Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 54 Kill! Activate Abyss Mode!

"It's ridiculous. My son Liu Yang is only one step away from becoming a warrior. Who do you think you are, Lin Mo!"

The middle-aged man sneered and spoke.

The middle-aged woman on the side looked at Lin Mo even more bitterly: "Yang'er, kill him to avenge your brother!"


Liu Yang shouted coldly and rushed towards Lin Mo.


Tiger Roar Impact!

The sound waves covered Liu Yang like a wave!

Liu Yang's body trembled, he felt his head buzzing, and his movements became much slower.

"kill me?!"

By the time Liu Yang came to his senses, Lin Mo was already in front of him.


Lin Mo used the Tiger Fist and hit Liu Yang with terrifying force!

In an instant, Liu Yang flew backwards and hit the ground heavily.

"So strong!" Everyone exclaimed, looking at Lin Mo with shock in their eyes.

He was obviously much stronger than Lin Mo, but he was beaten down!

"Yang'er!" middle-aged men and women couldn't help shouting: "Use weapons!"

Liu Yang got up from the ground and took a dagger from somewhere in his hand.

The dagger flashed with cold light, its sharpness was overwhelming.

"Weapons of the third level or above of Huang rank!" Everyone exclaimed. With Liu Yang's strength and this dagger, Lin Mo will definitely lose no matter how powerful he is in combat!

"Death!" Liu Yang rushed forward again, and the sharp dagger slashed directly towards Lin Mo's neck.

"Just you?" Lin Mo's cold voice sounded, and at the same time, his golden fingers were already pointing towards the dagger!


The dagger suddenly broke into two pieces!

Seeing this scene, everyone felt numb.

It was a third-grade Huang-level dagger, and it was broken by Lin Mo with just one finger!


After breaking the dagger, Lin Mo didn't stop moving his hand, and directly hit Liu Yang's chest with his fist and finger tiger!

Red blood continued to overflow down his chest, and Liu Yang's body fell heavily to the ground on his back.


Someone in the crowd said such a thing, and then there was a roar.

"Am I right? A ninth-grade warrior was beaten by Lin Mo!?"

"A third-grade Huang-level dagger is as if it's made of tofu..."


Lu Chuan also looked at Lin Mo with shock. He was extremely talented and could defeat his opponents across two small realms even when he was in the warrior realm.

But Lin Mo crossed four realms and killed Liu Yang who was holding a yellow-level third-grade weapon!

This combat power... is so terrifying!

" killed my son, you take your life!" The middle-aged woman rushed towards Lin Mo desperately with red eyes.


Lin Mo punched, the wind blowing from his fist, and he stopped a few centimeters away from the middle-aged woman.

"You...want to die?" Lin Mo said coldly.

The middle-aged woman's strength is only that of an eighth-level warrior. In a real fight, Lin Mo can kill her instantly!

"Lin Mo!" The middle-aged man looked at Lin Mo and said sternly: "How can you be my son's opponent? You must have used the ability of a mind qi master!

I am going to kill you! "

The middle-aged man is far more powerful than Lin Mo. If he takes action, Lin Mo will definitely die!

"Isn't it appropriate for Mr. Liu to do this?" Lu Chuan took a step forward and said calmly: "Life and death are in my hands... Life and death are determined by fate!"

"He used Nian Qi Master..."

"He didn't!" Lu Chuan said calmly: "At the beginning of the battle, a restriction was opened in the middle of the battlefield, and mental power cannot be used!"

"This...this is impossible!

How could a fourth-grade warrior be my son’s opponent! "

The middle-aged man had a look of despair on his face, unwilling to accept this result at all.

"If I use my mental power, your son's death will be even worse!"

Lin Mo put his hands behind his back and said calmly: "If I step into the warrior realm, you can come to me and fight to the death at any time!"

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Looking at Lin Mo's back, the faces of the middle-aged man and middle-aged woman were full of despair.

With Lin Mo's current fighting power, if he really stepped into the realm of warriors, how could they be Lin Mo's opponents?

But now if he wants to attack Lin Mo, the special training camp will not agree!

"Xiao Hai, let's go home!" The middle-aged man's face was cold. He stepped forward to pick up Liu Yang's body, and then looked at his son Liu Hai: "My Liu family will do everything possible to cure you, and wait for you to come back to avenge your brother. !”

Liu Hai was one of the people here, and he and Lin Mo were barely the same age. If he were to kill him in the decisive battle with Lin Mo, no one would have anything to say!

There was a silly smile on Liu Hai's face, and I couldn't understand what he was talking about...

In the special training camp, Lin Mo caught everyone's attention as soon as he appeared.

Bang bang bang!

I don’t know who took the lead, but a group of people immediately applauded.

"Lin Mo, good job!"

"Awesome, you have defeated your opponents across four realms. You should be number one in the entire special training camp!"

"Lin Mo..."

Facing the compliments from all directions, Lin Mo nodded to everyone with a smile on his face.

"You can kill Liu Yang without using any mental power. This Lin Mo... is quite powerful!"

Not far away, Lei Meng looked at Lin Mo, his face full of appreciation.

"Could it be a special physique?" Yan Xia couldn't help but said: "I heard that the Huanglong Group has recruited many strong men with special physiques, and some of them are known for their combat prowess!

This kind of physique is called a battle body!

Could Lin Mo be a battle body? ! "

"Battle body? ! "Lei Meng raised his eyebrows and said in a deep voice: "If this is true, then we must report it to the higher-ups immediately!

Observe further, this kid is already a mind-reading master, if he also has a battle body... that's too scary!"

The two looked at Lin Mo and couldn't help but tremble in their hearts.

Lin Mo, who was completely unaware of all this, began to contact weapons in the special training camp.

He deliberately chose brass knuckles as the first weapon to contact, and combined with the several boxing techniques they currently mastered, Lin Mo felt that his combat power seemed to have improved a lot!

"There is no corresponding martial arts for brass knuckles, but all boxing techniques can be performed through brass knuckles!

What's more, there is a demon pill in my brass knuckles, which can double the power! "

Lin Mo had a smile on his face as he practiced the special features of the brass knuckles over and over again.

At night, in the bedroom of the special training camp.

Lin Mo took out a Qi and Blood Pill as expected, swallowed it, and entered a dream.

Looking at the options in front of him, Lin Mo spent four Qi and Blood Pills and chose the martial arts arena.

Here, he tried to improve his proficiency in the brass knuckles.

Three hours later, Lin Mo opened his eyes with an unsatisfied look on his face.

"The proficiency of the brass knuckles should be improved. Do you want to try it in the dungeon?" Lin Mo's eyes lit up, and he finally took out another Qi and Blood Pill and swallowed it.

This time, Lin Mo did not continue to enter the martial arts arena, but chose the dungeon.

Unlike before, this time, in addition to the dungeon that Lin Mo had cleared before, there was another option in front of him.

"Abyss Mode!"

Looking at the bloody four words, Lin Mo felt a fear rising from the bottom of his heart.

"Consume ten Qi and Blood Pills! "

Lin Mo was shocked. He prepared a lot of Qi and Blood Pills for this special training camp, but after several nights of consumption, there are only less than thirty left.

If he spends ten more Qi and Blood Pills to brush the abyss...

"Isn't it just ten Qi and Blood Pills? ! I want to see what kind of monsters can appear in the abyss!"

Lin Mo gritted his teeth and directly selected the abyss mode!

In an instant, Lin Mo felt that the scene in front of him had changed.

The familiar scenery in the original copy disappeared, replaced by an extremely depressing atmosphere.

There was no sunlight in the sky, but everything around could be seen.

It seemed that there were unknown light sources around.

"Is this the abyss?"

Lin Mo tried to search the surroundings with his mental power, but found nothing.

"Ten Qi and Blood Pills, just let me take a look at the surrounding scenery?"

Lin Mo couldn't help but complain.

The surrounding space was much larger than the previous copy, so he directly chose a direction to move forward.

"That is... Qi and Blood Grass! "

As soon as he walked a distance, Lin Mo's eyes widened. He saw a blood grass not far away!

He hurried forward, pulled up the blood grass by the roots, and tried to put it into the space of his brain.

What Lin Mo didn't expect was that he succeeded!

"Everything encountered in the abyss can be taken away!" Lin Mo was a little surprised and made such a judgment in his heart.

After walking forward for a distance, Lin Mo collected another three blood grasses in succession. Just when Lin Mo thought that today's harvest was over, a sound of footsteps suddenly sounded in the distance!

"Something is approaching!"

Lin Mo's face changed slightly, he looked around, and finally jumped onto a big tree next to him.

He carefully gathered his mental power and looked in the direction of the footsteps.

Soon, a figure slowly walked out of the bushes in the distance.

It was green all over and held a wooden stick in its hand.


Lin Mo breathed a sigh of relief, jumped down from the tree, and looked at the goblin in front of him.

"Invader! "

The goblin screamed and smashed Lin Mo's head with a wooden stick.

"Is this all the monsters in the abyss can do?" Lin Mo smiled and punched the goblin.


After a loud bang, Lin Mo's face changed drastically.

The whole person quickly stepped back a few steps. He stood there looking at the goblin in front of him, his expression became solemn.

"A warrior-level goblin..."

At the moment of the fight, Lin Mo had already felt that the goblin's strength had reached the warrior level.

"Fortunately, his IQ is not high. If it is higher, I will be finished! "

Lin Mo felt so lucky. Although the goblin in front of him had the strength of a warrior, it could not cause much damage to him.

In the next few minutes, Lin Mo fought with the goblin with brass knuckles and finally killed the goblin!

As before, a warm current flowed into his body from the goblin.

Just as Lin Mo was feeling the strength of this warm current, footsteps sounded from afar.

The dense footsteps sounded like countless ants migrating!

Listening to these footsteps, Lin Mo's face changed immediately.

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