Did you recognize me?

Meng Qi's confidence became more confident. If he couldn't get rid of his mask before and reveal his identity, Ito would not dare to do anything to him?

But now.

Sorry, I'm going to pretend.

"It's really not that simple. I'm afraid that if I say it, the Deputy City Lord Ito will become angry and kill me on the spot."

Meng Qi glanced at Ito and said.


Xia Dingwen narrowed his eyes slightly: "It's okay, just say it, with me here, he will definitely not care what he does to you."

Ito's face was ashen, knowing that the matter would be exposed, he gave Meng Qi a vicious look.

Meng Qi ignored him and said slowly:

"The thing is like this. My master helped Iron and Steel City back then. Iron and Steel City owed my master two million non-attribute element crystals. I took the papers to ask for the account. Not only did our Deputy City Lord Ito not repay the debt, he also treated me as a The paper was torn apart."

Hearing this, Ye Feiyang frowned slightly.

This is not a big deal, but Xia Dingwen's presence here might have some influence on his becoming the next chief city lord, so he took a displeased look at Ito.

The smile on Xia Dingwen's face disappeared, and he looked at Ito:

"Is there such a thing?"

Ito opened his mouth, and subconsciously wanted to deny it, but the scene was still seen by the housekeeper, two gatekeepers and many passers-by, and it was useless to deny it, so he argued:

"I suspected that his written statement was fake, so I destroyed it on the spot."

A smile appeared on Meng Qi's face, and he asked with confidence:

"Then is my written statement fake?"

If Ito dared to deny it, he could produce all kinds of evidence to prove it was true in minutes.


Ito said with an ugly face.

"So Iron City really owes this brother two million non-attribute element crystals?"

Xia Dingwen turned his head to look at Meng Qi, and asked doubtfully:

"Why did you come here to ask for the bill? Wearing mercenary clothes and joining the mercenary army?"

The smile on Meng Qi's face increased again:

"This is why we have to mention our deputy city lord Ito. He forcibly recruited me and asked me to join the mercenary army. If he dared to resist, he would punish me by military law. I am timid and powerless, so I can only join the mercenary army. Please forgive me."

Hearing this, Ye Feiyang's expression darkened again.

It is a violation of military discipline to force a sign when the non-city is alive or dead.

But it's not a big deal, Xia Dingwen probably won't pursue it for his own sake.

"Forcibly recruited?"

Xia Dingwen has turned from expressionless to cold. The real identity of the person in front of him is the number one young generation of Xia Kingdom, a global champion, a disciple of Emperor Wentian, a descendant of Killing God Peak, or an inspector. If something goes wrong , everyone here, including myself, can't afford it.

Fortunately, nothing happened.

Xia Dingwen just rejoiced in his heart when he smelled a strong smell of blood on Meng Qi's body.

Although the clothes were changed, the bloody smell on his body did not dissipate.

Obviously, this is just experienced a war.

"Have you gone to the front to fight?"

Meng Qi said with a smile: "Not only did we go to the front line to fight, but we were also forced by Deputy City Lord Ito to fight against the deserted army of the 10,000 Eight Arms."

"By the way, we only had more than 3,000 mercenaries at the time. After stopping a wave of eight-armed people from fleeing, Deputy City Lord Ito asked the mercenaries from the Sakura Kingdom to stay and clean up the battlefield, so that other countries and our Xia Kingdom were less than two years old. Thousands of mercenaries went to chase the 10,000 deserters of the eight-armed tribe, and those who disobeyed the order were directly killed by the deputy city lord Ito."

"Our Deputy City Lord Ito is really domineering."

Hearing this, Ye Feiyang's face darkened.

In the city to which Xia Guo belonged, treating Xia Guo's mercenaries differently, even he did not dare to do so, this problem is too serious.

After this situation, the chief city lord must not have his turn.

Damn, I have to ask Ito for more compensation afterwards.

Xia Dingguo's face became even colder. He oppressed Xia Guo's mercenaries in Xia Guocheng. The city lord of the Sakura Kingdom should be killed.

If Meng Qi was not still here, he would have executed Ito directly.

"Is there any more?" Xia Dingwen asked.

"Of course."

The smile on Meng Qi's face became even stronger, but also colder:

"Our deputy city lord Ito has also set a rule that those who do not accumulate 10,000 military merit points will quit halfway and all will be cleared."

"It's also not a day or two to treat this matter differently. A mercenary from the Xia Kingdom planned to report this matter to City Lord Ye Feiyang, but he was severely injured in the City Lord's mansion. He is still lying on the bed. "

"I've been in retreat, I don't know about it."

Ye Feiyang quickly put this matter aside.

If this matter touches him, even if he is the Ye family, it will have a great impact.

Xia Dingwen gritted his teeth in hatred and asked:

"What happened to you just now?"

Meng Qi said with a smile:

"This is even more interesting. In this battle, I beheaded the enemy guard. Vice-City Master Ito saw this credit and asked me to give him the credit. He also said that if I don't let him If you don’t, I won’t be able to see the sun tomorrow, I have already said this sentence just now.”

As soon as the words fell, the big man next to him couldn't help but interjected:

"I can prove that what Brother Zhang Lang said is true except for asking for accounts."

The guard commander also added:

"I prove that Zhang Lang did make the first contribution. He single-handedly beheaded the leader of the Eight-Armed Clan among the thousands of troops, which hit the morale of the Eight-Armed Clan's fleeing troops and greatly reduced our casualties."

Stealing meritorious ministers' achievements and threatening their lives is another big taboo in the army.

Xia Dingwen asked in a cold voice:

"Vice City Master Ito, what this brother said is true, do you have anything to defend?"


Ito panicked and looked at Ye Feiyang.

If this kind of thing is admitted, the position of deputy city lord will definitely be lost.

He might even be court-martialed.

What do you see me doing?

Didn't I just take a lot of benefits from you? You even let me solve this kind of thing for you, and you have to pay more afterwards.

Ye Feiyang said with a smile: "Master Xia, for my sake, ask Ito to apologize to this little brother. This matter is over, what do you think?"

"For your sake, it's over?"

Xia Dingwen sneered: "Your face is really great."

"Hmph! If I, Xia, had something important to do, I would have punished him today."

If you are here? Is it really the matter of informing me to take over as the next chief city lord?

Ye Feiyang was overjoyed, with many smiles on his face, he looked at Meng Qi and said:

"Brother, I am a member of the Ye family. For my sake, can this matter be left alone? As for the two million non-attribute element crystals that Steel City owes you, Steel City is really I can't give you that much, but I can personally compensate you one hundred thousand, what do you think?"

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