Yang Mi!

Looking at the woman in front of him, Lin Mo's eyes flashed with a look of shock.

The woman in front of me looks exactly like Yang Mi!

If the only difference is that the woman in front of me is slightly older, but not much older!

Obviously, Agu and Ayang also discovered this problem and stared at the woman in front of them, extremely shocked.

"Lin Mo, why does this woman look a bit like Yang Mi?" Agu was the first to speak and couldn't help but ask.

"I don't know!" Lin Mo's face was gloomy, and he stepped forward and helped the woman up.

At this time, Lin Mo noticed that there was still a wound on the woman's stomach, which was basically impossible to save!

"Sorry, there's nothing I can do!" Lin Mo looked at the woman and spoke slowly.

"Avenge me...!!" When the woman heard Lin Mo's words, a look of despair flashed in her eyes, but she quickly recovered. She looked at Lin Mo, and after a long time she said: "Kill those who come from outside. Neon Man, and my sister!

Help me kill her! "

"Does your sister look like you?" Lin Mo looked at the woman in his arms and couldn't help but ask.

The woman nodded: "She and I both came from outside, and there were five other people who came with us, but after they snatched the ancient books from the village, they started massacring the village!

I stopped them, but I was no match for them!

I'm sorry for all this! "

There was a sad look on the woman's face: "I thought they and I were of the same blood, but now it seems that's not the case... Revenge!"

After saying the last words, the woman tilted her head and fell directly into Lin Mo's arms, completely silent.

Looking at the woman's body, Lin Mo's eyes flickered.

He stood up suddenly and looked at the entire village.

"See if there are anyone alive!" Lin Mo said, and then took the initiative to search.

It took more than ten minutes to search the entire village, but no one was found alive.

This put a painful look on Lin Mo's face.

"Lin Mo, where is Yang Mi!?" Agu suddenly looked at Lin Mo and spoke directly.

"What do you think!" Lin Mo said coldly: "We were deceived!"

Hearing these words, Agu and Ayang's faces turned ugly: "Their target is that ruins!"

At this time they finally understood what their goal was.

Thinking of this, several people headed directly towards the ruins!

When they arrived at the ruins, there was no trace of Yang Mi.

"Let's go in first!" A Yang and A Gu said, and then walked towards the depths of the ruins!


Not long after a few people walked in, an arrow burst towards Lin Mo!

Lin Mo's eyes flashed, and he used ghost shadow to avoid it!

Then look around.

Whoosh! He rushed forward!

After a moment, the sword slashed down in pieces, and a figure fell from a big tree!

Looking at the figure in front of him, Lin Mo directly put the three-pointed two-edged knife on his neck: "You'd better not move!"

With the knife pressed against his neck, this man naturally did not dare to move. At this time, Agu and Ayang also followed.

"Neon Man?" Lin Mo looked at the man and asked coldly.

The man looked away, as if he wasn't ready to answer.


Lin Mo swung the knife directly and cut one of his arteries!

Blood spurted out, staining the ground red.

Such a scene made the man tremble with fear. According to the bleeding speed, he will be finished in a short time!

"I said, I said, I am the Neon Man, and this is the time I came in from the outside!"

The man spoke loudly, even using Chinese specifically because he was worried that Lin Mo wouldn't understand Neon.

"Did you kill everyone in the village?"

"We killed him!"


"For no reason, we took their things and were worried about their revenge, so we just killed them all!"


Lin Mo did not continue to ask any more questions, but directly took action and cut off his head.

"It's really a beast!"

Lin Mo said with emotion: "Let's go, we must not let them get the things in this ruins!"

Agu and Ayang also nodded repeatedly. Seeing one of these people made them feel the terror of the Neon Man!

If they were allowed to master more powerful power, it would be a disaster!

Thinking of this, the three of them couldn't help but speed up a lot.

As the three of them went deeper, there were fewer and fewer traces of human habitation here.

"Didn't they come in?" After chasing for a while, they were not found, which made Lin Mo a little confused.

“No, those people came in with people from our village!

Look here! "

Ayang suddenly pointed to a stone not far away.

At first glance, this stone looks like any other stone, but the angle of the stone is a bit strange.

Most importantly, there are slight traces of manual polishing on the stone.

"This is a stone used to mark our village. Only we can understand the marks on it!

This mark means that they are heading in this direction!

We need to hurry up and catch up! "

Ayang looked at the stone and pointed in a direction.

The three of them speeded up again.

They encountered more and more stones along the way, but the expressions on the faces of the three people became more and more solemn.

The entire ruins, whether it was Tai'a Village or Konoha Village, had not been fully explored. From beginning to end, they had never gone so far.

But this time, in order to chase those people, they actually chased them here!

"Brother, we haven't been to the front. You should know that the mortality rate is very high when exploring such a place!"

Agu suddenly pulled Ayang and spoke softly.

There was a hesitant look on his face, and for a moment he looked like he didn't want to go in.

"Agu, I am the village chief, and there are some responsibilities that I must bear. If people in the village enter such a place, I must do everything I can to take them away!

I want to save them!

But you can go back now, because you are my brother, not the village chief, so it is my responsibility to protect you, and it is not your responsibility to protect them!"

Ayang looked at Agu and said gently.

A Gu's eyes flashed with a difficult look, and finally he smiled and said: "Brother, what a joke, if I leave you here, even if I return to the village, I will not be able to face people!

I will go in with you!"

The two looked at Lin Mo, and when they were about to speak, they were interrupted by Lin Mo: "Don't look at me, I hate being cheated the most.

Yang Mi cheated me, so I have to get rid of this breath!

Otherwise, I will feel bad for a long time! When I feel bad, I can't even improve my cultivation!"

"Well, let's go in together!" Seeing Lin Mo's attitude, A Gu and A Yang smiled, nodded, and then set off again.

This time, they soon found that there were corpses in the distance.

"There are casualties, people from the village!" A Gu looked ugly. People from his village died, and his hunting companions on weekdays are now dead.

"Revenge for them!" A Yang raised his hand and patted A Gu's shoulder, and spoke slowly.

Agu nodded.

More bodies fell on the road. When he met the thirteenth body, Agu showed a painful look on his face.

"Brother, all the people we brought are dead!"

Ayang's face was also very ugly. Hearing this, he just nodded heavily and didn't say anything else.

The three of them held their breath, ready to explode directly at that time.

Finally, after walking for a long time, Lin Mo's eyes lit up and he saw several figures in the distance.

Yang Mi was one of them. The most important thing was that Yang Mi was walking in the middle of everyone.

It seems that her status among these people should not be low!

"Hey, let me see who is coming. It turns out to be Brother Lin Mo!"

Hearing the footsteps behind him, Yang Mi turned around with a smile on her face.

Looking at the smile on her face, Lin Mo felt very disgusted.

The people around Yang Mi looked at Lin Mo and others and took a step forward, ready to fight at any time.

"Do you think they are my opponents?" Lin Mo said coldly.

"Of course not!" Yang Mi smiled: "But so what, my goal has been achieved!

I didn't expect that Brother Lin Mo could help me so much.

When I first made the plan, I just wanted to get some ancient books!

Who would have thought that with your help, the ancient books in the village were taken by me, and now I have walked so far in the ruins!

All this is your credit!"

Facing Yang Mi's ridicule, Lin Mo's eyes were cold: "So for this purpose, you can kill your sister!

For this purpose, you want to massacre the whole village?"

Yang Mi sneered: "If I can fulfill my wish, not to mention a village, even the people of the entire Blue Star will die in my hands, so what!?"

Yang Mi's face was crazy and laughed loudly.

Looking at this scene, Lin Mo couldn't help shaking his head: "Crazy, it seems that you are really crazy!"

"In that case, send her to the west and avenge the people in our village!" Agu couldn't help but roared, and then rushed towards them.

"Looking for death!" Yang Mi sneered and took a step forward. The next moment, a leather scroll escaped from her body.

After searching the leather scroll for a while, she saw a broken hole. Yang Mi sneered and raised her hand to point at the hole!


The sound of Agu vomiting blood was heard!

When Lin Mo and Ayang reacted, they saw that there was a thumb-sized blood hole on Agu's chest, and blood was constantly flowing!

Seeing such a scene, everyone felt cold in their hearts!

Pointing a finger casually could hurt others!

"I didn't expect it to be the same as I thought! Although it is an incomplete map, it is more or less useful!" Yang Mi sneered: "If the original map is in my hand, then I will be invincible?"

Lin Mo looked at the leather scroll in Yang Mi's hand, and there was a mocking look in his eyes.

"You may never get the original copy you mentioned!" Lin Mo reached into his arms and took out a similar leather scroll.

"Because the original copy is with me, and you will die here today!"

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