"What's going on? Why is the attack of the Silver Clan getting more and more intense?"

The army of the Silver Tribe could not attack the Black Fire City for a long time, and suffered heavy losses. Meng Qi thought that the Silver Tribe would retreat, but he became even crazier, as if he was confident that he would be able to break through the Black Fire City.

Meng Qi instinctively felt something was wrong.

Just thinking about it, another group of troops appeared on the horizon, densely packed at a glance.

The aliens in these armies all have fiery red hair, sun patterns carved on the center of their brows, and blood-like lines engraved on their bare arms.

"Come on, it's the Shenyan Clan, and the Shenyan Clan has teamed up with the Baiyin Clan."

Meng Qi's heart sank.

The Shenyan race is the fourteenth race among all races.

Although they are one rank lower than the Silver Clan, it doesn't mean that the Shenyan Clan is weaker than the Silver Clan.

Now the two clans are united, and the army has at least 60,000 people.

And the guards of Black Fire City plus mercenaries are only in the early 20,000s.

Although they have a geographical advantage, the numerical advantage at this moment is so great that it makes people desperate.

In addition, the resources of Black Fire City are insufficient, and the guards are still hungry. Despair breeds in everyone's heart.

But at this time, the energy shield was broken.

The silver army began to counterattack, firing crossbow arrows one after another.

Ahead, a group of silver tribes pushed forward with siege engines.

Whenever someone goes down, a new one picks up immediately.

When he ran to the gate of Black Fire City, due to the angle problem, it was difficult for the arrow to shoot down.

The Silver Tribe pushed the siege weapon and hit the city gate one after another.


Every time there was a sound, the fighting spirit of the human guards became weaker.

This kind of mood swing from disappointment to hope, to despair made Feng Jun almost grit his teeth.

He is too unwilling.

If there were enough energy stones, Black Fire City would have been able to hold on until reinforcements arrived.

But what if you are not reconciled, there is no time to think about other things now.

Feng Jun issued the last order:

"Everyone listens to my order, withdraw the city wall, and cover collectively. As long as we hold on for more than two hours, we will be able to wait for reinforcements."

Collective hiding means that everyone hides in the house and uses favorable terrain to fight guerrilla warfare with other races.

This tactic is usually only used when there is a huge gap between the two sides.

The use of this tactic means that the war situation has reached the most severe time. Either the aliens will suffer heavy losses and be repelled, or the entire army of Black Flame City will be wiped out.

Before the city gate was breached, all the guards quickly searched for hiding places.


The gate of the city was broken open, and the army of the Baiyin tribe rushed in, followed by the army of the Shenyan tribe.

Except for the guards staying on the city wall who were still dutifully shooting down bows and arrows, the other guards had already used the terrain to fight back.

Meng Qi didn't help the terrain, but jumped down from the inside of the city wall and ran quickly on the street.

Such eye-catching behavior naturally attracted many soldiers of the Silver tribe.

Meng Qi no longer hides his strength at this moment, with flames in his left hand and lightning in his right hand, frantically harvesting life.

Kill, keep killing.

At the same time, spiritual energy exploded in other locations in Black Fire City.

Some guards knew that their strength was low, so they held energy grenades and rushed towards the silver people in front.

There are also some silver people who have just stepped into the house, and the guards are brave enough to use the martial arts at the bottom of the box.

There were also five or six guards, back to back, encircled and suppressed by the Baiyin army, but they laughed loudly and were extremely chic.

"Breaking Cloud Palm."

Xiao Yuanqing stretched out both hands, and waves of air pushed forward like a wall of air, knocking out all the silver soldiers in front.

"Weak water three thousand."

The aura in Xue Haiying's body turned into water droplets and floated beside him, and then was drawn into the palm of his hand, and shot out like a bullet.

A row of silver soldiers in front were beaten into a sieve and fell to the ground.

At this time, a leader of the Silver tribe noticed this, and threw the long spear in his hand casually. With a flash of silver light, it passed through Xiao Yuanqing's chest before Xiao Yuanqing could react.

The aura carried by the spear blasted a big hole in Xiao Yuanqing's chest.

Xiao Yuanqing knelt down slowly on the ground, blood flowed out of his mouth unstoppably.

On the other side, a strong woman of the silver tribe held a scimitar and inserted it into Xue Haiying's abdomen. The moment the long knife was inserted, the violent metallic aura smashed the internal organs.

Xue Haiying condensed the last aura in her body, and sprayed out a drop of extremely compressed water from her mouth, piercing through the head of this strong silver woman.


Dragging her broken body, Xue Haiying crossed a distance of ten meters that was usually very close, but now it was extremely far away. Blood was scattered all over the ground, and she walked to Xiao Yuanqing step by step, exhausting her last bit of strength, and threw herself into Xiao Yuanqing's arms.

"Haiying, if there is a next life, will you still marry me?"

With the hand that wasn't stained with blood, Xiao Yuanqing smoothed a stray strand of hair from Xue Haiying's forehead to behind his ear, and there was blood foam in his mouth while he was talking.

"Of course I would. In fact, I fell in love with you when I was a freshman. I have been waiting for you for five years, and finally waited until you confessed your love to me and proposed to me. I have no regrets in this life."

Xue Haiying's body gradually became cold, feeling the last bit of warmth in Xiao Yuanqing's arms.

"That's good……"

Xiao Yuanqing wanted to say something, but the person he was pregnant with was already out of breath, and his pupils gradually blurred.

At the very end, he put his chin on the forehead of the person in his arms, and his arms naturally fell to rest on the waist of the person in his arms.

"Senior Xiao, Senior Sister Haiying..."

Meng Qi was filled with grief and indignation, he kept rushing here, but he still couldn't save the two of them.

"Since I can't save you, at least let me avenge you."

Meng Qi picked up the spear that was stained with Xiao Yuanqing's blood, leaped into the air, and fixed his eyes on the leader of the silver tribe who killed Xiao Yuanqing, the thunder wrapped around the spear and threw it out forcefully.

"Die to me!"

Thunder roared, and the long spear shot across the sky.

The leader of the Silver clan stood up all over his body and tried his best to resist, but he was only a seventh-rank master, facing Meng Qi's resentful blow, he had no strength to parry at all.

The spear burst the head of the leader of the Silver tribe, beheading the soldiers of the Silver tribe behind him.

At the same time, a cold light lit up.

"The blue waves cut across the sea."

Sun Yi held a long knife in his hand and slashed out. The infinite force was superimposed on the blade. Indistinctly, the momentum of the knife turned into waves, burying all the elite soldiers of the Silver tribe in front of them under the waves.

With this knife, Sun Yi's vitality also disappeared.

This knife is a knife cut out by his forbidden skill burning life.

"Senior Sun Yi..."

Meng Qi landed on the roof, the corners of his eyes were a little moist.

"Don't be sad, people are mortal, help me take care of my brother."

Sun Yi laughed loudly:

"Xiao Yuanqing, Xue Haiying, I'm here, even if you go to another world, you two will never think about the world of two."

After speaking, Sun Yi fell to the ground, all life lost.

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