Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 71: The first battle of the journey of thousands of miles!

Lin Mo looked at the ring hanging in front of him with a shocked look on his face.

"This thing is tempering my body and reducing the impurities in my body!"

Lin Mo quickly thought of the reason for all this.

"What a good thing!" Lin Mo couldn't help but grab the ring in his hand, gritted his teeth, and put the ring on his hand again.


He couldn't help but suck in a breath of cold air. The hot feeling hit him again, as if lava was flowing in his meridians.

Lin Mo's eyes kept paying attention to the time. In less than three minutes, he felt like he couldn't bear it anymore and his body was about to burst.

He took off the ring and put it away. Seeing another layer of old skin appearing on his body, he quickly got up and washed it, then changed his clothes.

"It feels like the strength of my physical body has improved a lot..." Lin Mo felt the changes in his body, and a smile appeared on his face: "As a martial artist, you need to use the power of Qi and blood to make your physical body stronger. Now This ring seems to be furthering that process!

Found a treasure! "

Lin Mo felt ecstatic in his heart and glanced at the white sky. After washing up, Lin Mo went to the restaurant to have breakfast before going on the road again.

At noon that day, Lin Mo came to Zhucheng.

"Let's go to the martial arts arena first. Generally, talented students like this will spend their summer vacation in the martial arts arena!"

Lin Mo stopped a taxi and after giving the address, the taxi driver stepped on the accelerator and rushed out.

"Young man, you are not very old. Why are you going to the martial arts field so late? Young people must work hard to practice. Don't be like me. When you get older, you can only drive a taxi!" The driver is a nice person and looks at it. Lin Mo persuaded seriously.

"Thank you, master. I'm actually pretty strong!" Lin Mo said with a smile.

"Young man, stop bragging after me. You are strong. How strong can you be? Can you compare to that boy named Lin Mo in Jinling?

And our genius Kang Shun has reached the level of a second-grade warrior. I heard that he is also in the martial arts field today. You can just see what a true genius is! "

Zhucheng is not big. Ten minutes later, Lin Mo arrived at the entrance of the martial arts arena.

The martial arts arena is an official institution, so the martial arts arena in every city is huge and has complete functions.

Lin Mo walked into the martial arts arena and was immediately greeted by a beautiful young lady.

"Hello, are you training, or do you want to buy Qi and Blood Pills? A new batch of Qi and Blood Pills has recently arrived at the martial arts arena. They are all refined by the Ye family. They are very effective and have a high absorption rate!" the young lady said enthusiastically. Promoting.


"Then why don't you buy a ticket for the Genius Answer Session? The genius student Kang Shun will give a live lecture and answer questions. The ticket price is only one thousand yuan!"

"Kang Shun's speech?" Lin Mo was stunned for a moment, then took out a thousand yuan and put it in the young lady's hand: "Please help me buy a ticket for the speech!"

Not long after, Lin Mo entered the lecture hall with the ticket.

There was still an hour before the speech started, but the entire hall was already overcrowded. Many young girls were holding photos or light signs in their hands and kept shouting Kangshun's name.

"Good guy, it's a big star chasing scene!" Lin Mo sighed with a smile, then squeezed into the crowd, found a suitable viewing position and sat down.

Time passed by minute by second, and soon dynamic music sounded, and a figure walked out from behind the curtain.

"Ahhh, it's Kangshun, he's so handsome!!"

"Kangshun we love you!"

A group of girls cheered loudly. Lin Mo sat among them and couldn't help but want to cover his ears.

On the stage, Kang Shun was wearing a very sexy suit, his hair was meticulously styled, and he had a faint smile on his face.

Listening to the cheers from all around, Kang Shun raised his hands and pressed them down twice: "Thank you all, thank you all. Can you please be quiet first?"

The idol's words were more effective than the words of his own mother. The group of girls who had been crying and howling before immediately closed their mouths and looked at Kang Shun on the stage in a daze.

"Thank you all for coming to my lecture. Today I am mainly talking about some of my feelings on my personal spiritual path..."

Kang Shun smiled and then began to talk about some of his experiences at Wuhan University in Beijing.

Lin Mo watched a group of people excitedly take out pens and paper and start recording.

"It's indeed very good. It's all very basic cultivation experience. This Kangshun is an honest kid!" Lin Mo nodded, and his evaluation of Kangshun improved a lot.

"One of the most basic martial arts skills we usually master is called Canglang Fist. This boxing technique was refined by a senior based on the movements of the Wolf King when he was hunting.

This boxing technique is extremely fierce and extremely lethal!

I can show you a demonstration! "

Kang Shun scratched his head, and then he opened his posture on the podium, as if he was going to practice a boxing technique.

"Wait a minute!" Lin Mo shouted loudly: "Since this is a demonstration, why can't we have a battle!"

After the words fell, everyone's eyes fell on Lin Mo.

The little girls who were standing next to Lin Mo immediately looked at Lin Mo with disgust: "Where is this idiot who dares to fight against Senior Kang Shun?

Are you desperate or do you want to be famous? "

"I want to be famous!"

"Senior Kangshun, accept his request and kill him!"

A group of fans were full of malice towards Lin Mo and shouted loudly.

Lin Mo had a helpless look on his face. He could only ignore them and quietly wait for Kang Shun's choice.

"Um... classmate, how old are you?"

Kang Shun looked at Lin Mo, with a hesitant look on his face.

"I'm eighteen this year and will go to college soon!" Lin Mo smiled and said, "I've always heard of your name and want to fight you!"

"Eighteen years old!"

Everyone exclaimed, and looking at Lin Mo's appearance, they couldn't help shaking their heads.

"You're not even a college student. You still need to practice well after graduation. When you go to college, we can fight once!

The premise is that you can enter Beijing Wuda!" Kang Shun smiled and didn't take Lin Mo's challenge seriously.

He just regarded Lin Mo as a child who wanted to challenge a strong man.

"Senior Kang Shun, I think you can consider it..." Lin Mo took a step forward, and at the same time, the blood and qi in his body were released, covering Kang Shun.


In an instant, Kang Shun's face changed slightly, and his eyes were full of shock when he looked at Lin Mo.


Kang Shun raised his eyebrows and finally nodded: "Okay, let's go to the martial arts area!"

"What, Senior Kang Shun actually accepted his challenge!"

"Senior Kang Shun should not want to make him lose face!"

"Just to see how Senior Kang Shun abuses him later!"


The crowd did not feel the blood and qi power that Lin Mo had just burst out. Under the control of mental power, Lin Mo's control of blood and qi power is much stronger than that of ordinary people!

A group of people ran towards the martial arts area in a mighty manner.

Lin Mo put his hands behind his back and walked up to the martial arts stage step by step. Kang Shun walked up with a solemn expression on the opposite side.


Kang Shun looked at Lin Mo and asked such a question.

Lin Mo nodded.

Kang Shun's expression became more serious: "Awesome! I don't dare to go to your step at all!"

Wanlixing, what you need is an invincible heart, no matter when, keep the belief that I am invincible!

But once such a belief is defeated once in a competition, it will be shattered immediately!

So Kang Shun didn't have the courage to go on a journey of thousands of miles. Facing Lin Mo who dared to take this step, he admired him very much!

"I will do my best!"

Kang Shun spoke loudly, and at the same time he clasped his fists towards Lin Mo!

Etiquette between martial artists!

Lin Mo returned the greeting solemnly.

The next moment, both sides took up their positions, and the entire martial arts stage suddenly became quiet.

The people below the stage couldn't help but hold their breath, and an inexplicable pressure came over them.

"What's wrong with this guy? He stood in front of Kang Shun and didn't look afraid at all!"

"Not only didn't he look afraid, I felt a little scared when I looked at him! What's going on!"

"This guy may not be simple. Didn't you notice that the look in Senior Kang Shun's eyes has changed?!"


A group of students were not all brainless fans. Looking at the atmosphere on the stage, they all felt something was wrong.


Kang Shun was the first to attack!

He shouted coldly and directly used the Canglang Fist!

At the moment of performing the boxing, he pounced on Lin Mo with fierce eyes like a wolf king!

What a strong murderous aura!

Lin Mo couldn't help but sigh. The essence of the Canglang Fist should be this murderous aura. At the moment of gushing out, if you are not in a good state of mind, you may be directly scared silly!


Tiger roar attack!

Lin Mo roared like a tiger, and the visible sound waves flew out of his mouth!

Kang Shun's expression changed slightly, and the Canglang Fist was interrupted directly. The whole person rolled in the air, and then crossed his hands across his chest!


A muffled sound came, and the sound waves were blocked by his arms!

"What a strong defense!" Lin Mo said with a smile.

"I am a second-grade, you are a first-grade... You said that my defense is strong, are you humiliating me?" Kang Shun looked helpless: "Come again!"

He rushed up again, but this time, he performed a body movement martial arts, and the whole person on the stage turned into three afterimages!

"It's hard to tell the truth from the false! If I use mental power, this kind of physical martial arts is just a decoration for me... But I can't use it!" Lin Mo smiled lightly.


Lin Mo stepped on the stage fiercely and jumped up!

The height was more than three meters!

At this time, Kang Shun appeared where Lin Mo was standing.


This punch hit the ground directly from top to bottom!

On the martial arts stage, a huge crack spread out in all directions. Kang Shun punched a big hole in the stage!

The attack missed, and Kang Shun instinctively felt bad and wanted to dodge, but it was too late!

Lin Mo seemed to have predicted his prediction, and Eagle Step fell from the air!

When the Eagle Step with advanced proficiency was used, the attack power had reached a terrifying 1,200!


This kick stepped on Kang Shun's shoulder, causing him to half-kneel on the ground!

Kang Shun lost!

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