Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 502: Killing Xu Fu (12)

The air seemed to solidify in an instant, and other chaotic sounds also disappeared at this time.

There is only one sound left in the world, and that is the sound of breaking through the sky!

From Lin Mo's position, a three-pointed two-edged sword burst out!

It was like a light spear that broke through the purple slurry, carrying the sticky power of thunder, heading straight for the center of Xu Fu's forehead!

Xu Fu's eyelids twitched as he felt the power of this blow.

He threw away the Xuanyuan Sword directly, and then mobilized the power of Qi and blood throughout his body to resist such a blow.


A huge sound hit the entire space like a tsunami. The air waves dissipated, and the three-pointed two-edged sword seemed to be twisted, still maintaining its forward posture.

Lin Mo, who was in the center of the thunderstorm, stood up and slowly opened his eyes.

He stretched out a hand and lightly grabbed it in the air.

The originally broken Xuanyuan Sword was already in his hand.

The power of Qi and blood surged, and the power of water attribute was constantly instilled into Xuanyuan Sword.

At the same time, the other two powers in Lin Mo's body were also constantly spurting out, and were unceremoniously absorbed by Xuanyuan Sword.

"Hahaha, it's so cool, you have so many powers with different attributes!

The power of the Human Emperor, hurry up and give me all the remaining power of the Human Emperor in Xuanyuan, I want to use the power of their combined attributes!

Hahaha, I have become rich. I am so lucky and can always discern pearls! "

The sound of Xuanyuan Sword rang in Lin Mo's ears.

This made Lin Mo slowly let go of his originally raised heart. To be able to say such words at this time at least proves that Xuanyuan Sword is in good condition.

At least it can't be destroyed!

Seeing that the gaps on the sword were healing little by little, Lin Mo completely ignored him.

Xuanyuan Sword made a sword cry, shook its body proudly at Xu Fu, and then directly entered Lin Mo's spiritual platform!

Lin Mo, on the other hand, rushed towards Xu Fu with the power of thunder!


The moment Lin Mo held the three-pointed, two-edged knife in his hand, his whole body began to tremble!

The power of heaven-level weapons began to show. Lin Mo's eyes flickered, and a breath began to spread from his body!

Lin Mo held a three-pointed two-edged knife in one hand, and suddenly spread his fingers forward with the other hand!

"Killing heart... open!"

As soon as the words fell, with Lin Mo as the center, a sea of ​​blood spread instantly!

Lin Mo stood in the center of the sea of ​​blood, feeling the pungent smell of blood and the extremely strong evil aura. Lin Mo's eyes were filled with pleasure!

"Hahaha, what a powerful force! What a powerful force!"

Lin Mo's realm once again improved a step, reaching the peak realm of the Martial Emperor!

Kyushu order rises!

Rays of light fell one after another, and Lin Mo's momentum was boosted again!


The three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand was slowly pushed forward, and Xu Fu finally showed some shock in his eyes.

"You...can actually do this!" Xu Fu seemed to be serious: "In that case, then I can briefly show my true power here!"

"Do you think I took those people out to sea just to leave China?

I made a mistake. The so-called three fairy mountains are actually not all legends. The reason why they are called fairy mountains is because there is an aura on them that can make people reach a higher realm!

And I got all three auras from the three fairy mountains!

After so many years of cultivation, the intimacy between these three breaths and me has reached a very high level!

Now let me show you what real power is! "

After he finished speaking, there were three marks between Xu Fu's eyebrows!

One of the marks looked like a drop of water, the second looked like a ball of fire, and the third looked like a bolt of lightning!

The three marks began to flicker, and at the same time Xu Fu's power continued to increase, and his realm continued to skyrocket.

Originally it was only the power of Emperor Wu in the early stage, but at this time, it has reached the middle stage and is impacting towards the high level!

Lin Mo's eyelids twitched. The power of this space actually has an upper limit, but with the help of those three marks, Xu Fu can ignore this upper limit and continuously improve himself!

This made Lin Mo feel a sense of crisis.


At this moment, a bolt of lightning appeared in the sky and struck Xu Fu.

The violent look on Xu Fu's face flashed away: "Sooner or later, this world will be completely destroyed!"

"However, this little power is enough!"

Xu Fu felt his own state, then stretched out a finger and tapped Lin Mo!

Lin Mo felt a pressure, and his body seemed to be broken.

But wrapped in the heart of killing, Lin Mo didn't have any fear, but the murderous intention in his eyes became stronger and stronger!

"Kill you!" Lin Mo roared angrily and rushed forward.

The thunderstorm exploded instantly, and the three-pointed two-edged knife in Lin Mo's hand suddenly stabbed out!

Xu Fu didn't even try to hide, but went straight to meet him.

The tip of the knife was stuck between the light curtains, making it difficult to advance even an inch.

Xu Fu had a mocking look on his face, and his finger happened to be on Lin Mo's shoulder!


The entire shoulder exploded directly, and the stark white bones were exposed to the air.

"Look, what are you trying to fight with me for?"

Xu Fu sneered: "You haven't fully mastered the killing heart. You are at most at the intermediate level now. Too weak! You are still too weak!"

"Haha, wait until I kill you, then you can talk nonsense again!" Lin Mo sneered, and the power in his body surged again.

Five Beast Fist!

He actually gave up the three-pointed double-edged sword and attacked with fists instead!

Xu Fu, however, seemed to be deliberately joking, and kept attacking. With every attack, a piece of flesh and blood would explode on Lin Mo's body.

With the surge of water attribute power, Lin Mo didn't care about such injuries at all.

More and more bones were exposed on his body, and blood mixed with fist light kept smashing out!

Xu Fu just fought back from time to time, and his expression and movements were like a cat that caught a mouse!

And Lin Mo didn't care about it at all, anyway, he just attacked desperately!

All martial arts were released by him once, and now the proficiency of these martial arts has reached the ceiling, and the power caused is also terrifying.

But for Xu Fu, these attacks were really like drizzle, which could be ignored!


In the sky, thunder gathered again, and now there seemed to be more thunder, and the color was also evolving towards blood red.

Seeing this scene, Xu Fu's face changed a little.

"Time is running out, and I don't want to play with you like this anymore!"

Xu Fu opened his mouth, and then put his fingers together like a sword, and slashed at Lin Mo lightly!

"Do you think I'm playing with you?"

Lin Mo sneered, and then patted the air lightly.

"Come on!"

As the voice fell, endless water gathered together, and then directly enveloped Xu Fu!

"Weak water!"

Xu Fu reacted all of a sudden, and at the same time he looked around, his face was extremely ugly.

A huge pit appeared on the ground around him, with a depth of hundreds of meters. Endless weak water gathered in the air, and then fell into the deep pit with two figures!

Weak water, the source is mysterious, even Xu Fu can't float out of it!

However, as the controller of weak water, Lin Mo stood in the air at the first time, controlling the weak water to start refining.

When Fuxi unsealed him, he deliberately emphasized the formations he left behind.

Since he already knew that those formations came from the great god Fuxi, he naturally had to learn them well.

So when he improved his proficiency in the Heart of Killing, he also learned the use of formations.

Lin Mo, who mastered several attribute powers, used the Five-Shaped Killing Formation as a means of refining.

As he pointed his finger, lightning, flames, ice, and weak water all gathered together.

Then Lin Mo roared at the air: "How long do you have to absorb it? It's your turn to appear!"

With this roar, Xuanyuan Sword rushed out directly!

There are still gaps on the sword body, but after the superposition of several attributes, the grade of Xuanyuan Sword must have been improved a lot!

The last formation of the Five Elements Killing Formation is Xuanyuan Sword!

As a sword, the attribute it naturally brings is the Gengjin Qi!

As Xuanyuan Sword returned to its position, the entire formation began to operate!

Under the weak water, Xu Fu began to gather his own strength regardless of anything, but it was too late!

After the five elements formation was activated, the five attributes of power and the Xuanyuan Sword were materialized between heaven and earth!

The power of the ice attribute turned into a crystal wolf, and the lightning turned into a purple dragon. In the flames, the phoenix soared into the sky. Ruoshui was in the image of a girl, holding the Xuanyuan Sword in her hand!


The screams resounded, and half of Xu Fu's body was cut off by a sword!

The lightning surged, and Xu Fu was entangled in the middle by the dragon, shaking all over.

Although the girl who was transformed by the weak water looked a little weak, she was earth-shaking when she attacked!

The whole piece of weak water kept surging, and then turned into a huge wave and smashed down!

Xu Fu wanted to resist, but the weak water had an even more terrifying attribute, which was corrosiveness!

The ubiquitous corrosiveness corroded the blood and qi power of Xu Fu a little bit!

This progress is going on all the time, so that in the end, Xu Fu couldn't even support a barrier!

After the Five Elements Killing Formation was formed, Lin Mo actually didn't care about the result!

How could a small Xu Fu be able to contend with the formation left by the great god Fuxi?

Screams continued to sound, but Lin Mo had already sat cross-legged not far away and began to silently circulate the power of qi and blood to recover from his injuries.

His current body is actually not much better than Xu Fu's. You can see that his body is tattered everywhere, and some places have lost their flesh and blood, leaving only bones.

Cracks can be seen on the bones, and the internal organs can be seen through the bones.

The power of water attribute started to work, and Lin Mo's body began to recover quickly!

At this time, Xu Fu under the water actually began to beg for mercy.

"Lin Mo, let's make peace. A fight to the death will not benefit anyone!"

"I believe you have also heard what Xuanyuan Sword said. I come from the outside world. I have noble blood flowing in my veins. As long as you let me go, when the outside world controls Blue Star, I can make the decision and let you take charge of the entire China!"

"Also, I can give you the entire Neon. I know what Neon brought to you China. When you take control of the entire Neon, you can bring those pains to them!"

"Lin Mo, if you really kill me, I guarantee you will be miserable in the future!"

Xu Fu's voice was filled with urgency. His physical body had almost dissipated, and his bones were exposed all over his body.

The weak water penetrated seamlessly and began to swallow up his energy, blood, and internal organs.

Feeling the destruction of his body, the whole process was very terrifying. He roared with all his strength, trying to make peace with Lin Mo.

But there has been no response.

"Lin Mo, I admit defeat. Please let me go. No matter what conditions you put forward, I can agree to it!"

"Lin Mo, you can kill me if you want, but don't use this method. If you let me come out of the weak water, you can just kill me with your weapon!

I promise not to fight back! "

"Lin Mo..."

Such a sound made Lin Mo a little annoyed. He raised his hand and waved it, and the operation of the entire formation instantly sped up a lot!

Feeling that the formation was speeding up, Xu Fu had a look of frustration on his face.

"Damn Lin Mo, you really want to fight to the death!!

Do you know that the person I am now is not my true body at all, and when my true body comes out, you will definitely die!

My true body will come to China from the outside world, and then I will destroy you all! "


With the last scream, Xu Fu exploded completely!

Lin Mo stood up and looked at the situation at the bottom of the weak water, with a mocking look on his lips.

"You are an idiot and you think everyone else is an idiot?"

Lin Mo spoke softly, stretched out his hand and gently grabbed it in front of him.

Suddenly a ball of soul light appeared in front of him.

Feeling Xu Fu's begging for mercy in the soul light ball, Lin Mo sneered and tried harder!


The light ball exploded directly, and Xu Fu completely disappeared!

At the same time, Lin Mo closed his eyes slightly, and in the dream world, a ball of light representing Xu Fu's memory appeared there.

Lin Mo smiled, this was the effect he wanted.

Xu Fu must have a lot of secrets. If he can get his memory, then Lin Mo can know a lot of things!

But now that the memory ball has been stored in the dream space, there are more important things to do now!

Lin Mo raised his hand and pointed lightly at Ruoshui.

Several marks shot out from under the water!

A bolt of lightning, a drop of water, a burst of flame!

It was the three marks that appeared on Xu Fu's head before!

Looking at the mark in his hand, Lin Mo had a smile on his face.

"This thing must have a special function. After I absorb Xu Fu's memory, I will naturally understand it!

It’s better to put it away now! "

With that said, Lin Mo was about to put the three marks into the spiritual platform.

However, at this moment, the three marks emitted light at the same time, trying to escape Lin Mo's control and fly away!

With everything in hand, how could Lin Mo give up.

He raised his hand and grabbed it directly, grabbing the three marks in his palm. At the same time, he twisted the power of Qi and blood to form a Qi and blood seal array in the air!

The three marks were constantly impacting the formation, but there was no way to break the formation.

After struggling for a while, the three marks were obviously consumed too much and fell directly towards the ground!

Lin Mo reached out to grab them, and then put them into the spiritual platform again.


At this moment, a crack slowly appeared in the sky.

In the crack was a bloody eye, staring at Lin Mo.


Cracks appeared on Lin Mo's body. Just one glance made Lin Mo almost explode!

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