Ling Yun, who had no idea that he had met He Yiling, was ready to go back after selling the magic net bracelet. But just as he reached the door, an old man in a gray robe with two broken horns on his head blocked their way. "Hello, guest, my boss invites you!" Looking at another strong man who was no less powerful than himself, Ling Yun frowned slightly. "Who is your boss?" The gray-robed old man said proudly. "In Jucai Merchant House, who else can there be besides the self-proclaimed boss here?" "The Traveling Merchant Clan?" The gray-robed old man nodded. "That's right!" Hearing this, Ling Yun also frowned, and it was estimated that he could not hide. In this case! Then he had to go there once. Then Ling Yun immediately gave an order through the connection of the Samsara Eye. Let Pain Six Paths ambush around Jucai Merchant House to protect the safety of Zaoyue Cixin, Li Zi, and Lingzi. "Let's go, I'll go with you!"

But the old man in black robe shook his head and said.

"Sorry, my boss only invited this lady!"

Following the direction of the gray-robed old man's finger, Ling Yun also looked at Zaoyue Li Zi who was holding the six-eared magic rabbit next to him and looked confused.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Zaoyue Li Zi also subconsciously hid behind Ling Yun.

In this regard, Ling Yun was also thinking about his purpose in his heart.

Is it because of their father, or the martial arts book?

Seeing the reactions of several people, the gray-robed old man immediately said.

"Don't worry, my boss has no other thoughts about this lady."

"I just want to have a simple chat with her."

"I guarantee it with the reputation of Jucai Commercial Bank."

Naturally, Ling Yun didn't believe what the gray-robed old man said and refused on the spot.

"Forget it! If your boss only wants her to go."

"Then let's not talk about this!"

Hearing Ling Yun's refusal, the gray-robed old man's eyes flashed with surprise.

The reputation of Jucai Commercial Bank is known throughout the civilizations of the universe.

It didn't work today!

Seeing Ling Yun and the others want to open the door, the gray-robed old man who received some news was stunned for a moment and immediately changed his words.

"Our boss said that we can let the two of you go up together to discuss in detail."

"I hope the guests will do me a favor!"

Hearing this, Ling Yun weighed it in his heart.

It seems that Li Zi is really important in the eyes of the other party.

It is estimated that if he doesn't meet him, he will not be on good terms.

However, Pain's Six Paths are already in place.

He still has the Ten Tails.

If he really encounters troubles that cannot be solved, he can also fight with the Ten Tails.

At that time, he just needs to escape.

Hayataki Li Zi, even if he dies, can be resurrected.

I just hope it won't develop into the worst result.

But I still have to leave a backup.

As several white snakes just emerged from Ling Yun, they were quietly sent outside by the animal path.

The white snake appeared outside, and the animal path also received Ling Yun's order.

Go to the slave market of the exchange to buy several human slaves.


After doing all this.

Ling Yun looked at the gray-robed old man.

"Senior, let's go!"

"Take us to meet your boss."

Under the leadership of the gray-robed old man, Ling Yun also came to the top floor of Jucai Merchants!

Arriving at the top floor, you can see all kinds of dazzling decorations, like a palace.

And in this extremely prosperous room.

A gorgeously dressed woman sat elegantly on the innermost seat, and on the seat there was a strange white-feathered bird squatting.

"Miss, I brought the person here!"

The woman said lightly.

"Uncle Shi, step down, I want to talk to them alone."

Hearing this, the gray-robed old man looked at Ling Yun worriedly.


But before he finished speaking, the woman interrupted the gray-robed old man.

"Don't worry, Yuxi is here, it's okay!"

Hearing the woman's words, the strange white-feathered bird also confidently "ga" a sound.

Hearing this, the gray-robed old man could only walk out helplessly.

The gray-robed old man left, and the woman pointed to the seat next to him and said to Ling Yun and the others.

"Please sit down!"

Ling Yun and the others sat down, and the woman took out a small jade gourd from the space ring with a flick of her hand.

She gently tapped the kettle next to her.

Some powders that sparkled with stars fell into the kettle.

Then she waved her hand, and three streams of green liquids gushed out of the kettle and fell into three teacups that had been prepared long ago.

After doing all this, the woman spoke.

"Sorry for disturbing you on our first meeting."

"This is a specialty of Muling Star. Tianxing Wood Liquid can slightly increase the physical strength of the person who consumes it."

"It can be regarded as asking you two to apologize."

Then the womanWith a wave, two cups of Tianxing Wood Liquid fell beside Lingyun and Zaoyue Lizi.

Hearing this, Lingyun also looked at the liquid in the teacup next to him.

However, although An felt the attraction of Tianxing Wood Liquid to himself.

Dan Lingyun did not move lightly, but looked at the woman and asked.

"I don't like to waste time!"

"Just get to the point."

"What is your purpose in looking for us?"

Seeing Lingyun so vigilant, the woman also spoke directly.

"My name is Shangyu, a member of the branch of the Traveling Merchant Clan."

"In fact, I noticed you as soon as you entered Jucai Merchant House."

"It's just that there has never been a suitable opportunity."

"If you hadn't met the Ninth Prince, I would have wanted to wait a little longer."

"Find a more suitable opportunity to meet."

"But unfortunately, you met the Ninth Prince of the royal family!"

"In order to prevent you from encountering danger, I had to stop you at Jucai Merchant House."

Hearing this, Lingyun frowned and looked at Shangyu deeply.

After confirming that Kagura's mind was open, he did not detect any malicious intent in her.

Ling Yun, spoke.

"Which little boy is the ninth prince of the imperial family you are talking about?"

"What is it about Li Zi that he likes?"

Upon hearing this, Shang Yu praised.


"The ninth prince has indeed set his sights on Hayatsuki Li Zi!"

"Because Hayatsuki Li Zi is from the Fuling clan!"

"The Fuling clan can absorb the evil in the world, so they are also the best tool to suppress and eliminate the Abyss Demon God!"

"You should have seen her practicing!"

Ling Yun nodded.

"I have indeed seen it."

After getting the answer, Shang Yu continued.

"In fact, the Fuling clan was not like this originally."

"It's just that one of their ancestors wanted to save the brothers he met outside."

"It exposed the racial talent that the Fuling clan had hidden for many years."

"He used himself to seal a terrifying abyss demon."

"There must be a price to seal the demon with blood."

"And her situation is one of them!"

Hearing this, Shimura Yu frowned.

"Because of this incident, the entire Fuling clan was targeted, right?"

Shang Yu nodded.

"The power of the Abyss Demon God is terrifying, and it is a catastrophe for every civilization!"

"And the Fuling clan can seal the Demon God's ability, so it is naturally attractive."

"And there is an even more important point!"

"The Demon God is sealed into the blood of the Fuling clan. As time goes by, the Demon God's power will be consumed and gradually weakened."

"This discovery also makes those ambitious people crazy!"

"But as the enemy of all races in the universe - the Abyss."

"How can one race seal all the many Demon Gods it has?"

"Even if the Fuling clan is special, it still can't do it."


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