Gao Wu: My Basic Attack Can Trigger Beheading

Chapter 178 Ren Tu Returns, A Bit Aggrieved!

In the fringe area of ​​the core of Han Yin Bug's domain, a space tear in midair.

The cracks in the space gradually grew larger, and the surrounding ice and snow were blown into the air.

At this time, a person slowly walked out from the space crack.

That person put on a snow-white martial arts uniform, and there was always a faint smile appearing between his brows.

Afterwards, that person leaped forward, jumped down from the space crack, and merged with the surrounding white snow.

After the person's feet touched the ice, he let out a loud laugh: "Half a year away! I'm Tu Zhonglin cold quality-Civic!

Let the heavens and all races tremble under my majesty!"

This person is Rentu himself who has been making a lot of noise in the world of Hanyin worms for two or three years!

If people heard what this celebrity Tu said, they would definitely be scolded as a middle-school boy.

However, this celebrity Tu didn't feel that his words were too ambiguous. On the contrary, he even felt that he was quite imposing, and his face was full of complacency.

Already in his mind, the fearful appearance of the people of all the heavens and all races when they knew that Ren Tu had come again came to Jing.

Half a year ago, the name of Rentu resounded throughout the Han Yin Bug Realm, and it could be said that everyone knew it.

This Rentu killed three warriors of the Yungu clan who were at the pinnacle of bone forging in a battle half a year ago. The heavens and all clans were shocked and became famous in the entire Hanyin worm realm!

All the heavens and all races were afraid of him. At that time, they even had to put pressure on the people on the front line of the battlefield in the Hanyin worm realm, and asked them to slaughter this person and transfer him away from the Hanyin worm realm.

This kind of deed is not something that anyone can do.

In the name of human slaughter, deter all races!

With just this sentence, one can tell how powerful this Rentu was in the Hanyin Bug Realm back then, and how much the heavens and all races feared him.

Now that he has come to the realm of the Hanyin worm again, he wants to let the heavens and all the races know that others Tu has returned!

"The depths of the Hanyin Bug Realm haven't changed at all.

I don't know how my junior has been doing for the past two months or so?

But that kid is very insidious and cunning, it is estimated that it will be difficult for all the heavens and all races to get any benefits from him.

Don’t worry too much, I’d better frighten the heavens and all races again, let them be terrified and trembling!

At that time, my junior will look incredible, and I am looking forward to it too! Hahahaha!"

With a proud look on his face, the celebrity Tu entered the fringe area deep in the realm of the Han Yin Bug.

Soon, this Ren Tu saw in the distance a martial artist from all the heavens and ten thousand races with the peak state of bone forging

"Hey, try the insidious trick that kid came up with, and see how the fishing works.

The celebrity Tu smiled sinisterly, took out a peace token from the storage bag and walked up.

"This monkey-headed brother, I'm of the recuperation school. You see, this is a token of peace."

The celebrity Tu waved the token of peace in his hand towards the warrior of the heavenly race, with a very kind smile.

The warrior of the All Heavens race saw the token of peace, his face changed drastically, and his face showed fear.

Then his eyes became fierce, his teeth were closed tightly, and he looked at this celebrity Tu fiercely.

"Human devil! How dare you use the token of peace to tease us like this! Do you really think that we are easy to bully?

I'm going to fight you!" The warrior of the heavenly race roared and directly shot at the celebrity.

The celebrity Tu frowned, this was completely different from the development direction of the plot in his mind.

Why do the heavens and all races hate the token of peace so much?

This token of peace is taken out like the reminder.

Could it be that the rest and recuperation faction have done something harmful to the heavens and all races recently?

This recuperative brain has finally opened up?

And what kind of ghosts are these human demons mentioned by the warriors of all heavens and ten thousand races?

At this time, there were a hundred thousand reasons in the whole mind of this celebrity Tu.

The famous Rentu lost the idea of ​​directly bombarding and killing the warriors of all the heavens and ten thousand races. After he had to be captured alive, he asked him to understand.

This celebrity dodged his body and dodged the martial arts attack of the warrior of the heavenly race.

A blue glow appeared in his hand, and a powerful force hit the back of the warrior of the heavenly race.


The martial artist of the All Heavens Race only felt his body sink, and his whole body hit the ice ground heavily.

On the hard ice ground, a human-shaped depression appeared.

The martial artist of the heavenly race turned pale with shock, he is a martial artist at the peak of bone forging, how could he be subdued so easily!

The strength of this monster is really unfathomable!

"Human devil, let me go, I will never say that I saw you here!"

The warrior from all the heavens and all races who was trampled under his feet begged for mercy in horror.

Human devil? This famous Rentu frowned even tighter. His majestic Rentu name has been forgotten by all the heavens and all races in the past half a year?

A human demon suddenly replaced the name of others Tu, how can this work? It took him two or three years to get the name!

It's only been half a year, but it was overshadowed by other people!

Immediately, the celebrity Tu No. 2 stretched his brows, smiled like a spring breeze, and said: "I am a person of the recuperation group, how could I violate the peace covenant and kill people? I just have a few questions I want to ask you. "

The warrior of the heavenly race looked terrified, only felt that the smile in front of him was cold, nodded frequently and said: "Human devil, tell me, I will answer everything I know."

"Who are the demons you mentioned just now? Shouldn't the loudest one in the Hanyin Bug Realm be Rentu?"

………ask for flowers…

The celebrity Tu asked suspiciously.

The warrior from the heavenly race breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this question. It seems that this person is not a human monster, but a newcomer warrior from the human race who is recuperating. He does not know the latest situation of the Hanyin insect realm. , his fate was saved.

"Brother of the recuperating faction, you don't know that you have only entered the realm of cold sound insects.

In the past two or three months, a human demon appeared in the Hanyin worm realm, and killed thousands of warriors from all the heavens and myriad races!

A veritable monster of the human race! Our heavens and myriad races hate this man to the bone!"

The warrior of the heavenly race couldn't help but shudder a few times when he mentioned the human demon, the fear came from the heart.

"Killing so many heavens and thousands of races in three or two months? This man is so fierce.

Then do you know the true identity of this demon?" The celebrity Tu asked in surprise.

Killing thousands of people from all the heavens and all races in two or three months, this murderous intention is really serious, and which genius of the highest institution is this talent?

"Of course I know! The identity of the demon is public, and its name is Su Mo." The warrior of the heaven race replied honestly.

"Su Mo!" The corner of Rentu's mouth twitched, he never thought it would be that kid!

The martial artist of the heavenly race saw the reaction of the recuperating faction when he heard the name, there must be some relationship between the two of them, that human demon killed so many people, the recuperating faction must be ashamed!

Thinking of the martial artist of the heavenly race here, he felt happy and said: "That's right! The demon is Su Mo. This man is vicious and merciless. shame!"

Such Ren Tu asked with some displeasure in his heart: "Then, isn't the name of this human devil overshadowing Ren Tu?"

"Human massacre? That was the old calendar half a year ago, who still mentions human massacre now?

Now humans and demons are the most hated human warriors in the Hanyin Bug Realm. "

The warrior of the heavenly race who was trampled under his feet was speechless.

This Rentu was Qin Muyuan, and he was a little angry when he heard that this warrior of the heavenly race disdained his Rentu name so much, and he was more aggrieved.

How famous was the name of Other Tu half a year ago? It forced all the heavens and all races to ignite the flames of war on the front line and send him back to the human world, but now no one mentions it!

Qin Muyuan was still thinking about the return of the king this time, and pretended to force him in front of all the heavens and all races.

"Okay, you can die." Qin Muyuan said coldly with aggrieved voice.

"Didn't you say let it go..." The warrior of the All Heavens race was shocked.


But before the warrior of the heavenly race could finish speaking, Qin Muyuan crushed his chest and died with a look of horror. .

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