But this is even more interesting.

I believe that if it can be made into a human weapon, Shura Road, it should be very suitable!

It seems that Lingyun has noticed your bad thoughts.

The King of Wisdom also immediately controlled his mechanical soldiers to attack Lingyun.

But with the help of Flying Thunder God.

Not only did all of the King of Wisdom's attacks fail.

And from time to time, it is necessary to resist the counterattack from Lingyun's wheel tomb.

But in this state, neither side has any radical actions.

Instead, they seem to be waiting for something.

And as time passes by.

A special energy wave flashes by.

The corners of the King of Wisdom's mouth also slightly curl up with a smile.

"Lingyun, your last chance of survival has disappeared!"

"The forbidden air matrix has been completely arranged, and you can no longer escape from this space."

"Mechanical skills·construction!"


The King of Wisdom instantly burst out his vast energy.

I saw that countless small robots began to be attracted by it, and built a very powerful and oppressive mecha around it.

Hearing the proud laughter of King Zhi, Ling Yun's mouth curled up a smile.

"You are waiting for the no-fly matrix to be arranged."

"But I am waiting too."

"My third time, the fetal movement is over!"

"Reincarnation Eye Chakra Mode!"

As a turquoise energy ignited and covered Ling Yun's whole body.

Ling Yun's eyes also completely turned into azure blue with more complex patterns.

"If you just started, I might not be your opponent in the fetal movement period."

"But now, it's not certain."

"Come on, let me show you the power I just gained!"

"Silver Wheel!"

"Reincarnation Explosion!"

As several seeking jades rotated in Ling Yun's hands.

A white tornado instantly enveloped the entire 72nd District and King Zhi with the power of destroying the world.

And feeling the power of Ling Yun's move, King Zhi's face also changed immediately.

"Not good!"

"This power! It can already hurt the body of the God of Heaven."

"Quantum Energy Shield!"

As the King of Wisdom instantly burst out a large amount of energy, it was activated.

An energy shield instantly protected the body of the God of Heaven, helping the God of Heaven to resist the attack of the Silver Wheel Reincarnation Explosion

As the Silver Wheel Reincarnation Explosion dissipated.

The entire 72nd District had been reduced to pieces.

Only Ling Yun and the King of Wisdom were left at the scene.

Looking at Ling Yun floating in the air in front of him, the King of Wisdom couldn't help but frown.

"You can't burst out a few times with this level of attack, right?"

"If you admit defeat, we can talk."

It has to be admitted that the power of Ling Yun's move just now has been able to threaten him faintly.

And this also proves one thing.

Ling Yun is no longer a being that he can control at will.

He already has the right to have an equal dialogue with him.

Ling Yun didn't care about the King of Wisdom's surrender and said directly.

"What if I don't want to talk?"

"I'm not your running dog who can come and go at your call."

"If you want to fight, fight. Only when you find that you can't fight, you want to talk."

"Where can such a good thing happen in the world."

Hearing this, the face of the King of Wisdom was a little gloomy.

"In that case, you can only die here!"

Hearing this, Ling Yun glanced at the King of Wisdom.

"It seems that you have a stronger trump card."

"But why do you think I don't?"

Seeing Ling Yun so disrespectful, the King of Wisdom was also angry.


"Then let's see who will win today!"

"Tian Shen, over-limit mode!"

As the voice of the King of Wisdom sounded, the body of the Tian Shen also began to burst out with dazzling white light.

Then the Tian Shen quickly pulled out an energy lightsaber and slashed at Ling Yun.

Looking at the extremely powerful blow.

Ling Yun's body also burst out a black energy again.

"Powerful Susano!"

A nine-tailed fox far larger than the God of Heaven appeared, and the black Susano armor instantly wrapped it.

It transformed into a black ten-fisted sword and eight-foot mirror.

It also condensed in the left and right hands of the black Powerful Susano.

"Then come on, let's clash!"

As the ten-fisted sword and the energy sword of the God of Heaven slashed and collided.

An extremely powerful energy shock.

It continued to erupt between the two, and the outward impact destroyed everything around.

But the God of Heaven only has two arms.

Powerful Susano has nine tails.

With the help of the nine tails, the God of Heaven driven by Zhi Wang was also beaten back by Ling Yun's Powerful Susano.

Recognizing this scene, Zhi Wang also angrily smashed the alloy chair under him.

Damn! Where does this guy get so many tricks!

Recognizing that he was defeated, Zhi Wang also spoke.

"God, how is the preparation of the star-destroying orbital cannon going?"

"Master, it has been charged to 100%. "

"Do you want to fire?"

King Zhi glanced at Ling Yun in front of him.

Although King Zhi still coveted Ling Yun's means of resurrection.

He coveted Ling Yun's resources for the Federation.


The premise of all that is that I am alive!

I can control everything.

Since you can't be used by me, I can only let you disappear in this vast universe.

"Start, celestial shield!"

"Fire the star-destroying orbital cannon!"

"Yes! Master!"

As King Zhi gave the order, it naturally aroused the reaction of the ninth-level kings far away in other places.

For a while, King Zhi's bracelet also immediately transmitted the information of other people.

"King Zhi, you bastard, what are you doing!"

"Using the star-destroying orbital cannon at such a close distance will definitely affect the foundation of Blue Star!"

"All our efforts over the years will be in vain! "


But facing the accusations of others, Zhi Wang didn't care.

Because only his own life is real.

What does the future of others have to do with him.

Zhi Wang touched his face that had deliberately turned back to youth and muttered silently in his heart.

Only living is the most real.

And after I die, who cares about the flood?

As the special metal shield celestial sphere closed.

The God of Heaven also immediately changed its form to a defensive form.

And this change.

Ling Yun also immediately noticed the problem.

Looking at the moon gradually approaching around the blue star in the distance, Ling Yun also keenly felt the crisis on it.

Want to destroy all of this?

Then give it a try!

As the powerful Susanoo slowly dissipated.

Ling Yun turned on the Sage Mode based on the Chakra Mode of the Samsara Eye.

"Sage Method·Super·Golden Wheel Samsara Explosion. "

As Ling Yun used all his strength, a huge golden ball of light, far larger than the one in the original book, condensed in Ling Yun's hand.

As Ling Yun swung it with one hand, a golden light that seemed to pierce through space was seen, carrying an unrivaled force.

It instantly blew up the moon and the special spaceship that was about to launch an energy attack.

"Bang! "

The entire moon was like a brilliant firework, exploding under the huge energy impact of the spacecraft, and turned into meteorite fragments that scattered around.

And feeling the strong wind coming from that energy.

A jade of seeking the truth turned into a barrier in front of Lingyun, resisting everything.

More than ten minutes later.

As the power of the explosion completely subsided.

Lingyun also looked at the God of Wisdom again.

Under this energy impact, the God of Wisdom, which was not blessed by the energy of the King of Wisdom, was scrapped.

Only the core metal ball remained intact.

Looking at this metal ball, Lingyun thought silently.

It seems that this is the confidence of the King of Wisdom to survive the attack.

But unfortunately, it is estimated that he did not expect it.

He also has a trump card that can destroy the star!

.. ....

At the same time.

The kings on other planets in the solar system who have been paying attention to this battlefield were also completely shocked by this scene.

This power can probably only be achieved by the strongest king, right?

Is this really the level that the life level of Blue Star can reach?

Especially since he is only 18 years old!

Could this guy be an old monster from some alien civilization who lives in seclusion on Blue Star?

And King Mu was so surprised when he saw this scene that he couldn't calm down for a long time.

If his apprentice had reported it to him at that time.

How great it would be if he had immediately set out to accept him, so that he would have a ninth-level apprentice directly, which would be very face-saving.

And this guy's growth rate is too amazing.

Is this comparable to those top life forms in the universe?


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