Gao Wu: My Basic Attack Can Trigger Beheading

Chapter 156 Rentu No. 2 With A Great Reputation!

The city lord Li Ziwen snorted coldly, and said: "If you have a good relationship with the Xiuyang faction, how can you be really friendly to the human race.

It's not like you don't know what virtue it is to rest and recuperate. The people under them have always been holding chicken feathers as arrows.

Rest and recuperate a party that is arrogant and domineering to the same race, and bows to all races in the heavens!

If it wasn't for the tight schedule recently, and no time to take care of that side, and many overlord races are staring at our human race, otherwise, these heavenly and ten thousand races have been wiped out by my human race many times

But it’s okay, the blood feud of my human race never waits for ten years to repay it, and it won’t take long for them to repay it a hundredfold!”

The martial artist in the marrow refining realm asked puzzledly: "City Master, there is one thing that I can't figure out all the time.

Since all the heavens and myriad races are secretly using the recuperating faction of our human race, why does the Palace of Human Kings allow the existence of the recuperating faction, and it has still developed to this day.

Isn't this helping thieves to abuse, growing the arrogance of the heavens and all races, and suppressing our human race forces in a different direction?"

The city lord Li Ziwen smiled inscrutablely, and said: "You don't need to worry about this kind of thing, the rise of the recuperation faction has its own intentions.

Haven't you noticed that since the rise of the recuperation faction, all races feel much more at ease with our human race?

Let the heavens and all races take advantage of it now, and they will not come back with profits in the future. "

City lord Li Ziwen asked again: "Apart from the Zhanniu clan, did the Yungu clan do anything special?"

At this time, the martial artist in the marrow refining realm shook his head and said, "The Yungu clan hasn't made any big moves since that famous man Tu returned to the human world.

It's just that the heavens and myriad races in the snow mountain area have also suffered heavy losses recently.

Many races of the heavens lost dozens of clansmen, and some unlucky ones even killed hundreds of clansmen without a single survivor.

According to the informant, the methods seem to be done by one person.

I don't know who can have such strength. In just over a month, hundreds of people from all heavens and ten thousand races have been killed.

Now all the heavens and ten thousand races in the snow mountain area are starting to panic, many heavens and ten thousand races have gathered, and they are determined to find out that person and destroy them.” "

Li Ziwen, the city lord, was attracted by this news, let out a soft 'huh', and said: "Could it be that Rentu from our human race has come to the Hanyin Bug Realm again?"

In the past two or three years, Rentu's reputation has been resounding not only among the heavens and all races, but also among the human race.

It's just that the human race doesn't know the identity of this Rentu.

Of course, if you really want to investigate thoroughly, you will definitely find some clues.

However, Li Ziwen did not mobilize the strength of the City Lord's Mansion to investigate.

Now that the recuperation faction is rising, and the human race is a mixed bag, not checking is the protection of this human slaughter.

So even he, the city lord, didn't know the specific identity of this Human Race Rentu.

Moreover, the origin of this human slaughter is not simple.

At that time, when Ren Tu was sent back to the human race, it was a martial arts expert who was a soldier at the realm of warriors who personally opened the gate of the human realm, and sent that Ren Tu back in front of several martial arts experts from the Yungu clan. of the human world.

There were not many people from the human race present at that time, so even a few people from the human race knew the identity of that Rentu.

Now if that person really came back, it would be a good thing for the human race.

Li Ziwen was worried that the water in Hanyin Realm wasn't muddy enough!

The martial artist in the marrow refining realm shook his head and replied: "City Master, I'm afraid it's not that famous person who came back this time.

His style of doing things doesn't look like that of Ming Rentu.

Most of the celebrity Tu only targeted the warriors of the Yungu clan.

The current one will not refuse, as long as it is the heavens and all races, it will be killed!

Only he didn't attack my human race, so the heavens and myriad races believe that this person is a human race.

Now it is also called Rentu No. 2 by all the heavens and all races, and they are all looking for traces of that person. "

The city lord Li Ziwen smiled and said: "This is a good thing, muddying the water in the Hanyin Bug Realm will make it easier for our human race to move.

But I'm curious about who has this strength, I don't know which school's arrogance it is.

After that celebrity Tu, unexpectedly such a ruthless person appeared again.

I think people who fight for the faction will like this person very much. "

The martial artist in the marrow realm said: "His identity is not known yet, but the group of guys in the front line are all applauded.

Said that after this war is over, we must meet this Rentu No. 2. "

"It's no wonder that the Zhengzhan faction has always been like this." City Lord Li Ziwen said.

"City Master, if there is nothing else to do, then I will take my leave first and continue to monitor the heavens and all races." Said the martial artist in the marrow refining realm.

City Lord Li Ziwen waved his hands and said, "Okay, after you go out, remember to get the army and the fighting faction ready.

The martial artist in the marrow refining realm was startled and guessed in his heart: "Could it be war again? Didn't the city lord just say that many overlord races are keeping a close eye on it recently and it is not appropriate to have a conflict recently?"


Even though the martial artist in the marrow refinement realm was full of doubts in his heart, he still responded and withdrew with full of doubts.

After all, it is not for him to intervene in any decisions made by the leaders above.

Before I knew it, more than a week had passed.

Su Mo has been in the snow mountain area for nearly two months.

These days Su Mo is not idle at all, when he encounters warriors from all the heavens and races, he directly strikes and kills them.

Without exception, all of them became the flesh and blood of Su Mo's storage ring.

They also found a lot of low-grade blood stones and warm blood pills, and the amount of these resources in Su Mo's hands has reached a terrifying value.

It's just that none of the heavenly and ten thousand clans in the bone forging realm has the blood essence of the cloud bone clan, which is a bit of a pity for Su Mo.

Low-grade Qi and blood stones can only be used as auxiliary cultivation items, and they are not as important as the blood essence of the Yungu clan.

However, in the past week or so, the title Rentu No. 2 has spread rapidly like locusts crossing the border.

Not only the warriors of the heavens and all races know about the existence of Rentu No. 2, but the warriors of the human race also spread word of mouth about the deeds of this Rentu No. 2 in the past two months.

Even Su Mo heard the title of 'Rentu No. 2' from the warriors of the heavenly race who were killed by him (Zhao Qianzhao).

Su Mo also knows that Rentu No. 2 must be called him, but who is Rentu No. 1?

Su Mo didn't think too much about it, it didn't matter who Renzhan No. 1 was.

Now the most important thing is to continue to hunt and kill all the heavens and all races in the snow mountain area.

However, Su Mo also gradually felt that as he hunted and killed more and more races from the heavens, the token of peace no longer had any effect.

Seeing that Su Mo was alone, those heavenly and ten thousand races attacked Su Mo without saying a word, no matter whether Su Mo had a peace token on him or not.

In the end, they were all killed by Su Mo alone.

This made Su Mo have to say with emotion: ". "The further you go into the depths of this area, the more useless the token of peace [the wolf ambitions of the heavens and all races are also exposed.

But Su Mo didn't know that this was just an order from the snake-human clan, and the human clan who saw them alone would be killed without mercy!.

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