Gao Wu: My Basic Attack Can Trigger Beheading

Chapter 74 Don't Worry, I'm Still Waiting For Someone!

"How about it? Chiyun High School, I'll let you gain some knowledge today! You Chiyun wants to catch up with us, Mo Wu, and you are more than a little bit behind!" Ning Yuan looked at Liu Shangwei and the others provocatively.

Someone noticed that among the beast corpses, there were six corpses exuding an astonishing pressure of energy and blood, and when they looked around, they couldn't help but exclaimed: "Oh my god, those are the heads of six violent cows at the peak of blood quenching!" !"

Reminded by his exclamation, everyone looked at him one after another. Immediately, there was a gasp in the entire examination hall.

"There are actually two more violent cows at the peak of quenching blood than Liu Shangwei. Mo Wu's Zhong Ming is too powerful!"

"It is said that the examinee's record in the past twenty years is that one person alone hunted and killed three raging bulls at the peak of quenching blood. The number of Zhong Ming's hunting is fully twice this record!"

"I still underestimated Zhong Ming's strength! I thought Liu Shangwei would be perverted enough to hunt and kill four rampaging bulls at the peak of quenching blood, but I didn't expect Zhong Ming to be even more perverted!

The students in the assessment hall were all shocked, this is a "793" record that they can look up to!

"You have good eyesight, that's right! This time Zhong Ming alone hunted and killed six violent bulls that were at the peak of quenching blood!

How can the four rampaging cows hunted by Chi Yun's Liu Shangwei compare with us?" Ning Yuan said.

"Six heads! Just counting these six rampaging bulls at the peak of quenching blood has already compared Liu Shangwei's score!"

"This is at least seven or eight thousand points! Could it be that the score record created by Liu Shangwei will be compared by Zhong Ming?"

Someone in the examination hall said in surprise.

The three top students next to Zheng Guang showed great excitement on their faces, and said, "Brother Zheng! We, Mo Wu, are going to crush Chi Yun again this time! Sure enough, Zhong Ming is here, no surprises!"

On the other hand, Zheng Guang was a little puzzled, could the six rampaging bulls at the peak of quenching blood trigger a beast tide?

"Brother Zheng! Look! Six violent cows at the peak of quenching blood!" said a top student.

"Our Mo Wu's Zhong Ming can hunt and kill six violent bulls at the peak of blood-quenching state, while your Chiyun's Liu Shangwei only managed to kill four violent cattle at the peak of blood-quenching state after desperate efforts. I don't need to say more about the gap!" A famous top student said with a smile.

Almost everyone knows that every extra head killed by a violent cow like the peak of blood quenching has already shown that there is a certain gap between the two.

Moreover, Zhong Ming didn't seem to be injured, and Liu Shangwei from Chiyun High School's pale face was obviously about to reach the limit, and the difference in strength between the two was clear at a glance.

The students of Mowu High School were all extremely happy, and this year's simulated actual combat test has once again compared Chiyun High School.

As for the students of Chiyun High School, all of them had a bad complexion, their faces were ashen, and they were very aggrieved.

Sure enough, this time they were beaten by Fu Wu again?


At this time, the examiner calmly reported the calculated scores.

The Mo Wu students in the assessment hall directly cheered, this time Zhong Ming's score directly crushed Liu Shangwei by 2050 points!

Even Liu Shangwei couldn't match this gap!

"I just heard you say that Liu Shangwei broke the score record on the first day of Chiyun? It's a pity that this record only lasted for less than five minutes. What a pity." Zhong Xuan said with squinted eyes.

"It's directly higher than 2050 points, and the points for hunting two blood quenching peak violent bulls are more than enough, how can Chi Yun compare with us!

Our Zhong Ming is the one who broke the score record and created the record!"

"You Chi Yun actually think that you can stand shoulder to shoulder with our Mo Wu, I really don't know how dare you.

Mo Wu and Chi Yun's scores from the top seven of the Genius Sequence add up, and Mo Wu leads Chi Yun by 5630 points.

Among them, Zhong Ming leads by 2050 alone!"

The students around Mo Wu were full of confidence after Zhong Ming's score came out, and their words carried a sense of superiority and a touch of contempt.

Chi Yun's students were full of anger but had no way to vent their anger. Mo Wu's Zhong Ming's test scores were indeed ridiculously high. The scores as high as 7,000 overwhelmed them, leaving them with no reason to fight back and feel aggrieved. Incomparable.

They also knew that Liu Shangwei must have exhausted all his strength and was even injured, but the huge gap in strength cannot be made up by desperate efforts.

Mo Wu has Zhong Ming, and his position as the number one in Chang Wu City is hard to shake!

Liang Xingcheng, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, had such a smile on his face, he stood up and attracted the eyes of all the students after the assessment.

"Zhong Ming! As expected of my first genius in Mo Wu, you really didn't disappoint me!

I heard that there is a beast horde in the high-level area this time, even if you encounter such an unfavorable environment as the beast horde, you can still get a high score of more than 7000.

It even broke Mo Wu's record for the highest score in the past 20 years!

In Changwu City, no one can achieve this kind of achievement except you. "Liang Xingcheng said with a smile, his words were full of appreciation for Zhong Ming.

"Thank you, Principal Liang, for your affirmation. I, Zhong Ming, will not relax at all in the future." Zhong Ming responded lightly.

After Principal Mo Wu nodded, Huafeng changed his mind and said, "Hehe, students of Chiyun High School, don't be discouraged, you still have a lot of room for improvement.

Although Zhong Ming is not your Chi Yun's student, you geniuses like Zhong Ming can't make mistakes in studying.

This time, in terms of the results of the Genius Sequence, our Mo Wu is fully ahead of Chiyun 5630.

This also broke the record, you know, we were only 3500 ahead of you before.

I hope you will work harder next year [anyway, let us have a little testicular crisis. "

At this time, Principal Chi Yun, who was listening to this, couldn't listen any longer, and said slightly angrily: "Principal Liang, I let you say all the good and bad things...

I'm afraid it's your turn, Mo Wu, the vice-principal, to teach our Chiyun students a lesson, right?

The calculation of the score is not over yet, let's draw a conclusion now, isn't Vice President Liang a little too anxious?"

Principal Chi Yun's face was a bit ugly, Liang Xingcheng's words were no less than a slap in the face in public.

As soon as Zhong Ming's results came out, everything was settled. In this contest between the two schools, Hei Wu won with an absolute advantage!

Liang Xingcheng stood up and was about to leave, but saw that Principal Chi Yun didn't want to get up and leave.

Immediately, Liang Xingcheng said: "What's the matter, Principal Zhang? The scores of the genius sequence of our two schools have come out, and you have lost completely, and the drama has come to an end. Are you still planning to leave?"

Principal Chi Yun said indifferently: "Our Chi Yun still has a genius sequence that hasn't arrived yet."

Candidates in the assessment hall looked around, did Chiyun High School still have a genius sequence?

Who else?

Haven't all the seven genius sequences of Chiyun High School arrived?

Liang Xingcheng was also a student of the genius sequence who glanced at Chi Yun in the audience.

As Mo Wu's old opponent, Liang Xingcheng naturally knew who the opponent's genius sequence was. In his opinion, the geniuses of Chiyun High School had already calculated their scores.

"Is there anyone else? I'm afraid Principal Zhang may have made a mistake." Liang Xingcheng said.

"Could it be that Vice Principal Liang forgot? Not long ago, Chi Yun had another Genius Sequence." Principal Chi Yun sarcastically said.

After Principal Chi Yun's reminder, Liang Xingcheng finally thought of who it was. That student could only reach the threshold of the genius sequence, and he didn't take this student seriously at all.

If Principal Chi Yun hadn't mentioned it, I'm afraid I would never have remembered Su Mo in my life.

Principal Mo Wu narrowed his eyes and said, "Principal Zhang 1.9 means that Su Mo?"

When Principal Mo Wu thought of Su Mo, he couldn't help laughing. Principal Chi Yun wasn't ready to leave yet. Could it be that he still had expectations for the students at the end of the genius sequence?

He actually pinned his last hope on a student whose strength was barely at the end of the genius sequence.

A student at the end of the genius sequence may even have difficulty dealing with a raging bull whose blood has been quenched to the quasi-peak level.

It's ridiculous to have such unrealistic expectations for a student of this strength.

Is it possible to count on a student at the end of the genius sequence to close the gap?

The answer is already very obvious, this is completely impossible.

A student at the end of the genius sequence is nothing more than a threat.

"Principal Zhang, why don't you go back and take a good rest now? Could it be that you lost your mind?

Even if the student's strength is good, how many points can he get when the beast horde breaks out?

It is ridiculous to expect him to pull back a little gap. "Liang Xingcheng also sarcastically said...

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