Gao Wu: My Basic Attack Can Trigger Beheading

Chapter 149 Crazy Pit And Kill The Heavens And All Races!

"The Token of Restoration Faction is really useful, it has been tried and tested for fishing with Bailing.

Su Mo glanced at the corpses all over the ground. This is a group of people named Tooth Dogs. Their strength is not bad among the heavens and all races. They wanted to use the peace token to catch him, but Su Mo caught him back and killed them all. It kills.

During this period of time, Su Mo was not in a hurry to find the extreme Yin liquid, so he frantically murdered all the heavens and all races around here, and he did not know how many bloods of the heavens and races were stained in his hands.

Without exception, these heavens and myriad races specifically pick out the human race with the token of peace.

Su Mo has had a lot to gain these days.

The token of peace may be a reminder in the hands of others, but in the hands of Su Mo it is a tool to release the bait.

At this time, a race from the heavens has already targeted Su Mo.

They have long brown hair, and the most peculiar thing is that they have two heads, called the two-headed monkey family.

The double-headed "May 17" monkeys have a pair of huge canine teeth that are very sharp. Apart from fists and feet, these are also their powerful means of attack.

"The storage bag of this human kid looks bulging, and it looks like there are a lot of things." A martial artist of the two-headed monkey clan said.

"I just had a bone surgery check, but it's only in the mid-skeleton stage.

Let me lure him here with a token of peace.

The blood essence of the human race is also a great supplement for us, and it happens that the elder brother of the snake-human race is preparing to break through the realm recently.

If this kid really has something good, we can get a lot of benefits in the future by dedicating him to the elder brother of the snake-man clan to break through the realm!" said a martial artist of the two-headed monkey clan.

"Okay, you bring him here, and I'll call the elder brother of the snake-man clan.

At that time, there will also be a warrior at the peak of bone forging in our team!"

All the warriors of the two-headed monkey clan nodded. A human race in the middle stage of bone forging is nothing to be afraid of.

But we still have to be cautious, if the human race kid escapes and the matter is exposed, their two-headed monkey clan will not be able to bear the anger of the human race.

Especially the Zhanzhan faction, they were a little scared to be killed by the Zhanzhan faction.

The reason why the two-headed monkey clan respects the warriors of the snake-man clan so much is because they are a race subordinate to the snake-man clan.

Many things have to rely on the Snake Clan, otherwise, I am afraid that their Two-Headed Monkey Clan will not even be qualified to enter the Hanyin Middle Realm this time!

Soon, one of the warriors of the two-headed monkey clan had already walked not far from Su Mo.

"Hey! Human race boy, do you have a token of peace? If you don't have it, return it to me quickly! Otherwise, don't blame us for not being sympathetic!"

The martial artist of the two-headed monkey clan shouted viciously, and the two heads on the shoulders spoke together, and the voice became louder and louder.

Su Mo sneered in his heart, thinking: "The prey will come to your door so soon."

"I naturally have a peace token." Su Mo responded by taking out a peace token from the storage bag.

"It turned out to be a brother of the recuperating group! I found traces of the extreme yin liquid here! But my strength alone is not enough to break through the ice of the snow-capped mountains and take away the extreme yin liquid.

I don't know if the brothers of the recuperation group would like to work together with me to take out the extreme Yin liquid?

At that time, we will be one and half!" The warrior of the double-headed monkey clan put on an expression that made Su Mo feel cheap.

After hearing this, Su Mo couldn't help but feel amused. He met no less than ten groups of heavenly and ten thousand races, and other heavenly races would make up a decent reason.

Only this family doesn't even bother to make up excuses, they can't get anything out, they just treat people like idiots.

Are human beings so easy to deceive?

"Extreme Yin Liquid!" Su Mo pretended to be bright-eyed, and his acting skills were extremely realistic, and he couldn't find any flaws.

The two-headed monkey family laughed and thought, "It's really easy to lie. As soon as it is said that there is extreme Yin liquid, this human race will be tempted. This reason is really tried and tested."

"That's right, I don't know if the restive brothers are interested?" the warrior from the double-headed monkey clan asked with a smile.

"Okay, okay, I'm worried that I can't find Jiyinye, what kind of difficulties are you encountering?" Su Mo asked curiously.

The martial artist of the two-headed monkey clan sighed and said: "Oh, it's hard to say, you should follow me, and you will know after seeing the situation."

Su Mo nodded with a smile, and was about to take him to the lair again, with a flash of excitement in his eyes.

The warrior of the two-headed monkey clan noticed the excitement in Su Mo's eyes, sneered in his heart, and thought: "Human boy, you won't be excited after a while."

The two walked into the snow and came to the halfway up the snow mountain.

"Isn't it here yet? I can't wait." Su Mo said.

"Immediately, I can't wait..." the martial artist of the two-headed monkey clan inadvertently glanced at Su Mo's bulging storage bag and said with a smile.

The two had different thoughts and shuttled among the snow-capped mountains.

"Brothers of the rest and recuperation group, we are here." The martial artist of the double-headed monkey clan laughed.

Su Mo looked up and saw that there were eight bone-forging realm warriors.

Among them were two fighters from the late stage of bone forging, one was a fighter from the Two-headed Monkey clan, and the other, as Su Mo knew, was the fighter from the Snake clan who had been killed by ten punches a few days ago.

"There are so many people. I don't know how many good things we can find this time?" Su Mo was already looking forward to it.

"Human boy, you don't even know you're about to die!" The warrior of the two-headed monkey clan grinned.

"That's right, it's so sad that the leader died without knowing it." Su Mo's eyes became colder and colder.

"Nonsense!" One of the warriors of the two-headed monkey clan sneered.

At this time, the warrior of the snake clan said, "You? Su Mo?"

Su Mo didn't expect to meet the race of the heavens who knew him here, and said with a chuckle: "You actually know me.

Ming Zikui, a warrior of the snake-man clan, is a warrior who has stepped into the peak of bone forging with half a foot.

Its strength can be said to be the strongest combat power below the peak of bone forging.

Ming Zikui naturally knows Su Mo, and even wants to take Su Mo's head and then quickly.

"Brother Ming, is this human boy Su Mo?" A martial artist of the two-headed monkey clan was shocked for 14 days.

He had heard Ming Zikui mention Su Mo, this year's national champion of the human race, who killed a warrior of the snake race some time ago!

Thinking of this, the warriors of the Double-headed Monkey Clan were overjoyed, they never expected to encounter a big fish this time.

This time it really did a great job for the snake people. After this matter is over, the benefits they can get will definitely not be less!

Ming Zikui nodded and said with a sneer: "Sure enough, it is as arrogant and arrogant as the rumors say.

Do you really think that killing a member of our clan will not be afraid of our snake people?

To tell you the truth, although the martial artist of our clan you killed was in the late stage of bone forging, he has been in the late stage of bone forging for more than ten years, and the blood in his body gradually decayed, which made you succeed.

Now that you have fallen into my hands, use your blood to pay homage to my compatriots!".

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