Reminiscent of the picture Meng Qi said, Li Tie's already dark cheeks became even darker.

His arms stretched straight, like a long spear sweeping towards Meng Qi's head.

Meng Qi tilted his body and retreated one after another.

Li Tie suddenly turned his fist into a palm, grabbed Meng Qi's neck, lifted it up, and slammed into the big tree next to him.

Meng Qi grabbed Li Tie's arm with one hand, and prevented Li Tie's palm from clenching with the other.

Seeing that he was about to hit the tree trunk, Meng Qi wrapped his left leg around Li Tie's arm, and kicked Li Tie's chest with his right foot.

Li Tie was kicked to the ground.

Meng Qi was panting heavily, and he was almost injured, so he couldn't be careless.

Li Tie immediately got up, and his two-meter-high body pounced on Meng Qi like a big wild bear.

Meng Qi was agile and kicked Li Tie's lower back the moment he dodged.

However, Li Tie's skin was rough and fleshy, and he used spiritual energy to defend, so this kick did not cause any damage.

"A little boy is just a boy, a bitch is chirping, without any strength."

Li Tie taunted, trying to provoke Meng Qi with words.

Meng Qi turned his head and ran away, Li Tie was stunned for a moment, and chased after him.

Unexpectedly, when he ran in front of a big tree, Meng Qi jumped up, stepped on the tree trunk, and with the help of the rebound force, turned around in the air, kicked Li Tie's neck, and Li Tie lay on the ground.

"Oh, did you lose your wallet?"

While mocking, Meng Qi kicked Li Tie on the head again.

Li Tie turned his head covered from the beating, and finally got up, a phantom appeared in his vision.

Meng Qi gained power and was relentless, his fists fell on Li Tie's chest like a storm.

The last punch, like a roaring bull, landed on Li Tie's chest.

Li Tie stepped back and bumped into a big tree. With a muffled sound, leaves fell from the sky.

Li Tie shook his head, his vision finally returned to normal, and mocked:

"It's useless, I have practiced the high-level yellow-rank martial art Tiebuyi, even if you have learned the strength of the bull, it is impossible to break through my defense."

Obviously Li Tie had recognized the martial arts used by Meng Qi, but just as he finished speaking, he saw the corner of Meng Qi's mouth slightly raised, and suddenly felt bad.

At the same time, the spiritual energy in the chest was detonated, Li Tie guessed that it was dark energy, and quickly mobilized all the spiritual energy to gather in the chest.

If the dark energy explodes, even if you don't die, you will be seriously injured.

"You have refined the Mang Niu Jin to a perfect state?"

Under the light, Li Tie looked incredible.

In his opinion, it is much easier to break through to the second-rank martial artist than to cultivate the barbaric strength to perfection.

Meng Qi accepted Li Tie's points with a smile, 820 points, plus his own 610 points, reaching 1430 points.

Before being teleported away by the light, Li Tie said in a deep voice:

"Don't get complacent too early. In this assessment, I only know that there are six people who are better than me. You will meet them sooner or later."

"That won't stop you from worrying."

Meng Qi hastened to operate the Na Qi Jue to restore the aura in his body, he could already feel that the people around him had already regarded him as a target.

But just right.

Meng Qi staggered a bit, but quickly stood firm, straightened his back, looked around, and said solemnly:

"I know what you are thinking, but as an outstanding young man with good qualities, I must warn you that I am not as weak as you imagine, so don't think about things you shouldn't have."

"Heh! Don't lie, how much spiritual energy do you have left after fighting a second-rank warrior?" Some people didn't believe it.

"Half." Meng Qi's words were not deceiving, just now the remaining half, now, almost two-thirds of the recovery has been recovered.

"Brothers, don't listen to his nonsense. I just saw his footsteps were vain. He must be a strong outsider. Let's go together. Whoever gets the points in his hand will make a lot of money."

Hearing this, everyone was a little moved.

Meng Qi hurriedly said: "If you all play together, I will voluntarily abstain. No one can get the points in my hand. As for whether I am a strong outsider or not, you will know if you try it yourself. There is no need to instigate others in order to get the points in my hand. Everyone is not a fool, no one will take the lead for you."

After a while, an ordinary-looking freshman walked out.

"Let me see how much strength you have left."

He shot with all his strength, apparently because he was afraid of capsizing in the gutter.

But he underestimated Meng Qi, and Meng Qi performed a few moves with him, and then sent him out with one kick.

"Anyone else coming?"

The paleness on Meng Qi's face flashed away, replaced by an abnormal blush.

"I, Zhang Tianyu, are here to challenge you."

There was a freshman who couldn't bear the temptation of points and attacked Meng Qi.

Meng Qi took him hard, but sent him away with a punch.

This time Meng Qi had to lean against a big tree to stand firm, and the minds of the freshmen became more active.

Challenge Meng Qi one by one.

But without exception, they were all eliminated by Meng Qi.

Finally, after losing seven or eight people, they realized something was wrong.

Meng Qi was almost defeated every time, but he was undefeated.

It's like a piece of meat tied in front of a dog's head, which can only be seen but never eaten.

Seeing that no one continued to challenge, Meng Qi said hoarsely:

"I have reminded you a long time ago, I am not as weak as you imagined, ahem, there is still time to leave now."

Hearing the sound of coughing, someone's eyes flickered and asked:

"Since you are not weak, why don't you take the initiative to eliminate us?"

As if being poked into a sore spot, Meng Qi dodged his eyes: "As an outstanding young man with good qualities, I can't bear to bully the weak with the strong, and your points are too few, so it's not worth my effort."

When it comes to points, these people no longer hide the greed in their eyes. Meng Qi eliminated a second-rank warrior, and then eliminated seven or eight peak first-rank warriors in a row. Including his own, the points in his hands are at least 1,500 above.

"You can really joke. Although our personal points are few, all of us here must have more than 500 points. In my opinion, you have more than enough energy but not enough energy."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was eager to try again.

Meng Qi looked gloomy on the surface, but he was overjoyed in his heart.

Suddenly, a voice sounded:

"Don't be fooled by this old Yinbi, this old Yinbi is bad."

Meng Qi looked towards the source of the sound, and saw a young man with a wretched temperament looking at him with contempt.

"you again."

Meng Qi's teeth itched in anger, this kid came to sabotage his good deed again.

"Dong Fei, do you know him?" Someone knew this young man.

Dong Fei glanced at Meng Qi: "Yes, this old Yinbi used this trick to deceive many people before, and even tried to deceive me, but I found out."

After speaking, he ran away, not giving Meng Qi a chance to get close at all.

His actions confirmed what he said even more.

"It turns out that he is that old Yinbi. I've heard people say it before."

"Outstanding young people with good qualities can really put gold on their faces."

"It's gone."

Everyone dispersed.

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