Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 59 The monster is coming!

The young security guard widened his eyes and pointed at the tile house in panic.

Following the direction of his finger, everyone turned around.

"That is..."

At this moment, the sun was setting, and the tile house seemed to be shrouded in black fog.

Two fist-sized balls of light flickered, and there was a faint chewing sound accompanied by breathing.


A bloody arm was thrown out and fell to the ground.

Everyone's pupils contracted, and a look of horror appeared on their faces.

"Be alert!"

Leng He's face was pale. The previous battle had made her exhausted. Now facing the unknown existence in the room, she felt a sense of powerlessness in her heart.

"Ka Ka Ka..."

A crisp sound came, and then the door of the entire tile house shook a few times, and then it was thrown out directly!

"Get out of the way!"

Leng He scolded lightly, and at the same time rushed to the side.


The door frame fell to the ground and broke into pieces. At the same time, the tile house collapsed directly at this moment, and the whole yard was filled with smoke and dust!

Lin Mo had already stepped back a few steps, standing not far away with his eyes narrowed, staring at the direction of the tile house.

The smoke and dust slowly dissipated, and a dark figure appeared there.

Before he could see its specific appearance clearly, Lin Mo heard the sound of people swallowing saliva around him.

When the smoke and dust completely dissipated, its appearance was also exposed to everyone.

It was three meters tall, standing there, and its entire head looked like a wild boar, with blood and residual meat hanging on its two long canine teeth.


It suddenly roared, and then pounced on a security guard.


The security guard's head was slapped into a rotten watermelon by it, and then he was chewed by the leg.

"Ah!!! Monster!"

"The monster is coming!"

In the crowd, I don't know who shouted first, such a scene is enough to scare people!

The messy footsteps sounded, and a group of security guards were scared and ran outside in a hurry.


The gunshots rang out, and the first person who rushed to the door staggered and fell to the ground.

There was a bloody hole on the back of his head.

"Whoever dares to step out of the door will end up like this!"

Lin Mo raised the gun and spoke coldly.

After saying this, Lin Mo threw the gun back to the frightened security guard standing aside, and then put on brass knuckles and stood in front of the monster step by step.

"Lin Mo is right, whoever dares to leave will be treated as an escapee!" Leng He also stood beside Lin Mo: "If this thing runs away, the people around will suffer. I have notified the Public Security Bureau. We just need to defend here!"

"Fight him!" The group of people standing at the door also reacted at this time, roared, and stood in front of the wild boar monster again.


The wild boar monster roared and rushed towards everyone.

The sound of gunfire continued, and bullets rained down on the wild boar monster.

But the bullets couldn't hurt this thing because of its thick skin and flesh, and even angered it!

"Continuous Kicks!"

Leng He rushed forward with gritted teeth, and when he was still a few meters away from the wild boar monster, he directly picked it up and kicked it continuously.


The wild boar monster grabbed Leng He and slammed it to the ground.


Tiger Roar Attack!

While attacking with sound waves, Lin Mo also rushed forward.


Tiger Fist!

During this period, Lin Mo spent a lot of time and Qi and Blood Pills to finally improve the Tiger Fist to a high level of proficiency!

The attack power also reached nearly 800 at once!

However, what Lin Mo didn't expect was that such an attack strength hit the wild boar monster, just like hitting a rock!


The wild boar monster kicked over, and Lin Mo flew up.

Eagle Step!

At the moment of taking off, Lin Mo performed another martial art!


This step just happened to step on the top of the wild boar monster's head!


Lin Mo heard a slight cracking sound!


The wild boar also roared, and kept slapping its head with both hands, trying to drive Lin Mo down.

"The weakness is on the top of the head!"

Lin Mo looked at this scene and understood the reason directly.

The moment he jumped off the wild boar monster, he saw a deep wound on its head!

"It has an old wound on its head! I should have cracked his skull with my foot just now!" Lin Mo said to Leng He: "Can you still stand up!"

Leng He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked at the wild boar monster coldly, and did not respond to Lin Mo.


A roar came from Leng He's mouth: "I don't have the means to attack in the air, I'll hold him, you find a way to attack again just now!"

As soon as the voice fell, Leng He gritted his teeth and pounced on the wild boar monster.

Fists and feet exchanged, and muffled sounds continued.

Wounds also appeared on Leng He's body.

Lin Mo wandered around, constantly looking for opportunities.


Finding an opportunity, Lin Mo rushed forward in one step, stepped on the wild boar monster's body and jumped up!

Eagle step!


This time the wild boar monster seemed to be prepared, and the moment Lin Mo fell, it tilted its head to the side.

This kick directly hit the wild boar monster's shoulder.


At the same time, the wild boar monster punched Leng He's heart, and a bloody hole instantly appeared there!

"Captain Leng!"

Lin Mo's eyes turned cold. This attack would definitely kill Leng He!

"Kill it!" Leng He's eyes sparkled, and he grabbed the boar monster's hands.

The boar monster went crazy, and Leng He's wounds became more and more!

"Let's die!"

Lin Mo roared, stepped on the boar monster's shoulder and jumped up.


Lin Mo controlled his mental power to condense into a beam, and covered the head of the boar monster in front!

In just this moment, blood flowed out of Lin Mo's mouth and nose, and his eyes turned red in an instant!


At the moment Lin Mo fell, he felt a hot stream falling on his face.

That was the blood flowing from the wild boar!

The mental power condensed into a beam was so terrifying that it directly smashed half of the boar monster's head!


Lin Mo fell heavily to the ground, and the last scene he saw was the scene of everyone rushing towards him...



A roar sounded, and the birds in the dense forest screamed and fled.

Next to a huge corpse stood a black bear of even larger size.

If Lin Mo were here, he would definitely recognize that the corpse on the ground was the giant bear he saw in the abyss before!

The standing giant bear was holding a goblin in his hand. It was wearing a crown and was obviously one of the goblins that escaped.

The goblin lord's face was full of fear, and he waved his hands and gestured to the black bear.


After getting his answer, the black bear used both hands to tear the goblin in half and stuffed it into his mouth.

As for the corpse of the giant bear on the ground, it was also torn into pieces by the black bear and swallowed up cleanly!

"Roar! Human! You will come again! When you come again, I will tear you apart!"

The black bear's mouth actually made a human voice, and the whole dense forest was suddenly shrouded in an atmosphere of fear!

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