“Meng Qi, why are you still alive?”

One of them had a trembling voice and constricted pupils, wanting to confirm whether Meng Qi was a real person.

Meng Qi didn't answer this question. With a wave of his hand, the window glass shattered. He passed through the glass and slowly landed on the ground. Darkness crawled under his feet again.

"Very well, it's all here."

These five people are the medical staff who took him away before.

Although Meng Qi was only awake for a few seconds, he still recorded the five people.

One Grand Master, two Ninth-Rank Grandmasters, one Eighth-Rank Grandmaster, and one Seventh-Rank Grandmaster.

Through the eyes of true understanding, Meng Qi easily saw through the realm of the five people.

He looked at the seventh-rank master and said, "It was the injection you gave me before, so let's start with you."

Several chains protruded from the darkness, thrusting them into the flame domain, without waiting for the seventh-rank grandmaster to resist, they pulled him out of the flame domain and wrapped them around his limbs and body.

"help me."

The seventh-rank grandmaster asked the grand master for help.

But Grandmaster didn't dare to move, from the time when his flame domain was suppressed to only twenty meters, he knew that he was definitely not Meng Qi's opponent.

In fact, if Ye Jinglin hadn't told him that Meng Qi had fainted from exhaustion, he wouldn't have dared to enter the infirmary to snatch people.

"Say, where did you get my eyes and space ring?"

Meng Qi looked at the seventh-rank grandmaster expressionlessly.

"Can you let me go?"

The face of the seventh-rank grandmaster was full of fear, and he asked cautiously and tentatively.

"Too much nonsense."

As the words fell, the chains wrapped around the limbs tightened and pulled outward.

In the next second, the limbs of the seventh-rank grandmaster were torn off abruptly, and blood flowed all over the place.

This cruel scene made the remaining four people turn around and run away desperately.

They could see that Meng Qi had no intention of letting them go.

"Do you think you can run away?"

Meng Qi clenched his palms tightly, and shot out countless chains in the darkness, entangled the three masters in an instant.

The great master was wrapped in flames, smashed the wall regardless, and flew towards the sky desperately.

A chain bounced out of the darkness, wrapped around his right foot, and dragged him back to the ground.


The grand master struggled hard, used all kinds of martial arts, and slammed on the chain, but it was useless.

A sea of ​​fear engulfed him completely as he was pulled back to the ground.

Meng Qi just waved his hand lightly, and this grand master was also bound up in chains like the other three masters.

"I asked you a few questions, and the one who answered the slowest, I broke his arm."

Meng Qi sat down on the spot, and the darkness actively condensed a chair behind him, with his right leg resting on his left leg, and his fingers lightly tapped the handle of the seat, the sound echoed in the darkness.

"The first question, who gave the order for you to attack me?"

"It's Ye Jinglin, Ye Lingfeng's father."

The sense of fear made the eighth-rank master choose to betray the person behind him without hesitation.

A ninth-rank master threatened: "If you dare to attack me, the Ye family will definitely not let you go."

"The answer is wrong, and your answer dissatisfies me."

The figure of this Ninth Grade Grandmaster was reflected in Meng Qi's pupils. The chain wrapped around his right arm began to shrink, and the bones of the strangulation made a creaking sound. At a certain critical point, the arm was strangled from the shoulder broken.

However, this was not over yet, two daggers flew out from the darkness, and slashed along his right leg until it reached his knee before stopping.

"None of you will survive today, but believe me, there are many ways to die. Whether it is an easy death or a tortured death, it depends on your own choice."

"By the way, I am still a soul master. Even if you die, your soul body will fall into my hands, and I can torture you again. I heard that the pain of the soul body is a hundred times the pain of the physical body." ,Not sure whether it is true."

Hearing Meng Qi calmly say the following words, several people were terrified to the extreme. Death itself is a frightening thing, and what is even more frightening is the torment after death.

"Second question, where are my eyes and space ring?"

Meng Qi felt carefully with his soul power, but he didn't find his eyes on several people.

He was curious as to who wanted his eyes so much.

"Ye Lingyun, your space ring and eyes have been sent to Ye Lingyun by us."

Several people answered this question one after another.

Ye Lingyun, it really was him!

So he wants to fuse soul power and aura through the eye of true understanding?

Meng Qi tapped the armrest of the seat with his fingers slowly, and asked in an unhurried voice:

"Where is he? Also in this city?"

The great master immediately replied: "The residence at No. 225 Xiyun Street, that's where we handed over the things to him."

On the other side of the city? Meng Qi was thoughtful.

"But he's probably out of there by now."

The Eighth Grade Grandmaster added.

"As long as the eyes are in his hands, I will have a way to find him."

Meng Qi stopped tapping his fingers and said, "One last question, is there any venerable from the Ye family here?"

"No, the venerable is very honorable in Ye's family, and usually he would not come to a remote city like the coastal border."

Several people said similar answers at the same time.

"Very good, I am very satisfied with your answer, you can die in peace."

Meng Qi raised his palm, and four daggers flew across the necks of the four in an instant.

The four heads fell to the ground, but a relieved expression appeared on their faces.

Meng Qi stood up and walked outside.

As he moved, darkness began to move to the other side of the city.


Seeing the darkness moving this way, Zhang Bairen finally figured out what happened through the news from his subordinates, so he temporarily started a video conference in the room.

Apart from him, there were also the old man on crutches and the tough guy with scars who participated in the video conference. The bearded soldier did not participate.

"What? You said Meng Qi was resurrected? Di Wentian gave him a life-saving talisman?"

The tough guy with the scar asked in surprise.

Zhang Bairen frowned and said, "Now we're not discussing how Meng Qi was resurrected, but his unscrupulous use of the field in the city has already violated the city law and order. What do you two think about this?"

The old man said in a deep voice: "Notify him directly that the use of the domain in the city is prohibited, and if there is anything to do, go to the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield to solve it."

"But he didn't bring his mobile phone, so we can't contact him."

Halfway through the speech, Zhang Bairen suddenly had a plan: "I have a solution."


"Ye Lingyun, you really run fast enough."

Meng Qi looked at the ancient house in front of him, which is a full hundred kilometers away from 225 Xiyun Street.

But no matter where he goes, as long as Ye Lingyun has those eyes, he can find the other party through the hidden connection.

Just about to step into the old house, a person walked out from the darkness.

"Mr. Meng Qi, I have no malicious intentions. I was just entrusted to send you a mobile phone."

The man said with a mobile phone in his hand.

Meng Qi glanced at this person, hooked his hands, and the phone was dragged by the spiritual energy and landed in his hand.

The phone shows an active call.

"Is there something wrong?"

"Is it Mr. Meng Qi?"

A voice came from the phone: "I am Zhang Bairen, the general manager of the East Coast. I know you are eager for revenge, but please calm down. If there is anything wrong, we might as well sit down and have a good talk."

Meng Qi sneered: "Zhang Bairen, right? You still can't control me, get out!"

After speaking, he crushed the phone directly.

Looking at the great master who sent the mobile phone, he said:

"Get out of my sight within five seconds, or you will bear the consequences."

The grand master's face changed suddenly, and he flew into the sky as if fleeing.

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