"Mr. Meng Qi, thank you very much for choosing me. After twenty-nine years, I can finally return to my hometown."

Standing in front of Meng Qi was an extremely handsome young man with short brown hair and a soft gray hat on his head.

At this time, he was holding Meng Qi's right hand with both hands with a grateful expression on his face.

"You don't have to thank me, it's my luck to be able to carry out missions in your capacity."

Meng Qi patted the young man with his left hand to express his comfort, and by the way, activated the copy ability to randomly copy an ability.

Spell: Gun

This ability... Interesting!

At the same time, Meng Qi also revealed detailed information about Huiyuan.

Hui Yuan, who grew up in Sakura Country since he was born, is a native of Xia Country.

And his name is also to better integrate into Sakura Country.

In fact, many local people know that Hui Yuan is a native of Xia.

This is also the reason why the one-day gymnasium cannot recruit students.

"Anyway, thank you very much."

Huiyuan bowed again and said, "Let me take you to familiarize yourself with the Gym for a day."

Huiyuan talked while walking, and gave Meng Qi a lot of detailed introductions, and finally stopped in front of a woman.

This woman has exquisite facial features, fair skin, and her long hair is simply tied with a hair rope. She is wearing a white kimono, and she is born with a cool temperament.

"Mr. Meng Qi, let me introduce you. This is Ms. Ayako. She is the only student in my gym to the outside world, but she is actually my intermediary contact. After I leave, if there is anything wrong with Mr. Meng Qi If you understand, you can ask her."

"Hello, Miss Ayako."

Meng Qi extended his right hand politely.

"Hi, Mr. Meng Qi, I've heard of you for a long time."

Ayako stretched out her right hand and shook Meng Qi lightly, but there was no expression on her face.

"Mr. Meng Qi, please don't mind, Miss Ayako always looks like this to everyone."

Gray said.

Meng Qi shook his head, expressing that he didn't care at all.

Half a day later, Huiyuan embarked on his way back to Xia Kingdom through a secret arrangement.

Meng Qi changed into Huiyuan's form, and copied two more abilities from Huiyuan.

But these two abilities belong to the kind of abilities that cannot be used.

"Mr. Meng Qi..."

Ayako knelt down at the table and poured a cup of tea for Meng Qi.

"Just call me by my name."

Meng Qi sat on the mat, feeling that she was not used to it everywhere.

"Okay, Mr. Meng Qi."


Ayako pushed the tea in front of Meng Qi, and said coldly: "My suggestion is that Mr. Meng Qi should not go out this month, so as not to be seen from the details."

"Just what I want."

Meng Qi also plans to close a long test. Since he is playing Huiyuan for a long time, it is better to imitate all the details of Huiyuan himself.

By the way, break through the boundary.

"During this period, Mr. Meng Qi will also learn from me the unique attack methods of Onmyoji."

Ayako said.

"sorry to bother you."

Meng Qi did not refuse. When he came to the country of cherry blossoms, he naturally had to do as the Romans do.

"Well, let's start now. Let me first talk about the four cultivation systems of Sakura Kingdom."

Ayako said clearly: "Sakura Kingdom's cultivation system can be roughly divided into five types, namely samurai, talisman, shikigami, demonization, and spells."

"Samurai is equivalent to our warriors over there, so I won't talk too much about that."

"The talisman paper is a special material used to carve symbols on the talisman paper, which is equivalent to a medium for releasing the soul power."

"Shikigami is to summon a shikigami cultivated with soul power through special means to fight."

"Demonization is the integration of shikigami into the body. The cultivator himself replaces the existence of shikigami. Generally, a cultivator can only fuse one shikigami. Few cultivators can fuse more than two shikigami."

Hearing this, Meng Qi thought of Dong Chuan, the genius of Sakura Country, who could fuse five shikigami.

I don't know if I will meet him this time, if I meet him, then by the way, hit him again.

Ayako continued: "Mr. Meng Qi has seen these four types before, and now I will talk about the fifth type, spells, and the most special one."

"Spell can be regarded as an advanced step of talisman paper. It does not require talisman paper. It uses void as paper and soul power as pen. With special symbols and rhythms, it can display unique attack methods. It can also be engraved on other items to play Unbelievable abilities."

Meng Qi thought about it: "It sounds a bit like the method used by high-level warriors and soul masters to describe restrictions."

At the same time, Meng Qi also discovered the essential difference between soul masters and onmyojis.

A soul master directly manipulates soul power or uses natal horcruxes to attack.

Onmyoji attack more with the help of media.

Soul masters can learn the methods of onmyojis, but onmyojis cannot learn the methods of soul masters.

In the final analysis, it was because the soul power of the onmyoji was not pure, and he borrowed foreign objects.

Ayako looked at Meng Qi and said: "Besides samurai, Meng Qi can choose one of them to learn, and we will find a way to provide the shikigami we need."

Meng Qi asked: "What is Huiyuan good at?"

Since he was playing Huiyuan, it was natural to choose Huiyuan.

It's a pity that Huiyuan left too fast, otherwise he would have been able to copy all his abilities if he stayed for ten days and half a month.

Ayako picked up the teacup in front of her, took a sip, and said:

"Mr. Meng Qi doesn't need to care about what Mr. Huiyuan is good at, because Mr. Huiyuan has never fought against others, and few people even know that Mr. Huiyuan is a heaven-level onmyoji."

Meng Qi was puzzled: "As the owner of the gymnasium, Huiyuan has never met someone who came to challenge and smashed the signboard?"

Ayako shook her head: "No, I'm the only student in the one-day dojo, so I won't be jealous, and the location of the one-day dojo is relatively remote, so it won't affect the business of other dojos."

Well, it seems that Huiyuan should be like me, he doesn't like trouble.

Meng Qi looked at Ayako and asked, "What does Ms. Ayako suggest me to learn?"


Ayako put down her teacup and said, "The one with the most potential and the greatest power in the cultivation system of the Sakura Country of Curses may be difficult for others, but it should not be difficult for you, Mr. Meng Qi."

"No, my talent is actually not good. I can achieve what I am today because of my hard work." Meng Qi changed the subject: "May I ask, what is Miss Lingzi's best?"

"I am best at spells."

Ayako moved her fingers, and a stream of light sank into the cherry blossom tree, and the greenery on the branches began to soar, and it was full of cherry blossoms in just a few seconds.

"Then I'll learn spells."

Meng Qi looked at Ayako with piercing eyes.

It is stated in advance that this is not what he wants to touch Ayako, but physical contact is necessary to activate the replication ability.

Wait, what reason should I use to touch it three times a day for a month.

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