Gao Wu: My Basic Attack Can Trigger Beheading

Chapter 21 The Fierce Beasts Are Piled Up Like A Mountain, And The Audience Is Dead Silent!

"Why hasn't Su Mo arrived yet?"

Chen Tang looked at the time outside the door of the examination hall, frowned and muttered.

At the same time, many students were looking into the distance outside the examination hall, waiting for Su Mo to return.

There was no other reason, it was the news spread by Wu Zheng, who had only taken the simulated combat test for a day or two.

As soon as many students came out, they heard that Su Mo killed a raging bull in the middle stage of blood quenching by himself!

"Wu Zheng, you read right, right?

Su Mo really killed a raging bull in the middle of the blood quenching state by himself? "

A student who was waiting outside the examination hall asked with a look of disbelief.

"It's not good for me to tell this lie. My other three teammates can also testify."

Wu Zheng rolled his eyes and said.

Now Wu Zheng left the simulated actual combat test early because he opened the signal flare, his score was pitifully low, and he was in a very bad mood.

If it weren't for today's calculation result day, Wu Zheng could still get some calculation results, otherwise he would be too lazy to come.

"If Su Mo really has this strength, then his current strength has already entered the threshold of top students."

That student felt that although Su Mo was much better than them, there was still a certain gap between them and Li Tian.

This is also the thinking of many students in Class 5, who don't quite believe that Su Mo has suddenly stepped into the ranks of top students.

At this moment, Gu Shang also came out from the examination hall.

"Mr. Chen, this time my score is 480."

Gu Shang said calmly.

Gu Shang is the top three top student in the fifth class. He has always had excellent grades, and he doesn't show his emotions or anger.

"Very good! The grades of you, Dong Zhi and several other top students are very stable.

Even the violent bulls in the middle stage of the blood quenching state can kill more than 10 heads.

I will definitely be admitted to a good university in the future. "

Chen Tang nodded, very pleased.

It's just that Chen Tang looked at the score calculation time that was about to pass, and Su Mo hadn't arrived yet, and his brows that had just been stretched out were frowned again.

"Hiss... can kill ten violent bulls in the middle of the blood-tempering stage! Isn't this too terrifying?"

"A few top students in our class came out much earlier than us, and their calculation results were much faster than ours."

"Hiss, this is strong and efficient..."

"Oh, the gap, none of us can do anything to a raging bull.

But these geniuses can hunt and kill more than 10 heads by one person..."

The surrounding students gasped and cast envious glances at Gu Shang and the other top students.

"You guys can't be proud.

The first two assessments can only be regarded as practice.

Finally, the simulated actual combat test in the open advanced area is the real difficulty assessment.

The strength of a raging bull in the high stage of blood quenching is extremely terrifying. Its vitality and blood alone have reached 80 points, and its combat power is approaching thousands!

Even for you, it is not easy to deal with one end.

Fortunately, you have killed enough Rampage Bulls these two times, and the pressure of the third simulated actual combat test will be much less. "

Chen Tang instructed several top students outside the examination hall.

"Mr. Chen, why are you so proud of this achievement? I waited for the high-level area to open, and I still killed ten rampaging bulls!"

Dong Zhi, a top student at the side, said very disdainfully.

"Mr. Chen, the blood, flesh and essence of this raging bull at the advanced stage of the Blood Tempering Realm are rare treasures.

The ferocious beasts in the high-level area are the blood and flesh medicine that can really increase our strength.

You can pass the assessment after thinking about it for a while, but you can't miss the fierce beasts in this high-level area. "

Gu Shang's tone was flat, but it made people feel a kind of domineering in it.

Several other top students couldn't help but nodded, and Gu Shang spoke their minds.

Chen Tang smiled, and he was very pleased that the top students in the class were able to make such progress.

At this time, a figure finally appeared in the distance.

"Teacher Chen! Is that Su Mo?"

Because the distance is still far away, I can't see the face clearly, but a classmate guessed.

"It should be him, that's how long he's been on the simulated battlefield every time."

Although Chen Tang began to pay attention to Su Mo, Su Mo was still a little displeased for keeping Chen Tang waiting for so long.

"Su Mo, let's see how many points the person who is worth waiting for Mr. Chen can get this time."

Dong Zhi squinted at Su Mo's figure and said.

"Okay, let's see how it goes."

Gu Shang said something lightly.

Soon, everyone saw the appearance of that figure clearly.

Who else but Su Mo?

As Su Mo approached, Su Ming saw a row of people standing on the steps, most of them were from Class 5.

"Am I running out of time?"

Su Mo subconsciously looked at the watch on his wrist, and breathed a sigh of relief as there were still ten minutes before the calculated time.

"Su Mo, you are finally back."

Chen Tang looked at Su Mo and said.

"The road was delayed by a group of blood-eyed monkeys."

Su Mo said lightly.

"It's good to arrive on time, and go to the assessment hall to calculate the results."

Chen Tang said.

Su Mo nodded and strode towards the examination hall.

At the same time, there are a large number of classmates around.

"Su Mo, I heard that you hunted and killed a raging bull in the middle of the blood-tempering state by yourself. It's true."

"Su Mo, how many points do you think you can get this time?"

Many students couldn't help asking.

Su Mo didn't intend to hide his clumsiness either.

After all, the stronger the strength, the better the results, and the more resources you will get.

When he came to the assessment hall, Su Mo patted the storage bag on his waist.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Huge beast corpses appeared out of thin air.

They piled up like a hill.

A strong smell of blood rushed to the face, filling the entire examination hall.

Tick-tock blood flowed all over the ground.

Everyone stared dumbfounded at the piles of beast corpses in front of them as if they had been immobilized.

The entire assessment hall fell into a strange dead silence!

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