Gao Wu: My Basic Attack Can Trigger Beheading

Chapter 103: Entering The School Of Warfare!

Su Mo hasn't been home for half a month. When Su Mo came home, Su Qiang and Jiang Wanqiao were already waiting in the living room.

"Xiao Mo, you are finally back!" Jiang Wanqiao said.

"Mom and Dad, how is your family doing?" Su Mo asked when he saw Jiang Wanqiao's face showing a trace of sadness.

"Whatever happens in our family, thanks to Xiao Mo's light, your dad and I are respected even when we go out.

It's just that today seems to be the day when you are going to the highest war academy, so you are somewhat reluctant. "

Jiang Wanqiao plucked the hair on her cheeks and said softly.

"Oh, Xiao Mo, don't worry and go boldly, your mother has me to take care of her, she is too sentimental." Su Qiang said carelessly.

Jiang Wanqiao glared at Su Qiang fiercely after hearing what Su Qiang said.

Su Qiang shrank his head immediately, and muttered in a low voice: "In the first place... I don't want people to talk about it..."

"Mom and Dad, don't worry about me when I come back from school, I will take care of myself." Su Mo smiled and comforted Jiang Wanqiao.

"Okay, Xiao Mo, my mother has packed up all the daily necessities you need, and I want to call your dad.

Although Jiang Wanqiao was reluctant to give up, she still prepared her luggage for Su Mo, and she could not become a stumbling block in Su Mo's future road.

"I know Mom, don't worry, I will call you from time to time." Even though Su Mo felt reluctant, he had to go to the highest war academy now.

Soon, Su Mo put Chiyun Dao and the unused monkey wine into the storage bag.

After leaving the flesh and blood of dozens of violent cows for Su Qiang and Jiang Wanqiao, he said goodbye to them and rushed to the airport.

Su Qiang and Jiang Wanqiao had already booked the air ticket for Su Mo, and Su Mo only needed to go to the airport to board the plane.

Soon, Su Mo got on the plane and rushed to the highest war academy.

Outside the highest military academy in China.

After more than three hours of flying, Su Mo finally arrived at the gate of the War Academy.

Three soaring stone pillars stand at the gate of Zhanzheng Academy, with two golden characters of 'War' on the top, calendar.

From Su Mo's first glance, Zhanzheng Academy is a huge lawn playground, covering a huge area.

If a person stands on it, he is like an insignificant ant, and this is only a corner of the Institute of Warfare.

It is conceivable how big the entire War Academy is. If there is no one to guide it, it is not a strange thing to get lost in it.

"Are you Su Mo?"

Just when Su Mo came to the gate of Zhanzheng Institute, a young man about 21 years old walked up to him and asked.

"Yes, I am." Su Mo replied with a nod.

"It's really you! My name is Qin Muyuan, and I'm also your senior at Zhanzheng Academy." Qin Muyuan said enthusiastically.

Su Mo returned the salute with a smile, and said, "Senior Qin."

"The teacher asked me to come pick you up. Let's stop standing here, why don't we go into the school and introduce you to the Zhanzheng Institute." Qin Muyuan said with a smile.

Su Mo nodded, and walked into the War Academy under the leadership of Qin Muyuan.

"Su Mo, based on your grades, I shouldn't be the one to receive you.

Originally, the school leaders were going to personally receive you into the School of Warfare, which is also to express the importance they attach to you as the number one scholar in the country.

But it was a coincidence that in those few days, there happened to be a few blind people from the heavens and myriad races causing trouble at the edge of our human world.

So the teachers and directors all went to fight with those heavens and peoples, and they haven't come back until now.

However, the teachers and directors attach great importance to you [I have been in Zhanzheng Academy for several years, and I have never seen teachers and residents care so much about a student.

Qin Muyuan explained that, after all, Su Mo has been the number one scholar in the country for several years, and his gold content is not trivial.

Su Mo didn't care about this detail. It doesn't matter whoever receives him, but what surprised Su Mo a little was how tough the teachers and directors were all. Clan fights.

As expected of the highest war academy, Su Mo felt that he had come to the right place.

In the future, I am afraid that there will be no lack of opportunities to kill fierce beasts and alien races.

Su Mo was a little curious, which race from the heavens and all races sent all the teachers and directors of the Institute of Warfare to fight.

So, Su Mo asked: "Senior Qin, who are the teachers and directors fighting this time?"

……ask for flowers…

"Well, as far as I know, there are six or seven people from all the heavens and myriad races, big and small.

But the most important thing is the Cloud Bone Beast Clan. This time they are the most troublesome in the frontline battlefield of our human world.

I heard from teachers and directors that the Cloud Bone Beast clan wants to be promoted from a big clan to a strong clan recently.

Instead, we want to use our human race to establish our prestige and be promoted to a strong race!

In my opinion, this cloud bone beast clan is tired of living! If we really want to piss off our human race, just send strong people to kill them.

A mere big clan dares to offend our status as the overlord of the heavens!

The blood essence of their clan is still good, just forging our bones. "

Qin Muyuan laughed.

Su Mo heard the name of the cloud bone beast, which is the best bone-forging medicine in the bone-forging realm.


But Su Mo thought of another question and was very puzzled, so he frowned and asked: "Aren't our human races the dominant race?

Does a Cloud Bone Clan, who can’t even be considered a strong Clan, dare to act presumptuously on the edge of our human world?”

"This is what Junior Su doesn't know.

Our human race was too ruthless in the period of the invasion of ten thousand races three hundred years ago.

Three hundred years ago, in the Great War of Ten Thousand Races Invasion, more than three thousand races from the heavens were exterminated.

And our human race alone has wiped out more than 1,500 races of the heavens.

This has also caused many overlord races to be extremely jealous of our human race. "

Qin Muyuan said slowly, it seems that he doesn't know many reasons.

Su Mo nodded and waited for Qin Muyuan to continue.

Qin Muyuan added: "In addition, we humans know that being too ruthless is not conducive to the long-term survival in the heavens and worlds.

Therefore, in the past two or three hundred years, our human race has also taken the initiative to behave kindly, which can be regarded as the attachment and support of some foreign races.

In this era, martial arts experts in the realm of kings will not show up because of the truce agreement in the past.

The overlord races are playing games with big and powerful clans as pawns.

Therefore, don't take it seriously even though the Cloud Bone Beast clan is just a big clan.

But there is an overlord race behind it.

Moreover, the strength of this clan is indeed not weak, and it is also among the best among the big clans, and it has also touched the threshold of the powerful clan of the heavens. ".

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