Seeing Meng Qi approaching with a gray halo, Ye Lingyun felt terrified.

That is the fear of death.

So in the next moment, his figure blurred, and switched positions with his clone, which was his last clone.

I originally reserved it for accidents, but I didn't expect it to be really used.

Meng Qi stretched out his right hand and put his palm on Ye Lingyun's shoulder, Ye Lingyun's shoulder collapsed and was broken down into the most primitive aura and soul power of heaven and earth.

"Is it a clone again? It's really boring."

Meng Qi felt it carefully, and found that the edge of darkness appeared on Ye Ling's cloud, and he was almost able to run out of the dark field.

"In the face of death, struggle to your heart's content."

Meng Qi has returned to state two, in the dark, it is most suitable to use state two to hurry.

At this time, Ye Lingyun was running away desperately.

He has already seen the sun in the sky, and he can run out of this damn city shrouded in darkness in just one minute.

When he returned to Ye's house, it would be extremely difficult for Meng Qi to kill him again.

"What kind of power is that? It's terrifying."

Recalling the feeling just now, Ye Lingyun felt scared for a while.

Obviously he used that power, but that power is breaking down his aura, soul power and physical body, making it impossible for him to use the power now.

He keeps flying.

A minute passed, and the original dividing line between sunlight and darkness became even more distant.

There is only one possibility for this to happen, and that is that Meng Qi is moving this way.


Ye Lingyun ran out with all his strength, but the light kept getting further and further away from him.

Ye Lingyun's heart sank until he couldn't see the sun in the sky.

He looked back, there were footsteps coming from the empty darkness, and Meng Qi came out from it.

“Ye Lingyun, are you afraid too?”

Under the white hair, Meng Qi's expression was as calm as water, with a pair of azure blue eyes, no emotion could be seen.

But this appearance, Ye Lingyun felt more terrifying than anger.

"Meng Qi, I did something wrong in this matter. I am willing to give you back these eyes. To express my apology, I am also willing to take out ten pieces of essence of dark attribute elements as compensation."

Ye Lingyun communicated with Meng Qi in a calm voice as much as possible.

Meng Qi shook his head, with a disappointed expression on his face:

"Why don't you run away? You still think I'm easy to talk to. Even if you kill me, I can forgive you."

After the words fell, Meng Qi came to Ye Lingyun as if teleporting, pinched Ye Lingyun's throat with his right hand, and dug Ye Lingyun's eyes with his left hand.

Ye Lingyun wanted to resist, but when he used that power before, his body had been destroyed to such an extent that he couldn't raise his strength at all.

Blood flowed down Ye Lingyun's cheeks, and the great pain almost made him faint.

Meng Qi got back his eyes.

"Don't be afraid, this is just the beginning. How those people dissected my body before, I will return all the pain to you bit by bit."

"Don't even think about fainting. As a soul master, I have too many means to keep you awake."

"By the way, I don't know if there are many healing medicines in your space ring. I will use them all on you."

Every word of Meng Qi constantly broke Ye Lingyun's psychological defense.

The screams continued to rise and fall.

Half an hour later, Meng Qi looked at the lump of fleshy paste on the ground, blood was dripping from his hands to the ground continuously.

"I'm sorry, I was so excited that I accidentally turned you into this."

"But don't be afraid. You still have a soul body. I will separate your soul body and treat it well."

Meng Qi ended Ye Lingyun's life. Not surprisingly, a black soul abandoned its physical body and quickly fled away.

Ye Lingyun is a heavenly soul master, even if he abandons his body, the soul body can survive alone.

Originally, after Meng Qi's physical body died, his soul body could survive alone.

However, the potions used by those fake Ye family medical staff had the effect of obliterating the soul body, which caused Meng Qi to directly trigger the effect of the Holy Fruit of Destiny after his physical death.

Looking at the black soul body that escaped far away, Meng Qi summoned the sealed door, and the chains on the sealed door wound towards the soul body.

At this moment, the villain with black soul body blew himself up, even Meng Qi was surprised.

But soon, Meng Qi felt something was wrong, because the lump of flesh and blood on the ground disappeared, and the blood on his own hands also disappeared, as if everything just now was an illusion.

Meng Qi's brows were tightly furrowed, and after a while, they relaxed again.


Meng Qi remembered an item, which was a life-saving talisman refined by the saint who mastered the law of time.

By going back in time, people can bring the dead back to life.

No need to think about it, he knew that this kind of item was extremely precious. Meng Qi never thought that Ye Lingyun would own one.

This is... great!

Is there anything more satisfying than killing an enemy twice?


At the same time, in the Ye family's ancient house.

Ye Lingyun completed the reorganization of flesh and blood at home. He opened his eyes with a look of fear.

Fortunately, I asked my ancestor for a life-saving talisman, otherwise I would have died this time.

However, the hard-earned eyes of true understanding have become the original eyes.

In fact, at the same time that Ye Lingyun was resurrected, Ye Jinglin also received the message that Meng Qi was not dead.

"That little bastard, does he have a life-saving talisman?"

Ye Jing Lin had a ferocious face. Originally, Ye Lingfeng also had a life-saving talisman.

But the one who ordered Ye Lingfeng to be executed was one of the most powerful people in the Xia Kingdom. In the face of this existence, the Ye family took back Ye Lingfeng's life-saving talisman and gave it to Ye Lingyun.

In the huge Ye family, there is only this life-saving talisman.

Ye Jinglin hates it, it's not Meng Qi, how could his only son die.

"Little bastard, do you think you can escape with a life-saving talisman? If I can kill you once, I can kill you a second time."

Ye Jinglin walked out of the room, this time, he wanted to kill Meng Qi himself.


At the same time, Zhao Wuya finally rushed back.

From a long distance, he saw the darkness that shrouded the city.

"This breath is that brat."

Zhao Wuya was furious in his heart, if he hadn't let Meng Qi go to the Cherry Blossom Country this time, this kind of thing wouldn't have happened, resulting in Meng Qi being killed again.

Fortunately, Meng Qi took the Holy Fruit of Destiny, otherwise Di Wentian knew that his apprentice had been killed, and the consequences would be unpredictable, and Xia Guo might be in turmoil because of it.

"Damn Ye family, you dare to attack the brat, you are really impatient."

Zhao Wuya plunged headlong into the darkness, this time he not only wanted to beat Meng Qi to the Ye family, but also made the Ye family pay an unimaginable price.

Based on the fact that Black Flame City was destroyed.

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