Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 73 Revenge and Harvest!

The flames were surging, and the high temperature caused the air to distort a little.

Lin Mo took two steps back, looking at everything in front of him, with an excited smile on his face.

With a jingle, the ring on Conway's hand fell to the ground and slowly floated up.

Lin Mo grabbed the ring in his hand, wiped it clean, and then put it away.

"What a good thing, it can not only temper the body, but also help people cremate!" Lin Mo had an excited smile on his face.

At this time, the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau came here with a group of people. Looking at Lin Mo standing there with a silly smile, he couldn't help but frowned.

"You winked at me just to let me see you grinning?" The deputy director looked a little ugly. He found a lot of security guards to come together, but he didn't expect to be fooled by Lin Mo in the end.

"The ashes under your feet are Conway's. He just wanted to kill me and I solved it!"

Lin Mo pointed at the ashes under the deputy director's feet and said lightly.

The deputy director's expression changed slightly. Only then did he notice that there were obvious signs of burning on the ground. He couldn't help but take two steps back.

"You said Conway wanted to kill you?"

"Not only did they want to kill me, they killed his son themselves!" Lin Mo raised his hand and pointed to the distance: "There is a camera there, you can see it for yourself!"

The deputy director was silent for a moment and looked at a security guard behind him.

The security guard took out his mobile phone and made a call.

A few minutes later, the deputy director's mobile phone vibrated and received a video.

Clicking on the video, it was the conversation between Lin Mo and Conway and the whole process of Lin Mo killing Conway later.

"Burned to death directly?" The deputy director looked at the video with a surprised look on his face: "What means did you use?"

"Mysterious power from the East!" Lin Mo smiled lightly: "You don't want to find out my personal tricks!"

It is a taboo for martial artists to inquire about each other's registration. The deputy director knew that he had just said something wrong, and he could only cough lightly to cover up the matter.

"I want to know why Conway wants to kill you?" The deputy director frowned: "I can't find any reason!"

"Maybe you can find the answer from his wife, or maybe Conway is actually a member of the Dark Blood Society!"

Lin Mo gave his own guess.

"Go check it now!" The deputy director turned around and gave his order again.

It must be said that Zhucheng is very efficient. Ten minutes later, the Public Security Bureau caught Conway's wife and obtained the address and specific strength of the Dark Blood Society in Zhucheng in the shortest time.

"There is also a first-class warrior?" Lin Mo showed a cold smile on his face: "In that case, don't blame me for being rude..."

Lin Mo stood aside and had already heard the strength and address of the Dark Blood Society in Zhucheng clearly.

After leaving this sentence, Lin Mo turned around and left.

"Lin Mo, what are you going to do? This is our Public Security Bureau's business. I warn you, don't get involved!" The deputy director shouted at Lin Mo's back.

But Lin Mo didn't even turn his head back, turned around and walked towards the address of the Dark Blood Society...

An hour later, in a villa in the suburbs of Zhucheng.

"Conway, this idiot, actually killed his own son. Doesn't he know that this behavior is extremely stupid?!" A middle-aged man in the villa spoke loudly.

"President Zhu, Mr. Kang should have his own plan!" A woman chuckled and said, "However, the task assigned to us by the superiors must be completed. If Conway can kill Lin Mo this time, it will be a great achievement!"


As soon as the voice fell, the door of the villa was kicked open, and Lin Mo rushed in alone.

"If you want to kill me, I'm here now, come and kill me!"

In the villa, dozens of people living on the first floor slowly walked out, staring at Lin Mo with murderous intent.


One of the young men roared and rushed towards Lin Mo.

He has reached the level of a third-grade warrior at a young age, and is the best among these people.

Tiger Fist!

Lin Mo punched out with both fists. With Lin Mo's current strength and proficiency, he used this martial art again. Its attack power can be said to be extremely terrifying!


The man who rushed up was instantly broken into three pieces and fell to the ground, with blood splattering all over the place!

Trample, trample, trample!

Dozens of people retreated one after another. The people living on the first floor were relatively weak. The one who just attacked was already the strongest among them, but was killed by Lin Mo with one punch!

How could they be Lin Mo's opponent?


Lin Mo took a step forward, and everyone took a step back.

"Student Lin Mo is so capable that he dared to rush to our branch! It seems that he doesn't take the Dark Blood Club seriously at all!"

President Zhu walked down step by step, followed by a young woman with light makeup on her face, but she gave people a charming feeling.

"I am a person who emphasizes revenge. With the strength of you people, I can completely deal with it. What is worth my attention for a mere branch?"

Lin Mo's voice was full of contempt, and President Zhu's face turned livid!


President Zhu jumped down from the second floor. The moment he landed, he rushed forward and rushed towards Lin Mo!


Lin Mo dodged directly with a ghostly shadow, and at the same time, he went around and punched him in the back!

"President, be careful!"

The female assistant who was following President Zhu changed her expression and couldn't help shouting.


Lin Mo took out the dagger he carried with him and threw it out directly. With a muffled sound, the female assistant closed her mouth forever!

However, this roar did have a physical effect on President Zhu.

President Zhu turned around suddenly and punched Lin Mo in the heart!


Lin Mo's eyes flashed, and he directly activated his mental power. Suddenly, the big net woven by mental power enveloped President Zhu!


President Zhu trembled, and the whole person stood in place. After a long while, he spit out a mouthful of blood and fell straight to the ground!

"Is there anyone among you who wants to avenge Conway and your president?" Lin Mo looked at the people in front of him and asked with a smile.

A group of people looked at each other, but no one was willing to stand up and avenge President Zhu!

"A mob!" Lin Mo gave his own evaluation coldly, and then went straight to the second floor.

The Zhucheng Dark Blood Club branch has been established for a long time, and there should be a lot of good things left.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Lin Mo entered the president's room. The first thing that caught his eye was a large bed that could accommodate at least four people, followed by a rocking chair by the window.

"These two are very good at enjoying themselves!" Lin Mo's spiritual perception had not disappeared, so as soon as he entered the room, he found the least clean place.

The whole room was full of the scent of President Zhu and the woman who had just been killed by Lin Mo.

Lin Mo walked straight to the safe next to the desk. After trying a few times, he still couldn't open the lock.

"You forced me to do this!" Lin Mo stood up and whispered: "Now get out of here obediently. Maybe there is room for negotiation. I'll count to three. If you don't come out... one! Two!"

Just when everyone thought that Lin Mo would count to three step by step, Lin Mo suddenly punched the safe.

With a bang, a huge force penetrated the safe, revealing the contents in front of Lin Mo.

"Qi and blood pills! Healing pills... and funds!"

Lin Mo roughly counted them. There were more than a dozen Qi and blood pills in the safe, and there was no shortage of healing pills. These people were bullies and had so many things on them. They were quite capable.

"Since I found it, I won't be polite!" Lin Mo smiled and collected all the collected things. As for the cash, Lin Mo collected it.

"There is a layer in the safe!" Just as Lin Mo was about to get up and leave, he suddenly wanted to use his mental power to scan the entire room again!

This time, there was really an unexpected gain. Lin Mo, who had just received the cash and other things, actually found a secret compartment in the safe!

Lin Mo opened the secret compartment without hesitation and saw the contents inside!

"Martial arts!" Lin Mo recognized what was inside at a glance.

After taking it out and taking a look, Lin Mo smiled: "It's actually a method to strengthen the body. Maybe it can be used with the cremation ring!"

Lin Mo had already figured it out in his mind. At the same time, he opened the martial arts and took a look at the content.

"Crane-shaped fist! A brand-new martial arts created based on the crane. It is extremely powerful. When it is practiced to the strongest, it can even kill a martial king with one punch!"

When practicing to a high level of proficiency, it should be able to exert half of the power of the crane-shaped fist. Only half of the power, there should be few people of the same level who can compare with it!

"I picked up a treasure. The crane-shaped fist is a treasure comparable to the tiger fist. The grade is the royal grade, but they are all very powerful!"

Lin Mo was a little happy. In addition to some big families, there are many hidden masters in the whole China. How many complete martial arts can they have?

Now Lin Mo directly got a martial arts, which is undoubtedly an improvement in his strength.

Packed up the looted things and put them directly in the storage space in his mind.

At this time, Lin Mo had an astonishing fifty blood and qi pills on his body!

According to Lin Mo's current cultivation technique, fifty Qi and Blood Pills may be used up in three or four times.

"We have to find a way to make money..." Lin Mo was a little helpless and walked down the stairs step by step.

Even if no one was watching, a group of people stood there honestly, like parents waiting to be scolded!

"Hand over all the money on you, and I will let you go!" Lin Mo said with a faint smile.

When everyone heard this, they immediately smiled on their faces. After searching for a while, Lin Mo found that there were tens of thousands of extra income in his pocket!

"Finally, I have money!" Lin Mo sighed, and at this time, the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau came late with his men.

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