Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 77 Qi and Blood Stone!

"Grandpa, I can beat him!" Gao Ming said loudly with an unconvinced look on his face.

"Grandpa Gao, Gao Ming is right. If we really fight, I may not be his opponent. Please allow us to continue fighting!" Lin Mo also said sincerely.

Everyone's face was full of excitement. The battle between Qi Masters was very rare, and today's battle between Gao Ming and Lin Mo opened their eyes.

One was born in a martial arts family, with strong strength and perfect use of various martial arts.

The other was a genius born in Jinling. Not only was he powerful, but his talent was even more jaw-dropping. How complicated the spiritual martial arts were, but Lin Mo could almost master them with just one look.

So, they really wanted to see the two of them decide the winner.

Gao Ye glared at his grandson and said helplessly: "Are you stupid? You have been fighting with him for so long, and my Gao family has only produced two spiritual martial arts. If the fight continues, the remaining family assets of my Gao family will be learned by him!

Also, do you really think you are his opponent? This kid didn't use his full strength at all!"

Gao Ming was stunned for a moment, then looked at Lin Mo.

"Senior Gao, you misunderstood, how could I not use my full strength!" Lin Mo scratched his head: "Gao Ming and I are really tied!"

"Tie the winner, right!" Gao Ye was so angry that he blew his beard and glared: "I won't use any martial arts later, but for this competition, I'm going to add a prize..."

Gao Ye fumbled around for a while, and finally took out a blood-colored stone the size of a fingertip: "This is the Qi and Blood Stone. In the remaining time, whoever can defeat the opponent in the shortest time will get this stone!"

Qi and Blood Stone?

Lin Mo was stunned for a moment, not knowing what it was, but he could feel a strong Qi and blood force escaping from the stone.

"It's Qi and Blood Stone! The Gao family can actually get this thing!"

"What is Qi and Blood Stone!"

"A kind of ore, containing strong Qi and blood force, the effect is the same as Qi and Blood Pill, but the Qi and blood content is higher than Qi and Blood Pill, and there is no limit to the absorption ratio of this stone, it can reach 100% absorption!"

Lin Mo stood there, heard their conversation, and had a general understanding of Qi and Blood Stone.

"Then this thing has no special effect on me, I can also achieve 100% absorption with Qi and Blood Pill!"

Lin Mo whispered in his heart, there was a magical dream, and his absorption ratio of Qi and Blood Pill was frighteningly high.

"However, since I can't get the spiritual martial arts, there is really no need to waste time!" Lin Mo looked serious and looked at Gao Ming: "You also know that I am traveling thousands of miles, so... don't blame me for defeating you with the power of martial arts!"

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Mo rushed towards Gao Ming.

Ghostly trace!

Lin Mo left a residual image in the original place in an instant, and when he appeared again, he had come to Gao Ming's side, less than two meters away from Gao Ming!


Tiger roar impact!

Mental perception!

Mental blade!

Lin Mo used three martial arts at the same time. Under the vibration of the sound wave, Gao Ming felt that his eyes were black. When he regained consciousness, the mental blade had already arrived in front of him!

At this time, it was impossible for Gao Ming to dodge!

Looking at the mental blade hanging in front of him, Gao Ming's face turned pale instantly!

Lost! Dead!

These two thoughts flashed through his mind instantly.


A faint shout sounded, and Gao Ye took a step forward.

As the voice fell, the mental blade shattered instantly.

"So strong!" Lin Mo looked at Gao Ye's move, and his expression suddenly became serious.

"The control of mental power by the peak of the martial king has reached a very terrifying effect, and it can be so accurate!" Lin Mo sighed in his heart.

Gao Ye attacked and directly shattered the daggers with his mental power, but did not hurt anyone around him.

This is the ultimate mastery of mental power, which is simply terrifying to the extreme.

"I lost!"

The crisis disappeared, and Gao Ming only felt his back was soaked.

Finally, he took a deep breath and slowly walked.

At this time, there was a burst of exclamation in the crowd.

Gao Ming is very strong, but Lin Mo is stronger!

At the last moment of the fight, Lin Mo did not give Gao Ming any chance to fight back. In less than a minute, Gao Ming was defeated!

"Boy, you are very good. Are you interested in joining the Gao family? As long as you join the Gao family, I guarantee that your status is the same as any direct disciple of the Gao family, and all the martial arts of the Gao family will be open to you!"


Everyone exclaimed and looked at Lin Mo.

The Gao family is very low-key and pays attention to inheritance. In all these years, I have never heard of outsiders becoming a member of the Gao family.

But now Gao Ye actually threw an olive branch to Lin Mo.

"Thank you, Senior Gao, but I'm already a student at Huaxia Military University, so I can only refuse..." Lin Mo also chose to refuse after a brief moment of daze.

"Join the Gao family, we will not restrict you from going to Huaxia Military University!" Gao Ye said with a smile: "And the Gao family will also bear all your expenses during your university years..."

"Thank you for your kindness, Senior, I appreciate it..." Lin Mo smiled and refused again.

A look of regret flashed across Gao Ye's face, and he handed the Qi and Blood Stone in his hand to Lin Mo: "Old Fu keeps his word, this thing is for you... Remember, the Qi and Blood power contained in this Qi and Blood Stone is equivalent to three intermediate Qi and Blood Pills. Don't swallow it directly at once, it is easy to burst the meridians. You should try to absorb its Qi and Blood power when practicing, or cut it open and take it little by little!"

"Thank you, old senior, I know..."

After taking the Qi and Blood Stone, Lin Mo smiled. It was equivalent to three intermediate Qi and Blood Pills. According to the price of Qi and Blood Pills, this small piece of stone is worth six million!

The most important thing is that if ordinary people take this Qi and Blood Stone, the probability of absorption is 100%!

Then its price must be higher than Qi and Blood Pills!

This is indeed a great gift!

At a banquet, the guests and hosts were all happy. After Lin Mo walked down from the competition stage, he was flattered by many families and forces.

After a round, Lin Mo's phone had several more chat accounts of young girls...

After declining Gao's invitation to stay overnight, Lin Mo returned to his hotel after leaving Gao's house.

Looking at the Qi and Blood Stone in his hand, Lin Mo did not rush to cut it open, but took out a Qi and Blood Pill from his body and swallowed it directly.

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Unlike the previous scenes, the scene that Lin Mo saw after entering the dream this time changed.

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