Gao Wu: Invincibility Starts From Liver Experience

Chapter 81: The First To Enter The City

Turning his sight, Meng Qi appeared on a desolate and broken land.

The ground was full of pits and hollows, and it was a deep red, as if every piece of soil had been soaked in blood. As far as the line of sight could see, there were quite a few half-cut weapons stuck in the ground.

Looking up, the sky is gray and gray, which makes people feel depressed.

In the distance, seven huge isolated islands float in the sky, gray and silent, withered, desolate, as if they have been forgotten by time.

It is said that this place was a battlefield in ancient times, and later it was separated from the space by a human saint with great supernatural powers, and it was made into a secret realm of inheritance.

Meng Qi first felt the ancient atmosphere left here, and then began to distinguish the seven islands floating in the sky in the distance.

"It should be that one."

Meng Qi's gaze stayed on the second island on the left, and its appearance was exactly the same as that recorded on the iron sheet.

There are many people around, all of whom are unfamiliar faces. The location of entering the inheritance secret realm is random, and it may appear directly on the seven islands.

To prevent the soul orb from being taken away by others, Meng Qi rushed to the second island on the left at the fastest speed.

In the process, others reacted in the same way.

The senior students basically chose the three islands in the middle. It is said that the inheritance on the three islands is all done by the Venerable.

The chances on the other four islands were left by the great master, so the first-year students chose these four islands. They were very self-aware and did not compete with the senior students for the inheritance of the venerable.

Meng Qi's speed is fast, but the closer you get to the second island on the left, the more you realize its grandeur.

Ascend to the island from the steps floating in the air all around, and a huge ancient city emerges in front of you.

After distinguishing the direction again, Meng Qi rushed to one of the city gates with the fastest speed.

Fortunately, the city gate has not been opened yet, which means that the inheritance of the soul orb has not been taken away.

Unfortunately, there are at least a hundred freshman students waiting in front of this city gate.

Meng Qi glanced at the other students, and found an inconspicuous place to wait for the city gate to open.

At first, these practitioners lived in peace, but gradually, some practitioners drove other practitioners away.

There are too many students here, and the inheritance inside is not enough at all, so the students who know each other form an alliance to occupy the inheritance inside alone.

"You two, get out of here."

Some practitioners drove away two practitioners not far from Meng Qi.

"This is not your home, why let me leave here."

The expelled practitioners showed dissatisfaction.

"Why? Just rely on the inheritance of the capable to get it, just rely on my strength to be stronger than you."

The practitioners who were chasing them sneered, and beat the two dissatisfied practitioners to the ground.

"Get lost! With this strength, is he worthy of competing for inheritance?"

The two students blushed and looked at them angrily, and had no choice but to rush to the other city gates.

During this period, Meng Qi kept watching with cold eyes.

Although he sympathizes, he will not help.

Everyone came here to compete for the inheritance, and it is normal for them to be expelled if they are not strong enough.

What's more, they didn't take away their point cards, they have already saved their feelings.

The student who drove people away led people towards Meng Qi, and just about to make a move, Meng Qi released the breath of an eighth-rank warrior, and the student left here decisively.

He just drives away weak people, and he can't afford to provoke eighth-rank warriors.

The students next to him were also like Meng Qi, actively showing the aura of a seventh-rank warrior, and the seventh-rank warrior was considered top among the freshman students, basically no one dared to provoke him.

After the last round of deportation, there were only 50 practitioners left over a hundred people, but some people felt that there were still too many practitioners left, so a second round of deportation was carried out.

This time, even the seventh-rank warriors were expelled.

The student next to Meng Qi saw that other seventh-rank warriors were expelled, and when someone came to him, he pointed at Meng Qi and said to the expelled person: "I came with him."

The expelling person took a look at Meng Qi, and then walked away from the practitioner.

The student breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, Meng Qi suddenly said:

"I do not know him."

The student froze for a moment, staring at Meng Qi.

"What are you looking at?" Meng Qi asked again.


This student was speechless. He had passed through, but he was being targeted again. It was really frustrating.

He smiled bitterly at the group of people who were chasing them away, and began to back away.

After retreating to a certain distance, he contemptuously raised a middle finger at Meng Qi, turned around and ran away.

If it was an ordinary person, it might be okay to see him run so far.

But who made him meet Meng Qi.

Meng Qi rushed out with a "shua".

Seeing Meng Qi's speed so fast, the student hurriedly nodded and bowed his head in apologetic smile:

"Brother, I was wrong, I was just joking with you just now."

"Oh! Then let me play a joke on you too."

Meng Qi firmly held down the student's shoulders, condensed his soul power into a pair of scissors, and cut the student's hair into pieces.

In some places, Meng Qi even deliberately cut half and kept the other half.

For example, the hair on the forehead, or the sideburns on both sides.

In short, how to be ugly.

This student was dumbfounded. He was ready to be beaten, but his hair got karma.

Is this something humans can do?

He moved his lips, wanting to swear, but he didn't say anything. After giving Meng Qi a resentful look, he left.

"Well, it seems that my Montoni technique is getting better and better. His last expression must be thanking me."

Meng Qi clapped his hands, very satisfied.

Let me declare in advance that this is not because he is narrow-minded, he is just helping others to cut their hair in a friendly way.

Ok! That's it.

When Meng Qi returned to the city gate, the eyes of everyone looking at Meng Qi changed.

Even the students who wanted to drive Meng Qi away just now stayed away, for fear that Meng Qi would cut their hair if they disagreed.

The head can be broken, the blood can flow, and the hairstyle can't be messed up.

I waited for another period of time. During this period, students continued to rush here, but they were all expelled.

Only Meng Qi dared not move.


The city gate opened slowly, revealing the streets and houses behind.

The so-called inheritance is placed in these houses.

Only by passing the test can one be inherited.

Just when everyone was about to enter, a phantom of an old man appeared at the gate of the city.

The old man waved his hand, and everyone was teleported two hundred meters away from the gate of the city.

The old man squeezed his hands down, and the space suddenly increased a little pressure.

"This is the east gate of Huntian City. First, ten people can enter in front of me."

As soon as the words fell, everyone rushed forward in unison, but as soon as they took a step, they felt their bodies sink, as if there was an invisible pressure on their bodies, which became more and more obvious as they went forward.

Just when everyone was struggling to resist the pressure, Meng Qi walked up to the old man as if nothing had happened, and entered the city first in everyone's eyes.

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