Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 494: Heart of Killing

Parallel time and space?

Hearing these four words, Lin Mo's eyes suddenly widened.

Originally, I thought that the crisis in this world came from the creatures of the abyss, but I didn't expect that there were creatures in parallel time and space? !

"I don't know much. When the war started, I had already fallen!" Chi You had a helpless look on his face: "I made an agreement with Xuanyuan that I would use my death as bait to make those people appear in our world.

One battle will decide the outcome!

I don't know how Chi You led that battle. I only know that when I woke up, I had already come here and became a lonely soul here."

Lin Mo frowned. Is it related to Emperor Xuanyuan?

"Thank you, senior, I know!"

Lin Mo nodded respectfully: "Since you are here, do you know how to unlock the seal on me?"

Lin Mo said, and directly circulated the power of blood and qi to make the seal around him appear.

Chi You stood aside, looking at the seal on Lin Mo, with a smile on his face.

"These are all things made by Feng Hou. He was very proficient in this kind of strange things back then.

Let me see, I want to unlock this seal...hiss, can only unlock one of the seals?

I can only unlock it once?"

Chi You stared at Lin Mo, scratching his head as he walked.

Lin Mo looked at this man who was known as the god of war in the legend, and couldn't help showing a puzzled look.

He doesn't look very reliable.

"Hahaha, Feng Hou, Feng Hou, I've been dead for so long, and you still want to plot against me!

You're good, you're really good!

It's really your style!"

Chi You suddenly laughed, although it was just a shadow, but tears flowed from his eyes.

Such a scene made Lin Mo slightly moved.

Although he didn't know what happened, he could feel that Chi You, Feng Hou and even Emperor Xuanyuan all had an extraordinary relationship.

"It's completely different from history!" Lin Mo shook his head slightly: "So the senior can unlock my seal, right?"

"Of course!" Chi You nodded, staring at Lin Mo, and suddenly said after a long time: "Do you have any wine?"

Lin Mo was stunned for a moment and shook his head slightly. He didn't like drinking very much, so he naturally didn't carry wine with him.

"No wine, forget it, I can't drink it anyway!"

Chi You heard Lin Mo's words, paused slightly, and smiled and shook his head: "Boy, get ready, I will help you unlock the seal!"

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Mo felt that his whole body was sealed by an unpredictable force, and the whole person could not move at all.

Then, his eyes turned into a bloody color, and above the sky in the distance, there was a huge figure, and he fiercely slashed a sword at him from a distance of thousands of meters!

With just one sword, Lin Mo felt the aura of the sky collapsing and the earth splitting!

That was Chi You, holding a blood sword and slashing at Lin Mo!

Lin Mo wanted to raise his hand to resist, but it was too late, and he couldn't move!

With a loud bang!

Lin Mo's whole body was torn into pieces!

More power was surging, tearing Lin Mo's body apart while reassembling it!

The blood seemed to be wrapped in an invisible membrane, constantly wriggling in the air, looking a little funny.

At this moment, Lin Mo didn't feel any pain at all, he could only feel endless coldness and murderous intent!

"Boy, it's too easy to unlock the seal, but Feng Hou asked me to do more than just unlock the seal!

Just watch, I'll only show you once!"

Chi You's body slowly walked out with a serious look on his face. The blood sword in his hand once again turned into the Axe of Creation. With a dull roar, a breath emanated from his body!

In an instant, the sky and the earth changed color, and Lin Mo felt like he had fallen into an endless hell!

There were countless wailing and roaring sounds around, and the power of blood and qi escaped from Chi You's body, forming a series of thick blood and qi pillars standing between heaven and earth!

In addition, the blood and qi pillars exuded endless power, and connected with the surrounding cold breath, making this feeling even more terrifying!

"What a powerful force!" Even though he had lost his physical body, Lin Mo still couldn't help but exclaimed.


At this moment, Chi You roared suddenly, and an unparalleled axe light fell!

There was a bloody gap between heaven and earth!

That was the gap created by the Axe of Creation!

Then, this gap seemed to be torn apart by hand!

The sky was cracked!

Lin Mo looked at this horrifying scene and felt his soul trembling.

Facing such a strong man, who would have the courage to raise the weapon in his hand to resist? !

No one could resist such a force at all!

"Do you understand what I mean?"

Chi You put away the Axe of Creation and looked at Lin Mo with a smile on his face.

"I don't understand, but I remember it!"

Lin Mo spoke slowly, with the shock on his face, which had never dissipated!

"I don't understand, but I remember it!" Chi You nodded, and it was hard to tell whether the expression on his face was disappointment, relief, or relief: "This is fate!"

Lin Mo didn't understand what this sentence meant, but he could feel his body constantly gathering together.

At the same time, Lin Mo also had a smile on his face, and his mood became excited.

The reason why he said he didn't understand but remembered it was because the power of his dream came back!

At this moment, a line of text appeared in his mind: The Heart of Killing has been recorded, and can be upgraded through Qi and Blood Pills to complete the accumulation of proficiency!

With such a line of text, Lin Mo knew that even if he didn't understand it now, he could continue to superimpose his understanding of the murderous heart through dreams!

Through the memories of the previous scenes, Lin Mo knew that this was not a martial skill, but something similar to a realm!

The field is opened, and everyone in the field must accept the rules within the field!

"I remember that this is an ability that can only be mastered by the peak Martial Emperor. It would be great if it could be mastered by the Martial Emperor at his peak or early stage!"

Just when Lin Mo was thinking this, his physical body had completely recovered.

His own aura also slowly changed, from the original peak of Martial Saint to the third level of Martial Emperor!

When Lin Mo entered this world, he was at the peak of the seventh-level Martial Emperor, and now he has almost recovered!

"I don't know how the others are recovering!"

While Lin Mo whispered in his heart, he slowly opened his eyes and looked at the world in front of him.

He was still in the Valley of the Meteor God, but all the corpses in front of him had dissipated, and the only one standing in front of him was Chi You in black armor!

"Senior!" Lin Mo said slowly. He felt that something seemed to have happened during the time he unlocked the seal, but he didn't know it clearly.

"Are you awake?" Chi You's voice sounded, and then he slowly turned around and looked at Lin Mo.


Before he could speak, Lin Mo couldn't help but exclaimed, because there was a huge bloody mouth on Chi You's chest!

Through the blood hole, you can see that his chest is empty. Where the heart should have been, there is nothing!

Chi You's heart disappeared!

"Senior, you..."

Lin Mo couldn't help but take two steps back, with a look of shock in his eyes, and couldn't help but touch his chest.

There, a heart was beating powerfully. Although he could not touch his heart, Lin Mo clearly felt that his heart was different from before!

The heart to kill... the heart to kill!

Lin Mo's eyes widened: "Senior, the murderous heart refers to your heart?!"

"Haha, it seems that you have the heart to kill!" After hearing Lin Mo's words, Chi You finally showed a smile, and then the black armor on his body began to turn into ashes bit by bit, slowly drifting away in the wind!

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Mo couldn't help but become anxious: "Senior, is it because you helped this junior to unlock the seal that it dissipated?

You tell me what should be done, and I will return the murderous heart to you! "

Lin Mo was anxious, he wanted to get the murderous heart, but if this thing had to sacrifice a person, then he would rather not!

"Martial arts must be fought. I like what you said very much!" Chi You raised his hand to interrupt Lin Mo and chuckled: "Even if you don't come and the murderous heart is not passed down, I will not be able to survive in the world." It's been around too long!

I am lucky to be able to pass on my murderous heart before it dissipates!

There is nothing to regret, I really want to leave!

The only regret is that there was no wine before it disappeared! "

"such a pity!"

After spitting out the last three words, the Sky-Opening Ax fell directly to the ground, and then turned into ashes and slowly dissipated!

As for Chi You, he has long since disappeared between heaven and earth!

Lin Mo stood there, looking at the direction in which Chi You disappeared, with a look of emotion on his face.

"Senior, thank you for your killing intention!"

Lin Mo spoke deeply, the ban had been lifted, but there was not much excitement in his heart, but a trace of sadness.

"It would be nice if I had wine..." Lin Mo smiled bitterly, then slowly raised his fists in the air and saluted: "Good go, senior!"

After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the outside of the Valley of the Meteor God.

All the way up, the atmosphere of Meteor God Valley began to change. The original restrictions disappeared, and the terrifying atmosphere gradually dissipated.

From now on, Meteor God Valley will become the same place as an ordinary valley!

He turned around and saw countless corpses and phantoms appearing in the Valley of the Meteor God. The weapons in their hands slowly dissipated, or some people simply threw the weapons on the ground.

"Boy, congratulations! From now on, you will be responsible for guarding this world!"

"It's over now, I'm leaving!"

“It would be great if there was wine!”

Various voices sounded in Lin Mo's mind. With a smile on his face, he said every word "goodbye" seriously. "Never see you again!"

Walking out of the valley, all the shadows behind him disappeared!

The ground is full of corpses!


At this moment, an earth-shattering roar suddenly sounded in the distance.

Accompanying this overwhelming roar were three bloody breaths!

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