Another village appeared in this place!

Lin Mo looked at the village not far away and frowned slightly. He didn't know whether the village that appeared here this time would still be Chinese.


Just as Lin Mo was thinking, a sound of breaking wind rang out.

Then, Lin Mo saw an arrow shooting straight at him!

Lin Mo's pupils shrank slightly, and his face became serious, because this arrow actually contained terrifying blood and energy!


Lin Mo's figure flashed, and he used the ghost shadow to disappear directly from the original place.

In the forest not far away, a young man was squatting on a tree. Looking at the direction where Lin Mo disappeared, a puzzled look appeared on his face.

"How... could it be?!"

"Chinese?" Just when the young man was full of surprise, Lin Mo's figure had appeared behind him, also standing on the tree trunk, looking at him with a smile on his face.

The young man frowned slightly, and when he was about to take action, he found that he was pointed at by the other party with a three-pointed double-edged knife. As long as he exerted a little force, his life would be lost!

"What Huaxia? I don't understand what you are talking about!" The young man's face was angry: "You are sneaking outside the village, what is your intention?"

"You are the natives here." Lin Mo thought for a while and said: "And I come from the outside world!"

The young man's face was puzzled, and he didn't understand what Lin Mo said.

"Tell me, how strong is the strongest person in your village?" Lin Mo asked in a deep voice.

"I won't tell you!"

As soon as the voice fell, he felt a pain in his neck, and then warm blood flowed down.

The speed of blood loss was very terrifying, and the clothes on the young man were soaked in a few seconds!

Feeling his body gradually becoming weak, a trace of fear appeared on the young man's face.

"There is a martial saint-level strongman in my village!" The young man gritted his teeth and said, "A first-grade martial saint, your strength cannot be his opponent!"

Facing the young man's shouting, Lin Mo smiled.

First-grade martial saint...

"Take me to your village!" Lin Mo smiled and moved the three-pointed double-edged knife away: "Believe me, I have no ill intentions!"

The young man touched the wound on his neck and was stunned. He didn't know when his wound had healed!

He even suspected what happened to the blood on his body just now.

It can heal so quickly, naturally because Lin Mo's water-attributed Qi and blood power repaired the wound, otherwise, with the speed of blood just now, the young man would have died in a few minutes at most!

"I really came from the outside world, and I came here for experience!" Lin Mo smiled and said, "You speak Chinese, so we should be of the same race!"

The young man didn't speak, but he believed Lin Mo's words a little.

Because he had never left the village, but he knew that there were other villages far away from the village.

In these places, what they say is actually different from their own village.

But now, Lin Mo appeared here, and he spoke the same language as him.

This at least proves that there is some relationship between the two.

The village is not far from here, so in less than half an hour, the two arrived at the entrance of the village.

As soon as he stepped into the village, Lin Mo felt that all the hairs on his body were standing up!

A feeling of being spied on came again!

He looked at the young man next to him: "You said that the strongest person in your village is only a first-grade martial saint?"

The young man looked at Lin Mo and nodded.

Lin Mo raised his eyebrows: "How many first-grade martial saints are there?"


After hearing that there were only three first-grade martial saints, Lin Mo breathed a sigh of relief.

Such a strength gap is basically still within Lin Mo's control.

"My name is Lin Mo, and I'm from China!" Lin Mo said in a deep voice, "I came here with no ill intentions!

I just heard that there is a relic on the top of this mountain, so I want to take a look!

If you have important information about the relic, Lin Mo is willing to pay a certain price in exchange!

If you don't want to tell me the information, then Lin Mo also supports your decision!

Even if I'm not welcome here, I can turn around and leave!"

After the voice fell, Lin Mo signaled the young man that he could leave now!

After confirming that he could really leave, the young man breathed a long sigh of relief, and turned around and left without saying a word.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

Three wind-breaking sounds sounded, and then three figures appeared in front of Lin Mo.

These are three old men, each of whom has an old face and gray hair, but the blood and qi in their bodies are extremely powerful.

Martial Saint!

Lin Mo saw it at a glance, and the three in front of him were the three first-grade martial saints mentioned by the young man!

"Three seniors!" Lin Mo clasped his fists at the three people.

"Get lost!" One of the three looked at Lin Mo and suddenly shouted in a deep voice.

Lin Mo was slightly stunned, and his face darkened: "I have been treating you with courtesy since I entered the village, but you seniors are talking nonsense. I wonder why?

Do you think that you can beat me with your strength?"

As Lin Mo said this, he took a step back, and the blood and energy in his body began to circulate.

At the same time, the Jiuzhou Order on his body also flickered slightly. As long as there was something wrong, Lin Mo would take action directly!

Feeling the killing intent from Lin Mo, the three old men also looked slightly depressed, but more of them were mocking!

"Just a peak martial king..."

The old man on the far left snorted coldly and attacked Lin Mo.

However, the next moment, Lin Mo punched out!

Five Beast Fist!

The terrifying force was in operation. Although the power of the Five Beast Fist was not as strong as that of Lin Mo in his heyday, Lin Mo had already improved the proficiency of the Five Beast Fist to a very terrifying level.

Therefore, now that the Five Beast Fist is used again, although the realm is low, with the terrifying proficiency, the power it exerts is still amazing!

The old man who made the move showed a look of shock on his face. When he wanted to say something, he found that he had no chance to speak at all!

With a puff!

The old man flew backwards and then fell heavily to the ground!


He opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood, and his face turned pale.

Several villagers rushed out, lifted the old man aside, and poured some medicinal herbs into his stomach.

"There's something wrong with this kid, let's do it together!" The remaining two old men looked at each other, and then rushed towards Lin Mo at the same time!

Lin Mo snorted coldly. He was sure that he could defeat three people together, let alone two people!

It only took a few minutes to decide the winner!

The two old men covered their chests and retreated one after another, looking at Lin Mo with a vigilant look in their eyes.

"Why are you so powerful!" One of the old men said in a deep voice.

"Since we have already torn our faces, do you think I still need to answer your questions like this?" Lin Mo said coldly: "If it weren't for the fact that you are all Chinese blood, I would have slaughtered your village directly!"

After leaving this sentence, Lin Mo was too lazy to talk nonsense with them and turned away directly.

As for the news of the ruins, Lin Mo gave up directly in his heart.

Because now the relationship has been torn, even if he asked for the news, it cannot be guaranteed to be true.

So, it's better not to ask these questions.

Just do it!

When Lin Mo really left the village and walked towards the top of the mountain in the distance, a voice sounded behind Lin Mo.

"Wait a minute!"

Lin Mo turned around and looked at the old man who spoke.

"Do you have any proof that you are Chinese?" the old man asked in a deep voice.

"No proof!" Lin Mo said lightly: "Whether you believe it or not, it has nothing to do with me!"

"Wait a minute!" The old man thought for a while and said, "We believe it!

If you want to go to the ruins, I can arrange someone to take you there!

No, I want to go with you in person!"

Lin Mo looked at him with a scrutinizing look on his face.

Finally, Lin Mo nodded gently and agreed with the old man's words.

Half an hour later, Lin Mo led the old man and the young man to the top of the mountain.

The old man's name is Ge Lin, and the young man's name is Ge Nie. The surname of the whole village is Ge!

"It seems that the whole village is a bloodline..." Lin Mo thought of this, his face changed slightly. If this is true, doesn't it mean that this is a close relative?

He glanced at Ge Nie and didn't find any flaws.

He could only comfort himself that he should have thought too much.

"Brother Lin Mo, why are you looking for ruins?"

Ge Lin looked at Lin Mo and asked in a low voice.

"My mission here this time is to find ruins!" Lin Mo smiled and said.

This sentence is not a lie. After all, if you want to restore your strength, you have to find enough ruins.

Ge Lin was obviously a little skeptical about Lin Mo's words. On the contrary, Ge Nie on the side asked with curiosity: "Brother Lin Mo, is the world outside really as good as you said before?"

"That's natural. There are helicopters, trains, and ships outside!

For a mountain like this, if it is outside, you don't have to climb it at all. You can directly take a helicopter to the top of the mountain. It's convenient and fast!"

As Lin Mo walked, he introduced the situation outside to Ge Nie.

When Ge Lin heard that people outside could go up to the sky, into the ground, and into the sea without using the power of blood and qi, his face was full of yearning.

Seeing Ge Nie's face, Lin Mo was overjoyed.

Compared with Ge Lin, Ge Nie's thoughts were much simpler. As long as Ge Nie had the idea of ​​wanting to go outside, then in the future, Ge Nie would never be willing to stay here!

At present, it seems that his first step of the plan has been successful!

Ge Lin, who was standing aside, looked at Lin Mo, with an inexplicable light flashing in his eyes.

However, Lin Mo was just chatting with Ge Nie and did not notice such eyes.

After a brief silence, Ge Lin looked at the top of the mountain in the distance, and suddenly cut his fingertips, and a few drops of blood flowed out.


The blood flew out directly, and at this moment, the feeling of being spied on came again!

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