The bus stopped at a station.

The door slowly opened.

Qin Yi jumped down.

In front of him stood a huge octagonal building with a bright silver body.

And just above the building.

A graphite plaque was hanging with eight large gold-plated characters - Qingyuan Material Sales Center.

Here we are.

To get started with the "Five Ghosts Body Refining Sutra" extracted from the underworld turntable, you must use a specific medicinal bath.

How to buy all the required medicinal materials at one time?

That is naturally the largest material sales center in Nanjiang City.

The medicinal materials of Qingyuan Group are guaranteed in both price and quality.

Qin Yi took a deep breath.

He was a little excited.

After all, this was Qin Yi's first time in such a place.

Although medicinal baths are not new to martial artists,

Qin Yi, who lives on pensions, is not one of them.

He walked straight into the sales center hall.

The flawless white jade floor tiles and the alloy walls that can withstand the impact of level 5 monsters all reveal the wealth of Qingyuan Group.

More than 20 processing counters are basically busy.

Qin Yi chose a counter with fewer people in line, and it was his turn soon.

After sitting down on the sofa chair.

The sweet voice of the receptionist sounded.

"Hello, sir."

"What business do you need to handle?"

"Do you have a membership card?"

Qin Yi replied lightly: "Buy medicinal materials."

"First time here."

"Okay, sir, please give me your ID card first, and I will help you enter the information." The receptionist was still enthusiastic.

There was no impatience because Qin Yi came for the first time.

This is also normal. For a behemoth like Qingyuan Group, the code of conduct for employees is very strict.

A complaint can cause unimaginable trouble.

It may even lead to losing the job directly.

You should know that it is not easy for an ordinary person who has not reached the level of martial arts to enter such a large group with generous treatment.

Naturally, he works diligently.

Qin Yi took out his ID card from his arms.

He put it on the table and pushed it over.

After the receptionist took it, he picked up the ID card and swiped it on the card slot next to it.


A subtle sound was heard.

A black membership card was quickly spit out from the machine.

"Sir, please take the membership card."

"Your trading box number this time is C-163."

"I hope Nanjiang Qingyuan Materials Sales Center can meet your trading needs."

Qin Yi nodded and took the membership card.

In the current Blue Star, although many physical laws have changed dramatically due to the appearance of space cracks and the arrival of heaven and earth energy, those thermal weapons are basically unusable.

But because of these mysterious energies, many new magical substances and scientific research technologies have also been born.

For example, the floating bus that Qin Yi took just now is powered by a mineral called floating stone.

There are also high-strength alloys and machines used now.

It can be said that compared with Qin Yi's previous life, the technology of Blue Star is more convenient now, but the focus of technology is different.

That is, the development direction of the technology tree is different.

Qin Yi followed the guidance instructions on the membership card.

Taking the floating elevator, he soon arrived at the C-163 box.

Swipe the membership card on the sensor slot.


The door opened.

The decoration of the entire box is based on light blue, and there are many exquisite wood carvings.

The space is not large.

But the design is very attentive.

Of course, this is also because Qin Yi's membership level is not enough.

If you spend more at Qingyuan Group, you will naturally be arranged to stay in a more luxurious trading box, and even get some discounts.

Qin Yi clicked the trading button on the desktop.


A blue electronic light screen instantly formed in front of him.

There was a list of medicinal herbs for sale and their corresponding prices.

Blue Heart Grass (one plant)-3500 Daxia coins

Green Burning Vine (about five centimeters in length)-4620 Daxia coins

Left Bank Flower (one flower)-1850 Daxia coins


"So expensive!"

Qin Yi looked at the price list and couldn't help but mutter in a low voice.

However, before coming here, Qin Yi had some psychological preparations, so he was not too surprised.

These are basically medicinal herbs for warriors, which contain more or less energy from heaven and earth. If you want to get them, you must go to the wilderness where monsters are rampant.

The price is certainly not cheap.

"Well... don't look at these nonsense."

"Just search for what you need."

Qin Yi searched directly in the search box based on the ingredients of the auxiliary medicinal bath in the "Five Ghosts Refining Sutra" in his mind.

"Ghost Face Flower, Poisonous Leaf, Black Death Soil..."

As he searched, Qin Yi's face turned black.

Damn, can the medicinal bath made with these ingredients really be used for people to take a bath?

When each item is added to the shopping cart, a conspicuous red word will appear on the screen, indicating that it is highly toxic, please purchase with caution.

The most outrageous one is the black death soil used as a medicine.

This thing must have a large number of living creatures die, and the dead air and dissipated energy sink into the soil before it can be transformed into black death soil.

The price is also extremely expensive.

One gram costs 1,200 Daxia coins.

Fortunately, in the "Five Ghosts Body Refining Sutra", the black dead soil is only used as a medicine guide, and the amount used is very small, less than one gram at a time.

But even so.

After all the necessary materials are added.

Looking at the price, Qin Yi's eyelids still twitched twice.

Even if you only buy a week's worth of medicinal bath, it will cost 70,000 Daxia coins!

The property left by his parents is not much, and Qin Yi has to practice martial arts over the years, and nutrition must keep up.

Therefore, the pension given by Daxia is basically in a state of not making ends meet.

Now there are only 90,000 Daxia coins left in his account.

This week's medicinal bath.

Basically, Qin Yi will be emptied.

"You can only gain if you give up, buy it!"

Without much hesitation.

Qin Yi directly clicked to buy.

If there is no underworld system, with his talent, he will become an ordinary warrior and live an ordinary life.

Maybe one day you will be ripped open by sharp claws in the wilderness, or killed by invading monsters.

In this world, without strength, your fate will never be in your own hands.

Therefore, you must seize the opportunity to rise.


Although powerful warriors spend money like water, they also make money very fast.

There is nothing to worry about.

Beep beep -

As the purchase is submitted.

A line of text appears on the electronic screen.

[Dear Mr. Qin Yi, the medicinal materials you purchased are being distributed and sorted, please wait a moment]

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