Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 94: Single or Group Fight


The tiger roared, and invisible sound waves enveloped the front, like a sea wave!

Pan Ren's movements paused momentarily, and a look of confusion and pain flashed in his eyes.


With a muffled sound, Lin Mo raised his foot and kicked him out, hitting Pan Ren right in the abdomen!


Pan Ren, who fell to the ground, spat out a mouthful of blood and looked at Lin Mo with a look of horror on his face.

"Are you a warrior?" Pan Ren pointed at Lin Mo: "Are you a second-grade warrior?!"

"Second-grade warrior?!"

"No way, isn't he a freshman? How could he be a second-grade warrior?"

"Could it be the strength gained from using Qi and Blood Pills..."

"The strength accumulated by the Qi and Blood Pills is empty, but do you think the whole person is empty?"

Everyone looked at Lin Mo with puzzled expressions on their faces. Lin Mo's strength was indeed too exaggerated, making people wonder if he had taken Qi and Blood Pills to achieve his current strength.

But Lin Mo's fighting ability left people speechless.

"Second-grade warrior? I haven't seen you for two months and your strength has reached this point?"

Not far away, Ye Qing's pretty face was filled with shock, and she was obviously shocked by Lin Mo's strength.

Who would have thought that Lin Mo six months ago was still a scumbag with a health value of only 0.8?

"Is there anything else you want to say? If not, I'll leave first?" Lin Mo looked at Pan Ren who was lying on the ground and said calmly.

Pan Ren's eyes were cold as he looked at Lin Mo, but in the end he didn't say a word.

Lin Mo sneered, he was too lazy to care about such a person.

The female fans of Pan Ren looked at the idol who fell on the ground as if they were stupid. For a moment, no one stepped forward to help him up.

One by one, the girls watched Lin Mo leave, and some of them even started to twinkle in their eyes.

"So handsome!"

"Young, handsome, and looking like a puppy, he is my type!"

"You are just an old cow eating young grass. A puppy is suitable for a young and beautiful woman like me..."

Those who were brave enough had already begun to argue loudly, and one girl even boldly chased Lin Mo.

"Hello, my name is Shen Bing. I would like to ask you for your contact information. I would like to ask you for some knowledge about martial arts in the future... As long as you are willing to teach me, I am willing to... give everything!" The girl is very beautiful and just said When he said this, he even blushed and lowered his head, looking shy.

Seeing this scene, before Lin Mo could say anything, Ye Qing stood in front of Lin Mo and said, "Who do you think you are and how dare you show off in front of my man? Get out of here or I'll kill you!"

Ye Qing said these words very harshly, which frightened Lin Mo for a moment.

The girl named Shen Bing was also stunned. When she came to her senses, she quickly covered her face and ran away.

"Let's leave quickly, we can't let these bad women take advantage!" Ye Qing actually took Lin Mo's hand and was about to leave the fighting ring.

"You hit someone and want to leave, don't you think too little of our Beijing Wuhan University!" At this moment, a calm voice sounded, followed by a gust of wind.


Lin Mo turned around, raised his hand to catch the dagger that came from the explosion, and threw it to the ground.

Not far away, the crowd slowly parted, and a young man walked over.

"It's Pan Ren's brother Pan Mei. It is said that he is very powerful and has reached the level of a fourth-level warrior. There is a rumor that he was shy and practiced some spiritual power and almost became a telekinesis master. You have to be careful!"

Ye Qing stood next to Lin Mo and warned in a low voice. At the same time, he took a step forward and stood in front of Lin Mo: "He is not from our Capital Wuhan University, you can't do anything to him!"

"Little girl, get out of the way quickly, or I'll beat you too!" Pan Mei looked cold: "You attacked my brother and beat him like this. Do you really think this matter can be easily solved?"

When Ye Qing wanted to say something, Lin Mo put a hand on his shoulder.

"I'll handle it. You wait for me on the side first!" After saying that, he walked up directly and stood face to face with Pan Mei.

"Being less than twenty years old and possessing the strength of a second-grade warrior is something to be proud of, but you have to know that there are people who are better than others, and the gap between the two levels is often a chasm!

Apologize to my brother and prepare thirty Qi and Blood Pills, otherwise, I won’t spare you no matter what your background is! "Pan Mei said with great anger.

His poor brother is still lying on the ground, and no one dares to step forward to help him up.

"Why should I apologize to a loser? He provoked me, but in the end he was too weak. After losing, he didn't say anything, but you, an older brother, took the initiative to look for trouble?

Can’t afford to lose? "

Lin Mo's words directly made Pan Mei's face turn extremely ugly.

He has just entered his senior year this year. In the entire Beijing Wuhan University, his strength can be ranked among the top ten. He has always been a superior being. When did someone say this?

What's more, the person talking about him is still a freshman?

"It seems that if I don't give you some clues, you don't know what it means to be too high!" Pan Mei gritted her teeth and said, "Don't say that I bullied you, I can only say that you are unlucky..."

As he finished speaking, Pan Mei's eyes suddenly lit up, and then a burst of spiritual power rushed out of him!

"You're not even a mind qi master, but you dare to use your mental power in front of me? Are you looking for death?"

The moment Pan Mei used her mental power, a sarcastic smile appeared on Lin Mo's face.

Pan Mei's mental power is only about 5 points. Compared with Lin Mo, there is a huge difference!

"If you want to use your spiritual power to humiliate yourself, I will help you!" Lin Mo said lightly, and at the same time, the spiritual blade was released, turning into two daggers and shooting towards Pan Mei.

Although Pan Mei was not a mind qi master, she had strong spiritual power after all. When he felt Lin Mo's attack, he immediately became wary. But when he saw the spiritual blade released by Lin Mo, he was completely stunned.

The mental power Pan Mei is using now is at most like a mental power detection instrument, hitting the opponent on the head with her mental power.

But Lin Mo is different. He has mastered spiritual martial arts, and the level of his martial arts is not low.

If you take action at this moment, you will directly turn your opponent into an idiot!

Pan Mei turned pale and wanted to hide away, but it was too late!

The spiritual blade vibrated and passed directly through Pan Mei's forehead!


At the same time, Lin Mo waved his hand and directly dispersed Pan Mei's mental power.


After doing all this, Pan Mei knelt down directly on the ground, looking ahead blankly.

"What happened? Why did Pan Mei lose out of nowhere?"

"Although I didn't understand it clearly, the two of them probably used their mental power to fight, but Pan Mei's mental power was obviously weaker than the latter's, so she was instantly killed!"

"Psychic power? This kid can also use mental power?!"

Upon hearing the news, everyone around them widened their eyes and looked at Lin Mo in disbelief.

At the same time, many people took out their mobile phones, took pictures of the scene in front of them, and uploaded it to the school's post bar.

Soon, many students gathered here, surrounding Lin Mo and Ye Qing.

Lin Mo looked around calmly, and many people looked at Lin Mo with hostility in their eyes.

"If you don't accept it, you can challenge me. Of course, if you are less powerful than a samurai, forget it. I'm afraid I'll miss you and beat you to death!"

Lin Mo's voice was relaxed and he didn't feel nervous at all about being besieged: "Of course, you can also join forces to attack me. As long as you are thick-skinned enough, you can find ten or a hundred warrior-level warriors to fight me. , I will lose sooner or later!"

After Lin Mo's words were spread to the forum, more people became angry. Some people directly called the powerful college principals and seniors they knew and walked towards the fighting arena.

"What should I do, Lin Mo? There are more and more people, and the forums are all discussing you. They say you are deliberately causing trouble, and some people even asked for you to be arrested..."

Ye Qing looked through the replies in the post bar with a worried look on her face. Judging from the performance of the post bar, it was true that a group of people were full of hostility towards Lin Mo.

"It's okay, just incompetent and furious!" Lin Mo was not happy at all. With his current strength, as long as he was not a strong man above the realm of King Wu, he would be absolutely sure to escape.

As for the martial arts cultivators under the Martial King, Lin Mo felt that he had half a chance of winning even against the ninth-grade Martial King!

"Wuda has been established in Beijing for so many years. We have never done anything like playing gymnastics, but you are still the first person to come here to play gymnastics.

In this case, I must give everyone an explanation..." A young man holding a fan came over. He had a delicate face and a kind of classical beauty.

"Oh my god, he is Xu Xian. It is said that he was named like this based on a Chinese myth because he has liked snakes since he was a child.

He is also a senior now, but his strength has reached the level of a sixth-grade warrior. The gap is too big...

Lin Mo, what do you think we should do? "

Ye Qing looked at Xu Xian with a worried look on his face.

Lin Mo just glanced at her lightly, smiled and shook his head: "It's okay, such a little strength can't trouble me..."


As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Xian's fist had already hit Lin Mo's body.

"Sure enough, Xu Xian still needs to take action. Now you have all seen that this freshman is simply not enough!"

"Yeah, you don't even know what you are, and you dare to come to Beijing Wuhan University to act wild!"

A group of people felt that I had the advantage and immediately began to ridicule Lin Mo.

But Lin Mo was quite calm about all this. He patted the place where he was punched and smiled.

"You have no chance..."


A tiger roar sounded, and Lin Mo's figure disappeared!

When he appeared again, he was already behind Xu Xian.

Tiger punch!

Lin Mo punched out, and Xu Xian had no time to dodge. After trying hard to dodge to the right, he was still punched on the shoulder.

Xu Xian frowned and became shorter. Just when he was about to distance himself and take action, Lin Mo disappeared again.

When he appeared again, he was in front of Xu Xian.

"White Crane Fist!"

Lin Mo's hands turned into crane's beaks and pecked forward!


There were two muffled sounds, and two bloody wounds appeared on Xu Xian's body.

By this time, Xu Xian was already injured, and he was completely stunned by Lin Mo!

But Lin Mo's attack has not stopped yet!

Yan Xiang Shu!

Eagle treads!

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