Half a month later, Di Wentian set off for Diguan.

Zhao Wuya still stayed at Guwu University.

Meng Qi originally planned to go into seclusion and not practice until the great master consummates and leave the seclusion, but Zhao Junze came.

I heard that something happened to me, so I came to see myself.

"I heard you killed that bastard Ye Lingyun, good job."

"Originally, Liu Wushuang, Gu Shengnan, Lin Wenbo and my younger sister also planned to come back, but the frontline situation is not very good, so I can't get away, so I came back alone."

Zhao Junze smiled helplessly.

I haven't seen him for more than a year. Not only did he break through to the grand master, but he also cultivated to the second rank.

"The front line is so tense?"

Meng Qi thought of Principal Yang, Teacher Bai, Teacher He and others. Except for the vice principal and Zhao Wuya, even Teacher Zhang, the honest man guarding the inheritance tower, had gone to the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield.

There are also Su Meng, Yang Cang, Dong Fei and others, who have not been seen, and I heard that they are also on the front line of the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield.

Zhao Junze said:

"It's not too nervous. It's just that there are many geniuses from other races, and now they are killing all races. Many cities in my human race have been implicated."

"Originally my strong human race planned to kill these geniuses, but every time I shot, I would be stopped by a strong foreign race."

"It seems that the strong alien race intends to cultivate these geniuses, as long as it is not a strong man above the Venerable Realm, they will not care."

"Many great masters of the older generation in other countries have died at the hands of these alien geniuses, and the younger generation is no match for these alien geniuses. It is only my warriors from the Xia Kingdom who are strong. The younger generation of the previous generation and the previous generation I fought back and forth with these alien geniuses, but I lost more than I won.”

"Gu Shengnan of our generation, and Zhongliu Wushuang of your generation, the two have not lost yet, but their training time is relatively short, and the targets they are fighting are all races that are ranked lower among the ten thousand races. "

"The only good news now is that the geniuses of all races will also fight, and they are not targeting my human race."

"But if things go on like this, the alien genius who fights to the end is very likely to become the emperor within a hundred years. This is not good news for my human race."

Having said that, Zhao Junze paused:

"In addition to visiting you this time, I also want to invite you to enter the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield."

"There is a forbidden area in the battlefield of ten thousand races that will be opened soon, which will be of great benefit to warriors below the venerable. At that time, both my human race geniuses and foreign race geniuses will go there."

"If you, Liu Wushuang, and Gu Shengnan can gain benefits in the forbidden area, our human race will be able to produce three geniuses who can compete with the top races in the shortest possible time. Therefore, these geniuses of us will do our best to help the three of you in the forbidden area. benefit."

Meng Qi thought for a while, then refused: "I don't want to enter the battlefield of ten thousand races in a short time."

Although the front line is tense, he is the fifth-rank Grandmaster. According to Zhao Junze's description, even if he goes, he may not be able to play a big role in this genius battle, so it is better to retreat and practice well.

In the shortest time, break through to the consummation of the great master, and even the venerable.

Zhao Junze said a little unwillingly: "If you miss this precious opportunity, you may be farther and farther away from those top talents. Are you really not thinking about it anymore?"

Meng Qi shook his head.

Zhao Junze sighed helplessly: "This... well, top geniuses like you all have your own cultivation methods, so I won't persuade you."

"I haven't been out for a short time this time. Although I can't play much role in this genius battle, the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield is still waiting for me to go back and leave."

Zhao Junze left.

It can be seen that he has a lot of prejudice against Meng Qi not wanting to enter the battlefield of ten thousand races to participate in this genius battle.

Perhaps he regards Meng Qi as the leader of the younger generation in his heart, but the "cowardly" performance of this leader makes him very disappointed.

The human race really needs a genius who can stand up and beat the top geniuses of all races.

"Feel sorry."

Meng Qi silently apologized to Zhao Junze's back.

He will go to the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield to participate in this genius battle, but not now.

Right now, he urgently needs a closed-door retreat to digest the feeling of being resurrected from the dead.

Meng Qi is in seclusion, and the place of choice for practice is the inheritance space of the inheritance tower. This time, if he does not practice until the great master reaches consummation, he will never leave the customs.

Came to the inheritance space and took out all the cultivation resources.

Looking at the sea blue fruit on the side, the first step is to refine the sea blue fruit into a elixir.

With the existence of the experience value panel, Meng Qi is not worried that taking too many elixirs will cause the foundation to be exaggerated.

Just do what you say, take out the alchemy furnace, and inject a flame into the alchemy furnace.

One by one medicinal materials were put into Dadan furnace.

With his current status, he can use all the medicinal materials in the treasure house of Guwu University.

But Meng Qi will not take it for nothing, he will refine some pills and return them to Guwu University.

This is his principle.

A week later, the sea blue fruit was refined into Haihun Pill.

In the second step, while using the Soul Devouring Art to convert the Sea Soul Pill into experience points, at the same time use the God Killing Art to absorb the spiritual energy in the essence of the elements, transforming it into one's own cultivation, and strengthening the atmosphere.

In his spare time, Meng Qi will practice the Nine Steps of Stepping on the Sky and the Seven Degrees of Space.

Because he has already mastered the two similar martial arts, Lightning, Stone Fire and Psychic Impact, the experience points can be converted.

So just after practicing the Nine Steps of Stepping on the Sky, he was promoted to the eighth level, and the seven-dimensional space was promoted to the sixth level.

From now on, it is only necessary to improve the two martial arts within a long period of time.

Finally, there is the exclusive forbidden skill of the Eucharist, the Immortal Golden Body.

This forbidden technique brought surprises to Meng Qi far beyond imagination.

The Immortal Golden Body has a total of six layers.

The first floor, rebirth of severed limbs.

The second layer, recovering from injuries in one thought.

The third layer, ten thousand laws do not invade.

On the fourth floor, soul power, aura, and body are combined into one.

The fifth floor, rebirth from a drop of blood.

The sixth floor is immortal.

According to the additional information attached to this forbidden technique, the highest level of all holy bodies refined throughout the ages is the inviolability of all spells.

However, according to the description in the information, Meng Qi found that it was somewhat similar to the invincible field.

There is also the three-in-one of soul power, spiritual energy, and physical body. Although it is not a permanent integration, he has already achieved it.

"Damn it! Could it be that only the holy body can integrate soul power, aura, and body into one body? Then the premise that I wanted to integrate these three things was that I had to have the holy body first, which is too coincidental."

Meng Qi recalled that at the beginning, under the dual urging of the Spiritual Light Curse and the Holy Spirit Liquid, the Innate Holy Body, which was obtained by chance, was born into the Invincible Domain.

Then merge the soul orb to awaken the true understanding eye, and with the help of the sealed door, the three are briefly combined into one, and the state one is born.

It can be said that starting on your own is starting from the third floor.

Perhaps this is the difference between the Xiantian Eucharist and the Eucharist, the strong is the word Xiantian.

Possessing the Innate Saint Body and the experience value panel, Meng Qi did not believe that he could not practice the highest level of this forbidden technique.

Just running for immortality, the liver must be given to the liver when it explodes.

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