The first day of retreat.

Meng Qi announced that the retreat failed.

There is no random reason, it is simply that after the Heavenly Demon Exercise Art reaches the second level, the experience value provided by the Gale Wolf's blood essence becomes less.

From the original fifty experience points to ten experience points.

Going on like this, if you want to cultivate the Heavenly Demon Exercise Art to the third level, you need at least three hundred drops of Gale Wolf essence blood.

That is 66,000 points.

Meng Qi felt that it was not worthwhile to use the blood of the Gale Wolf to upgrade the Heavenly Demon Body Exercise to the third level, so he planned to change to a higher level of blood.

The problem is that there are only 6500 points left.

After thinking about it, he decided to sell the Red Spirit Pill in advance.

Ever since, in the campus where people come and go, I saw such a scene.

Meng Qi is standing downstairs in the teaching building, with a banner posted on the wall behind him - countdown to freshman competition: 62 days.

Originally, the freshman had a leisurely life, but after being teased by Meng Qi like this, he became inexplicably nervous.

Looking down, there is a sign in front of Meng Qi:

"Do you want to leave your peers behind and achieve better results?"

The second sign:

"Red Spirit Pill, one piece can increase the speed of cultivation by 50%, lasts for two hours, and costs 50 points."

Seeing this, some people laughed at Meng Qi for wanting to score points, but they couldn't laugh anymore after seeing the third sign.

"Your love rival has a higher cultivation base than you, your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend has a higher cultivation base than you, and your competitor has a higher cultivation base than you. What qualifications do you have not to cultivate hard?"


The fourth sign:

"A bottle of Red Spirit Pill will help you sweep away all enemies, you deserve it."

Li Hang, who was in class in the morning, burst out laughing when he saw this scene.

"Meng Qi, what are you doing?"

"Can't you see, I'm selling red spirit pills." Meng Qi took out a folding chair from the space ring, sat on it, and looked like a stall.

"How many new students are willing to spend 500 points? I feel that you are better at selling beast attracting fans than selling red spirit pills." Li Hang said with a smirk.

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm doing a serious business." Meng Qi rejected Li Hang's bad idea. If he really dared to sell animal fans in the school, he would probably have to be criticized by the whole school the next day.

"Okay, I see you can sell a few bottles of Chi Ling Pill." Li Hang didn't go to class anymore, took out a bag of melon seeds from his arms and sat beside him to watch the fun.

After a while.

A little fat man appeared across from Meng Qi's booth. He seemed a little moved, but he didn't have the courage to come over.

After all, this strange booth is too eye-catching, but not everyone is as thick-skinned as Meng Qi and Li Hang, who can ignore the strange eyes of others.

"Huh, it turned out to be him." Li Hang also noticed the little fat man, and made a tsk-tsk sound.

"You know him?" Meng Qi asked while eating melon seeds.

"It's not just acquaintance, he's a big celebrity among our freshmen." Li Hang said with a smile.

"How to say?" Meng Qi raised his eyebrows slightly.

"You don't know?" Li Hang said with a gossipy face, "Then let me tell you."

"This little fat man is called Wang Zihao, he is a rich second generation, the kind who is so rich that he spends millions of points to buy points without blinking an eye.

"Just a few nights ago, in order to chase a girl, he carefully designed a confession, but the girl rejected him."

"It was nothing at first, but this girl asked Wang Zihao to buy him a lot of gifts. Seeing that the confession failed, Wang Zihao wanted to return those gifts."

"And guess what?"

"That girl actually has a partner. Her partner not only beat up Wang Zihao, but also severely humiliated him. Since then, Wang Zihao has become the laughing stock of the whole freshman."

"This brother is too miserable." Meng Qi felt that the couple was too much, and decided to help Wang Zihao, took out a loudspeaker and shouted: "Wang Zihao, if you are a man, don't hesitate to come to my side boldly." Walk."

When his name was called by the loudspeaker, Wang Zihao almost died on the spot, so he turned his head and left.

"If you dare to leave, you will look down on me, Li Hang." Meng Qi continued to shout through the loudspeaker.

Li Hang kicked: "Fuck you, don't use my name, he is Meng Qi, the Meng Qi from the soul master class."

Hearing the word "Meng Qi", Wang Zihao swayed and walked back: "You are the first Meng Qi in the soul master class."

"That's right, it's me." Meng Qi puffed out his chest, admitting his identity without any shame in the strange eyes of everyone.

"Your Red Spirit Pill can really increase your cultivation speed by 50%?" Wang Zihao asked again.

"Of course, Guwu University freshmen don't lie to Guwu University freshmen." Meng Qi said with a smile.

The little fat man seemed to think of some sad past, and he gritted his teeth: "Give me twenty coins."

Meng Qi collected a thousand points, handed over twenty Chi Ling Pills to the little fat man, and reminded:

"A person can only take ten red spirit pills at most."

The little fat man was stunned: "Why didn't you say that just now?"

"You didn't ask just now." Meng Qi blinked.

Li Hang on the side couldn't help laughing, he cheated people the first time he set up a stall, it's very Meng Qi

The little fat man held back for a long time, and said, "I want to return the product."

Meng Qi has an expression of refusal: "Once you come out, there will be no refund or exchange."

"I want to complain to you." The little fat man clenched his fists angrily.

"Complain to me?" Meng Qi looked strange: "Where did you go to complain to me?"

"..." The little fat man thought he was miserable enough, but he didn't expect that someone would have the heart to trick him.

Simply inappropriate.

"Although you won't be able to use the extra ten Red Spirit Pills, you can resell them to others. Believe me, the closer you get to the new Dabi, the higher the price of the Red Spirit Pills will be," Meng Qi said.

I believe you ghost.

The little fat man even wondered if the Chiling Pill would ruin his stomach, but after all, he spent a thousand points to buy it, so he couldn't bear to just throw it away.

With the idea that perhaps the Chi Ling Pill might be useful, the little fat man left here with a sense of gain and loss.

In the morning, Meng Qi only sold five bottles of Chi Ling Pill. Except for Fatty, the other three were the bottom of the top 100 freshman rankings, ranking 99th, 97th and 93rd respectively.

The third brother is afraid that they will fall out of the top 100.

The first 100 points are free 1,000 points per month.

Looking at the backs of the three leaving, the corners of Meng Qi's mouth rose slightly.

Doesn't this start to roll up?

"Except for the top 100, if there are a few freshmen who are willing to waste 500 points to buy Chiling Pill, you should give up." Li Hang said with a curled lip.

"Don't worry, let the bullets fly for a while."



Five days later, the bottom three of the freshman rankings actually entered the top 80.

This made the freshmen who had dropped down to the last few immediately anxious.

There is also another piece of news that the little fat man Wang Zihao defeated his love rival in the duel field, and returned the humiliating words of the other party.

After careful investigation, it was found that what Wang Zihao and the three people on the freshman list had in common was that they had bought Meng Qi's Red Panacea.

This made Meng Qi's Red Spirit Pill popular all of a sudden, and many freshmen from the top 100 came to buy it.

One morning, Meng Qi sold 18 bottles, which is 9,000 points.

The first person to buy Chiling Pill in the afternoon was a person Meng Qi had thought of, and that was Dong Fei.

Dong Fei waved his hand: "Give me twenty bottles of red spirit pills."

"Pay the points first, and then I'll give you the Chi Ling Pill." Meng Qi looked at Dong Fei vigilantly, this kid might run away after taking the Chi Ling Pill.

"On credit." Dong Fei said confidently.


Well, the other party's shamelessness is beyond imagination.

"Get out, if you dare to interrupt my business again, I'll let you have a taste of beast-inducing powder." Meng Qi stared at Dong Fei with unkind eyes, ready to give him a handful of animal-inducing powder at any time.

Dong Fei subconsciously jumped back two steps and clenched his collar tightly. Obviously, attracting animal fans left him with bad memories.

"No, I really came to buy the Red Spirit Pill."

"Buy a few bottles."

"Ten bottles."

"you sure?"

"What's uncertain, can you give me a discount?"

Meng Qi had no expression on his face, and a handful of beast-inducing powder appeared on the palm of his hand.

Dong Fei's eyelids twitched, and he said with a sneer: "I was just joking, this is five thousand points."

After collecting the points, Meng Qi handed him five jade bottles.

Dong Fei asked again: "Can you sell the powder in your hand?"

"Not for sale." Meng Qi shook his head, jokingly, how could he sell this thing to Dong Fei, what if Dong Fei gave him one?

"I'll pay 1,000 points to buy it." Dong Fei said unwillingly.

"I won't sell any points, hurry up, don't force me to do anything to you." Meng Qi raised his hand to show off the fan.

Dong Fei was so scared that he disappeared into the distance.

This kid has a sneaky look in his eyes all the time, and he is holding back bad ideas just by looking at him.

Moreover, this kid bought ten bottles of Chi Ling Pill, obviously with the idea of ​​hoarding the goods, and then sold them to others a few days before the freshman assessment.

Although he knew that Dong Fei had this idea, Meng Qi still sold him ten bottles.

No way, Meng Qi is too short of points now.

The second person who came in the afternoon also exceeded Meng Qi's expectation, it was actually Liu Wushuang.

I saw Liu Wushuang approaching in white clothes, left 500 points, and left.

"I thought you wouldn't sell it to Liu Wushuang?" Li Hang wondered.

"Why don't you sell it if you earn points?" Meng Qi said with a normal expression.

"Haven't you been defeated by Liu Wushuang before? If you were sold to him, wouldn't the gap between the two of you become bigger?" Li Hang was puzzled.

"I never use obstructive means to narrow the distance between me and others." Meng Qi's eyes were deep, and at this moment, his temperament was extraordinary.

Li Hang looked at him in horror: "You didn't hit your head, did you? You're so serious all of a sudden."

Meng Qi glanced at him, but didn't speak.

After picking up Liu Wushuang, two more people bought Chi Ling Pill.

So far, Meng Qi has sold a total of 36 copies in six days, which is 18,000 points.

Including the remaining 6,500 points before, and the 1,000 points that the soul master receives for free every month, the total is 25,500 points.

And there were less than 500 Chiling Pills left, and Meng Qi took a lot of them in the past five days.

There are still nearly two months until the Xinsheng Dabi, excluding the 300 coins used for cultivation, the surplus will be sold when the Xinsheng Dabi approaches.

With the points, Meng Qi plans to go to the points hall to exchange for the blood of monsters.

After exchanging the blood essence of the monster beast, it will really retreat.

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