Meng Qi took out a stainless steel cup and poured spiritual spring water into it.

A flame appeared in the palm of the hand, and within a short time, the Lingquan water was boiled.

Put in a leaf of the ancient tree of enlightenment, and the leaf swirls in the water.

Soon there will be fragrance wafting out.

When the temperature of the tea was cooler, Meng Qi took a sip, and suddenly all kinds of mysteries emerged in his mind.

"As expected of an ancient tree of enlightenment."

Meng Qi exclaimed, feeling the change carefully.

At the same time, an experience bar appears in the interface.

Fire attribute control: 1

Originally, I wanted to taste the bitterness of other people's perception of the embryonic form of the field.

Forget it, let's go straight to the liver.

Not to mention the liver, the experience point will automatically increase by a few tenths of a percent after drinking a sip of tea.

This is much more comfortable than before.

As for why the experience bar changed its appearance, it didn't matter.

Without serious comprehension, Meng Qi took out the non-attribute element spar again, just taking advantage of these few days to raise his realm.

As a result, the experience points of Fire Element Control and God Killing Art both increased.

Fire element control: 11, 12, 13...

Killing God Art: +20, +30, +20...

One day later, the experience value of the fire element rose to 9

With a thought in Meng Qi's mind, a sea of ​​flames appeared within ten meters around him.

Within the range of the sea of ​​fire, Meng Qi can freely control the aura between heaven and earth, the fire attribute martial skills have been strengthened, and other attribute martial skills have been weakened.

This is the prototype of the field.

"It's so strong, no wonder the person from the Sakura Kingdom repelled Feng Jun with a single palm."

Meng Qi felt that at this time, he was not considered as a physical body. Without breaking the seal, relying on the prototype of the domain, he could fight against the fifth-rank grandmaster.

Meng Qi stretched his muscles and continued to drink tea.

A rudimentary form of a fire attribute domain can't satisfy him.

What he wants is the quadruple domain.

Two days later, Meng Qi was surrounded by thunder within ten meters around him.

Four days later, a dazzling white light appeared ten meters around Meng Qi's body.

Six days later, a dense darkness appeared ten meters around Meng Qi's body, and he could not see his fingers.

In just six days, Meng Qi had mastered the prototypes of the four realms.

If you say it, it is estimated that the jaws of a group of people will be shocked.

But Meng Qi didn't intend to show off, the less others know about hole cards, the better.

It is very cool to quickly grasp the prototypes of the four fields, but the price is that there are only eleven leaves left on the ancient tree of enlightenment.

Meng Qi collected the eleven leaves and planned to hand them over to the state later.

Anyway, it's useless, and Di Wentian took good care of him, so he had to report it.

Di Wentian is an official person.

I believe that the leaves of the ancient tree of enlightenment can play a greater role in Di Wentian's hands.

On the seventh day, after consuming 7,200 non-attribute element crystals, Meng Qi finally broke through to the third-rank master.

Open the experience value interface:

Killing God Art: 1/5000 (Grand Master Level 3)

Soul Eater: 50/1000 (Earth Soul Master Level 1)

Physical body: 5/30000 (grandmaster level 5)

Spiritual impact: 100000/100000 (level 7 complete)

Annihilation of nothingness: 5000000/5000000 (level nine complete)

Thousand Illusion Lightning Method: 500000/500000 (level nine complete)

Divine fire blazing: 500/100000 (level 7)

Flash: 1/500000 (level nine)

Killing the world: 1000/1000 (first-level completion)

Wan Bing Jue: 1000/1000 (Level 1 Consummation)

Alchemy: 10000/10000 (Level 4)

Fire Elemental Mastery: 9

Thunder element control: 9

Mastery of Light Elements: 9

Dark Element Mastery: 9

The soul master level, which was the first to break through before, was left behind instead.

With his hands behind his back, Meng Qi strolled around the secret realm.

He saw a space crack looming beside Liu Wushuang.

It should also be close to fully grasping the prototype of the field.

"Hey! It only took seven days to master the prototype of the domain, and it is still a space attribute. It is really incomparable with monsters like you."

Meng Qi sighed and left here.

Glancing at Meng Qi's leaving back, the corners of Liu Wushuang's mouth rose slightly.


Leaving the secret realm, Meng Qi wandered to the front of the inheritance tower.

At this time, there are many people around the inheritance tower, who are competing for the highest number of floors.

Seeing Meng Qi approaching, the students automatically moved out of the way.

"Wow, Meng Qi is so handsome, even more handsome than in the video."

"It would be nice if Meng Qi was my boyfriend."

"Don't dream, he has already broken through to the Grandmaster realm in his freshman year, and you are only a sixth-rank martial artist in your junior year."

In the crowd, I don't know how many girls gave Meng Qi a glance.

A strange feeling emerged in Meng Qi's heart.

Once upon a time, I was the same as these students.

But now, I can't integrate with them at all.

Or, this is the invincible loneliness.

well! Life is really lonely like snow.

"Break into the inheritance tower?"

Teacher Zhang, who was guarding in front of the inheritance tower, asked.

"Well, I haven't broken in for a long time, come and have a look."

Meng Qi replied.

"How is your cultivation? Have you realized the embryonic form of the domain?"

Compared with breaking into the inheritance tower, Teacher Zhang is more concerned about Meng Qi's cultivation base.

Meng Qi sighed, with a decadent expression on his face.

Seeing this, Teacher Zhang stretched out his hand and patted Meng Qi's shoulder, comforting him:

"Don't put too much pressure on it, maybe there are no players from other countries who understand the prototype of the field."

"Well, I went in and broke into the tower."


Meng Qi stepped into the inheritance tower, and the interface in front of him turned around, and he came to the 21st floor.

Grandmasters always start from the 21st floor.

It was still the same as before, and it was the soul bodies of three first-rank masters in the early stage.

Meng Qi opened the field, and the aura swayed slightly, and the three soul bodies were reduced to ashes in the sea of ​​flames.

twenty-second floor,

twenty-third floor,

All the way through the 33rd floor of the inheritance tower.

Each layer takes no more than five seconds.

Break through the thirty-third floor and enter the inheritance space.

Three items are placed in the inheritance space.

A medicinal herb needed to refine the Seven Star Pill, an earth-level high-level light attribute martial skill, and an earth-level high-level dark attribute martial skill are all needed by Meng Qi.

After teleporting out of the inheritance tower, Mr. Zhang had a strange expression on his face:

"The kid really didn't master the field?"

Meng Qi covered his face with his hands and sighed.

Teacher Zhang continued to ask: "So have you mastered the prototype of the field?"

Meng Qi squeezed out two tears and became even more sad.


Teacher Zhang sneered: "Go away, don't let me see you, I'll be annoying when I see you."

"The student has retired."

Meng Qi left here with an overly sad expression.

Teacher Zhang kept staring at Meng Qi until Meng Qi completely disappeared from his field of vision, and then he looked away.

"This kid must have mastered the prototype of the field, and he is still acting with me here, haha."

"I just don't know how many prototypes he has mastered, two?"

"It shouldn't be possible. It's only been seven days, and at most one should be mastered."

"But judging by the kid's proud expression, the domain he has mastered must be one of the prototypes of the light and dark domain."

It wasn't just Teacher Zhang who was guessing. That afternoon, almost all the teachers saw Meng Qi wandering around the campus in a daze, sighing while wandering.

Ever since, the teachers all understood.

After all, no one is sad, so all the teachers and students must know.

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