The first day of the Global League is over, except for Gu Shengnan, all nine members of the Xia Guo Team have advanced.

At this time, Gu Shengnan was standing alone on the balcony of the hotel, dazed in a daze.

"What are you looking at? Self-admiration?"

Meng Qi held hot coffee and placed it on the thick armrest beside Gu Shengnan.

"If you want to comfort me, you don't have to. I'm not as fragile as you think."

Gu Shengnan turned his head, his eyes slightly dimmed.

It is impossible to say that you are not sad when you lose the game.

"It's just a game. If you meet Kuratos, I will beat you into a pig's head."

Meng Qi tried to comfort Gu Shengnan with a joking tone.

"Kuratos is very strong, and his domain is also very weird. In his domain, even my consciousness has been slowed down countless times. In my eyes, it's not that my movements have slowed down, but his speed has changed. Soon, I guess his field should be related to time."

Gu Shengnan said slowly.


Meng Qi was actually inclined to this guess in his heart.

Time is expensive as one of the four attributes, so it is naturally not comparable to other fields.

What's more, Kuratos is a god-favored person, and his realm is higher than Gu Shengnan's.

It is normal for Gu Shengnan to lose without knowing the information of Kuratos.

"If you want to meet Kuratos, it's best to keep a distance of more than ten meters from him. Although his domain is strong, as long as you don't enter his domain."

Gu Shengnan analyzed.

"Even if you keep a distance of more than ten meters from him, it may not be useful. I suspect that his domain can affect the time flow of everything in the domain."

Meng Qi analyzed from another angle.

"Then there is only one way left, field to field."

Having said that, Gu Shengnan shook his head invisibly.

If Meng Qi has mastered the Realm of Light or the Realm of Darkness, maybe he can still compete with Kuratos.

But the problem is, Meng Qi's realm is too low.

In the case of the same domain level, people with lower realms are undoubtedly at a disadvantage.

"I'm tired, go back and rest."

Gu Shengnan picked up the coffee on the armrest and gestured:

"Also, thank you for the coffee, although it's not my favorite taste."

Meng Qi watched Gu Shengnan leave, and then came to the room of the team leader Zhou Guanghua.

Zhao Junze and the others have already arrived, and everyone made an appointment to watch tomorrow's battle list together.

After chatting for a while, the curtain began to project the list.

Zhao Junze's photo was the first to appear, and this time his opponent was a white man.

Seeing this person, the smile on Zhao Junze's face slowly froze.

Eddie, the second seed player in Lighthouse Country, the strongest player other than Kuratos.

In today's game, Eddie won the victory with an absolutely crushing attitude.

And his realm is the fifth-grade silver knight.

It can be said that Zhao Junze has no possibility of winning against Eddie.

"It's over, I should be gone."

Zhao Junze looked frustrated.

Everyone shook their heads, feeling sympathy for Zhao Junze's luck.

The second person to appear was Zhao Feng, the captain of Zhao Feng's opponent Kimchi Country.

According to the strength shown by the captain of Kimchi Country today, the two should be split 50-50.

We will have to wait until the official match tomorrow to find out.

Then there is Meng Qi, Meng Qi's opponent is also from the kimchi country, his name is Li Yongjun, and his strength is relatively weak among the many contestants.


Global League Day Two.

Meng Qi entered the arena.

Even though he was covered in bruises yesterday, after professional treatment and his own recovery ability, his injuries have already healed by more than half.

"Meng Qi, come on!"

In the auditorium, the audience belonging to Xia Guo was much smaller than yesterday.

It may be that Meng Qi's performance yesterday made them not very satisfied, or it may be that today's game is not worth watching.

Lee Yong-joon of Kimchi Country enters from the opposite side.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, he raised a middle finger to Meng Qi and made a gesture of wiping his neck.

This arrogant action immediately excited the audience in Kimchi Country.

Meng Qi smiled.

The contestants in the Kimchi Country are generally like this. They are not very strong, but they shout loudly.

And once they win the game and the referee announces the result, they will continue to hurt the opponent.

Very immoral.

"Game start!"

The referee waved his hand from top to bottom.

Meng Qi's feet left two shallow footprints on the ground, and charged forward.

Li Yongjun's complexion changed drastically, and dozens of auras flew out from his hands.

In the first second, Meng Qi covered a distance of fifteen meters.

In the second second, the aura blasted Meng Qi's body, but it couldn't stop Meng Qi from moving forward.

In the third second, Meng Qi came in front of Li Yongjun and slapped Li Yongjun on the cheek.

Smash Li Yongjun's aura armor, and rotate Li Yongjun's fan 720 degrees.

Then he slumped straight to the ground.

From start to finish, only three seconds passed, and the game was over.

As soon as the referee announced the start of the game, he announced the end of the game.

In the auditorium, shouts erupted from the area belonging to Xia Guoren.

Every time Meng Qi wins, they have a sense of collective honor to be part of it.

On the other side, the audience in Kimchi Country, who were still excited before, felt as if they were eating flies.

"It's over in three seconds? Damn, that player from the Xia Guo team must have taken drugs. I strongly demand that he be checked."

The organizers simply ignored them.

Audiences from other countries in the auditorium were speechless.

"Crap! I spent so much money just to watch a game that lasted less than three seconds?"

"Can't that contestant from Kimchi Country hold on for a few more seconds? It's not as long as me peeing."

"No bragging, I spend more time in bed than this."

"It's gone, there is no extreme viewing value for this game."


Meng Qi left the field and returned to the Xia Guo team's preparation area.

As soon as he came in, he saw Zhao Junze sitting on a chair with a dejected expression on his face.

"You lost the game?"

Meng Qi asked tentatively.


Zhao Junze replied lightly.

Well, in fact, Meng Qi had already guessed the result.

"What about Zhao Feng and Xiao Ning, didn't they finish the match before me? Where are the others? Where did they all go?"

Zhao Junze buried his head even lower, and said in a hoarse voice:

"Zhao Feng lost to the captain of Kimchi Country and was seriously injured. Xiao Ning also lost, and Gao Qiuxi also lost. She was seriously injured and was sent to the infirmary for first aid."

"how so?"

Meng Qi's heart skipped a beat, Zhao Feng didn't mention it first, Xiao Ning is the number one person under Ye Lingyun of Jingwu University, needless to say his strength, and Gao Qiuxi, as the chief earth soul master of Kewu, is also very strong, how come will lose.

"Although I am very unwilling, this is the fact that foreign practitioners are much better than us."

Zhao Junze said unwillingly.

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