Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 81: Explore the Temple!

"Who would have thought that this eye is the way to enter the temple..." Lin Mo stood on an eyelash and spoke quietly.

Beside him, Xu Jing looked at Lin Mo with a complicated expression.

Yan Xiang Shu is one of the most basic martial arts in Rucheng. Although it is simple, not everyone can learn it.

And Lin Mo not only took only more than ten minutes to completely master this martial art, but also used it more fluently than Xu Jing.

"I was only 30% sure at first, but now I am 50% sure!" After looking at Lin Mo for a long time, Xu Jing slowly opened his mouth and said this.

Without waiting for Lin Mo to respond, he walked directly into the eyes of the statue.


A burst of machine amplification sounded, and the eyes of the statue split to both sides, like opening a door.

Behind the door was pitch black. With a little light, Lin Mo could see that there should be countless steps behind the door.

"Let's go!"

Xu Jing spoke, and then walked in front.

Lin Mo followed him into the door.

After the two entered the stone gate, the crack behind them closed directly, and the entire space became dark.

Lin Mo took out his mobile phone and turned on the screen to illuminate the road in front of him, but when he turned on the screen, he found that the light of the mobile phone could not spread out at all, and could only illuminate an area the size of a palm.

"This place... there is no light!" Xu Jing said lightly: "There are stone steps under our feet. When we walk to the end, it should be the location of the hall."

"Should?" Lin Mo was stunned and looked at Xu Jing: "What does this mean?"

"Should mean that I don't know where the hall is, because no one has ever been able to walk to the end of the stone steps!" Xu Jing's voice began to become ethereal, as if it was far away from Lin Mo.

After hearing his words, Lin Mo suddenly felt that he had been cheated. He looked back at the closed stone door and couldn't help but sigh. It was too late to turn back at this time!

Lin Mo could only grit his teeth and walk forward along the stone steps. The whole area was dark, and he couldn't even see the steps under his feet clearly.

Lin Mo tried to use his spiritual perception, but after the spiritual power spread to the surroundings, it instantly dissipated like a drop in the ocean.

"The spiritual power cannot perceive the situation under my feet, and I don't even know what is on both sides of the steps!"

Lin Mo tried to stretch out his hands and perceive both sides, but his hands touched nothingness.

At this point, he could only move forward.

After carefully moving forward for half an hour, Lin Mo suddenly had a feeling that there was something wrong with the steps!

"We were above the eyes of the statue. According to the height of the statue, the eyes were only ten meters away from the top of the head, but why did I walk up for so long and haven't reached the end?

Half an hour is enough for me to reach the top of my head!"

Lin Mo realized that something was wrong and simply stopped.

"According to Xu Jing and his second uncle, the temple should be underground, and I should go down..." Lin Mo turned around and was about to return.

But after walking a few steps, he suddenly found that he was still walking up.

"Why are you still going up? I remember it shouldn't be like this!" Lin Mo stopped again, then turned around and walked to the other side.

A few minutes later, Lin Mo sighed and smiled bitterly: "It seems that there is something wrong with this step. No matter which direction I go, I am going up. If the temple is really in the basement, then I will only get farther and farther away from the temple!"

He simply stopped and shouted Xu Jing's name in one direction.

After the voice was shouted, it quickly dissipated in this space.

"The temple is below, I should go down..." Lin Mo sat cross-legged in the same place. After calling Xu Jing a few times, he didn't hear his voice, so at this time, Xu Jing should have disappeared.

"Go down..." Lin Mo gritted his teeth and walked up desperately. This time he used the ghost shadow to run for several hours in one breath. Finally, he stopped when his physical strength was exhausted, and stood there, breathing heavily.


A crisp sound came from under Lin Mo's feet. Although he couldn't see what was under his feet, when Lin Mo bent down to pick up the things under his feet, his expression became solemn.

"A leg bone..." Lin Mo said as he continued to grope forward. Soon, a solemn look appeared on his face.

There were more bones in front. If Lin Mo guessed correctly, this should be a complete human skeleton, but many years have passed and only the eerie bones of the body are left.

"It seems that this road is blocked. Those people did not disappear, but died here. On the steps, they can't escape at any time!"

Lin Mo quickly realized the ultimate secret here. If he speculated, then those people were exhausted to death on the steps!

"I can't go up anymore. If I continue, my end will be the same as theirs!" Lin Mo's eyes were firm, and he slowly walked to one side of the steps.

He carefully moved to one side and finally came to the edge of the steps.

He took a deep breath and jumped directly down with both feet!

Lin Mo took a deep breath and was ready to scream.

But the expected feeling of falling did not appear.

Just three seconds later, Lin Mo felt his feet step on the ground.

"I've landed!" Lin Mo had a look of surprise on his face, and he chose a direction to move forward.

There were no steps under his feet, which proved that Lin Mo had walked out of the previous strange steps.

"Xu Jing, jump down to both sides. As long as you jump down, you will be fine and can directly contact the temple!"

Lin Mo shouted several times in succession, and the whole hall was echoing his voice, but after a long time, Xu Jing's figure still did not appear.

After waiting for a long time, there was no sign of Xu Jing, so Lin Mo could only choose to move forward by himself.

The hall was still dark, but Lin Mo found that his mental power was no longer restricted.

"That is... a lamp?" Lin Mo's mental power spread to the surroundings, and finally found an ancient bronze lamp.

Lin Mo hurried forward and lit the wick in the ancient bronze lamp.

After a few seconds, the lamp was lit. In such a huge space, only one lonely lamp seemed so small, but it was precisely because of this little ancient lamp that everyone had hope buried in their hearts!

In the next half hour, Lin Mo used the light to light up all the lights in the temple little by little.

The whole hall suddenly became bright, and at the moment when the hall was lit, Lin Mo almost screamed in fear.

In front of him was a pair of huge earth-yellow eyes, which were staring at him at the moment.

In just a moment, Lin Mo felt as if he was soaked in ice water, and the cold feeling made him feel like he was about to solidify!

The information obtained by spiritual perception was fed back to Lin Mo little by little, and his eyes gradually became normal.

"Huh... It turned out to be just a corpse..." Finally, Lin Mo let out a long breath and spoke with great ease.

The result of spiritual perception just now has told him that the owner of the pair of eyes in front of him is dead!

Since it is a dead thing, Lin Mo is not so afraid, but takes two steps back and looks at all the monsters in front of him.

"The forehead is cracked, the heart is shattered, and there is no normal bone in the whole body. All of them are broken. The one who killed this monster must be a peerless strongman!"

The first person Lin Mo thought of was the Confucian Sage, because according to legend, the Confucian Sage had killed a monster many years ago, and the one in front of him might be the one recorded back then!

At this time, Lin Mo finally saw the whole picture of the monster in front of him. This is a creature with vertical horns on its head.

"That is..." Just when Lin Mo was about to identify what the monster in front of him was, he suddenly saw an ancient coffin standing at the back of the monster.

"Monster Camel Coffin, who is buried in this coffin!"

With this idea in mind, Lin Mo ran directly to the back of the monster.

When Lin Mo reached the back of the monster, he realized how huge the stone coffin in front of him was, at least several times the size of an ordinary coffin!

"The material is very special. It should not be made of ordinary wood or stone... There are many scenes of giant beasts fighting in ancient times on it...

On the coffin on the other side, there is a carving of a middle-aged man with his hands behind his back, facing the monster alone!

This man looks similar to the Confucian sage outside. Could it be the Confucian sage himself?

Then the person buried in the coffin should also be the Confucian sage himself!"

Lin Mo showed an excited smile on his face, and climbed directly onto the back of the monster and appeared next to the ancient coffin.

From a close distance, the whole ancient coffin is very simple. Although there are many carvings on it, the content is basically the same, and it even records the deeds of the Confucian sage killing the monster under his feet.

"A strong man at the peak of martial arts, a Confucian sage!" Lin Mo's eyes became eager. Since he has come to this point, it is natural to open the coffin.

With Xu Jing not there, Lin Mo felt that there was no need to wait any longer. Anyway, there would be a dispute when he left!

With this idea in mind, Lin Mo walked directly to the last ancient coffin, and at the same time, he used both hands to forcefully open the coffin lid!

A majestic aura instantly came to his face, and Lin Mo carefully opened a small gap and saw the old man lying in the coffin.

Thousands of years have passed, and the old man's appearance has not changed at all, still looking the same as the statue!

So, Lin Mo's guess was right, the person lying in the coffin was the Confucian Saint himself, so what would the Confucian Saint himself leave for the people of Confucian City?

Lin Mo looked at the body in the coffin eagerly!

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