" At this moment, Ayang roared and rushed towards the Black Panther.


The black panther roared, raised his claws and rushed towards Lin Mo!


There was a loud noise, and when Ayang blocked him for a moment, everyone behind him roared at the same time!

The formation is done!

Feeling the auras emanating from those people gathering at this moment, Lin Mo's face showed a strange color.

This formation can be redeemed in dreams, but it seems to be much more powerful than these!

"Why is this happening?" Lin Mo said softly with a puzzled look on his face.

Facing this formation, the Black Panther didn't have much worry on his face. Instead, he roared again.

Just when everyone didn't know why the black panther was roaring, more footsteps sounded in the distance!

Hearing these footsteps, Ayang's expression changed wildly!

"Damn it, it's a tide of beasts! How could there be a tide of beasts!"

Hearing the word beast tide, Lin Mo noticed a look of horror on everyone's faces.

Lin Mo didn't have to wait to ask when the beast tide was coming, the scene in the distance already gave him the answer!

At least hundreds of huge monsters were running in the direction where they were.

The bodies of these monsters were at least three meters high. When they ran, their momentum was so terrifying that Lin Mo even felt a sense of despair!

"Back off!" Ayang yelled, and at the same time, he rushed forward.

Seeing this scene, Agu also roared: "Brother, I will cover their retreat with you!"

The two brothers have a deep relationship, and at this time, they are still willing to advance and retreat together.

"I'm here to help you too!" Lin Mo took the initiative to step forward: "Facing the beast tide, we should avoid being sharp and stay away as much as possible!

Then look for opportunities to break the situation! "

Lin Mo's words made A Yang's eyes light up and he shouted: "Wind Sweeping Formation!"

After the words fell, everyone dispersed and became a few small teams. Such small teams are very flexible and their combat effectiveness is much stronger than that of them alone.

So they constantly shuttled among the beasts, and at the same time they would take action to directly kill the monsters coming towards them!

In just ten minutes, hundreds of monsters rushed past. Lin Mo noticed that except for some of these people with minor injuries, everyone else was fine.

There may still be a look of fear on their faces, but when the beast tide disperses, they all feel sincerely happy and proud!

"Haha, those idiots in Konoha Village thought that the beast tide could kill us all, but they didn't expect that they failed this time!"

Agu laughed and spoke.

Lin Mo also smiled and nodded, at least now the crisis of the beast tide is over!

The most important thing is that Lin Mo lowered his head and looked at the corpses on the ground.

These are all powerful monsters, and they should have beast elixirs on them!

Thinking of this, Lin Mo started groping directly, and sure enough, he found several.

"Brother Ayang, keep this thing, it can improve your cultivation!" Lin Mo handed the beast pill into their hands.

"To improve your cultivation?" Ayang had a puzzled look on his face, then chuckled and shook his head and said: "Brother Lin, you have to know one thing, that is, this place is different from the outside!

Take this animal elixir for example. We also wanted to try using animal elixirs to practice before, but these things were ineffective for us.

I told you, we are the cursed people! "

His face was full of pessimism. After hearing this, Lin Mo frowned slightly.

"The use of beast elixirs has been restricted. Is there really something forbidden here that I don't know about yet?!"

With this thought in mind, Lin Mo didn't speak again.

Ayang counted the number of people and statistics of injuries, and then continued to set off.

"What's so weird, those bastards from Konoha Village actually used a wave of beasts to deal with us. I'm going to teach them a lesson this time!"

Agu was so fierce that you could see the veins popping up on his hands, and his face was full of murderous intent!

As they walked along like this, they encountered three more waves of beasts, large and small!

Such a group of people are holding fire in their hearts and are ready to vent their anger once they get there.

Soon, Lin Mo saw a stone forest from a distance!

It is said to be a stone forest, but it is actually a gate made of stacked stones and the buildings inside the gate.

Seen from a distance, these stones are all kinds of strange and different colors, really like pine trees without leaves.

"These stones are all piled up by us. They are some kind of formation. People who don't know how to solve them will be trapped inside and die!"

Ayang explained: "Of course, the opponent also mastered this formation.

However, we destroy formations faster, so when we fight with the opponent, we win most of the time!

I don’t know what happened this time, but those bastards actually learned to take advantage of the beast tide! "

When Lin Mo heard this, his eyes darkened: "Is it possible that some of the people who came with us are helping people in Konoha Village?"

Such thoughts suddenly emerged in Lin Mo's heart!

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