Gao Wu: My Basic Attack Can Trigger Beheading

Chapter 81 The Audience Is Shocked, The Audience Is Shocked!

The corpses of even larger beasts kept appearing, and the blood pressure was stronger than those beasts in the late stage of blood quenching. It is not difficult to know from the feeling alone that the beasts appearing this time are even more terrifying.

The faces of the students in the assessment hall all changed, and the terrifying pressure of energy and blood made them seem to be facing a group of beast hordes at this moment!

The bright red blood mist visible to the naked eye spread to the entire examination hall.

The muffled 'dong dong' sound of the corpses of fierce beasts falling to the ground hit everyone's hearts directly!

The wreckage of the ferocious beast is like a waterfall pouring down from a high mountain, without end.

50 heads!

70 heads!

100 heads!

When the heads were released from the storage bag, the pressure of energy and blood instantly filled the entire examination hall!

"Those... are all bloodthirsty turtles and blood-eyed monkeys at the peak of blood quenching!" Someone yelled in astonishment.

All the people in the assessment hall realized that what was released from the storage bag now was not a beast in the late stage of blood quenching!

It is the wreckage of bloodthirsty turtles and blood-eyed monkeys at the peak of blood quenching. A single bloodthirsty turtle or blood-eyed monkey at the peak of blood quenching is worth 500 points!

Only three bloodthirsty tortoises and blood-eyed monkeys at the peak of blood quenching are needed to give Mo Wu's points to the overtaking existence!

Now there are so many blood-thirsty turtles and blood-eyed monkeys at the peak of quenching blood in front of them. This time, Chiyun High School has firmly overtaken Mowu High School!

Chi Yun's students all showed joy.

"What a shame! We, Chi Yun, have a day to overtake Mo Wu!"

"Excellent! Let's see how arrogant Mo Wu can be this time, this time he slapped them in the face hard!"

"Now there are more than forty bloodthirsty turtles and blood-eyed monkeys at the peak of quenching blood! How many points will Chi Yun surpass Mo Wu this time!"

"More than that! There should be some left in Su Mo's storage bag! No sign of stopping yet!"

All of Chi Yun's students gasped, this was too fierce! Not only did they kill a lot of beasts in the late stage of blood quenching, but even bloodthirsty turtles and blood-eyed monkeys in the peak stage of blood quenching had this vomit!

Mo Wu's students, who have never seen this scene before, looked at the corpses of fierce beasts at the peak of blood quenching that kept appearing, and each of them seemed to forget to breathe, dumbfounded.

In just a split second, Chi Yun has completely overtaken the score!

This is too unreal. Just now, the mountain of ferocious beasts in the late stage of blood quenching has shocked them, and the bloodthirsty turtles and blood-eyed monkeys in the peak stage of blood quenching seem to be endless!

Is this really something humans can do? It is unimaginable that someone can hunt and kill such a beast in just one month.

Chi Yun's Chang Le and Xu Yang are also almost demented. They two never dreamed that there would be such a monster in Chi Yun High School!

Those are bloodthirsty turtles and blood-eyed monkeys at the peak of blood quenching. Others don't know, but the two of them know very well that the two of them want to hunt a bloodthirsty turtle and blood-eyed monkey at the peak of blood quenching. Very easy thing!

What's more, the number of piles of bloodthirsty turtles and blood-eyed monkeys at the peak of blood quenching in front of them is gradually increasing.

Liu Shangwei showed a shocking expression as if he had been struck by lightning. Even he was not sure that he could hunt and kill so many bloodthirsty turtles and blood-eyed monkeys at the peak of blood quenching when the beast tide broke out. .

Liu Shangwei can't see through Su Mo anymore, Su Mo's strength is now far above him in Liu Shangwei's opinion!

He finally understood why Principal Chi Yun greeted Su Mo in person, everything was explained in Liu Shangwei's mind.

Turns out Su Mo is a genius beyond him!

No! It's the evildoer who transcended together with Hei Wu's Zhong Ming!

On the other side, Mo Wu's Zhong Ming's face also changed drastically, he was always calm and would not be disturbed by other things, his heart had already set off a turbulent storm!

"Zhong Ming... Su Mo's score is probably far higher than yours...~~." Ning Yuan's eyes widened and his voice trembled.

Zhong Ming's eyes were dull, at this moment he was directly dropped from the altar by Su Mo, the number one genius in Changwu City? Created the highest record?

Now it seems that everything has turned into nothingness, and all of this has nothing to do with him at this moment.

Zhong Ming, who was used to being number one since he was a child, couldn't bear the huge blow for a while.

Not far away, Liang Xingcheng also turned pale. Chi Yun's score overtook Mo Wu?

Looking at the almost innumerable number of beasts at the peak of quenching blood.

He couldn't imagine how many points Mo Wu was overtaken this time, five thousand points? Ten thousand, thirty thousand, or more? He didn't dare to continue counting!

Liang Xingcheng had a vague feeling that a catastrophe was imminent, and now he just wanted to pray that the dead beasts would stop appearing in Su Mo's storage bag...

Principal Chi Yun beside him was already grinning from ear to ear, hoping that there would be more beast corpses in Su Mo's storage bag.

"Vice President Liang, I didn't expect Su Mo's potential to be so great. I thought that 4,000 was the limit, but now it seems that I was wrong. This has already broken the limit!

Even Zhong Ming from your school is far behind. "Principal Chi Yun couldn't help sighing.

How could Liang Xingcheng have the heart to talk to Principal Chi Yun at this moment? He is now full of remorse.

If it wasn't for his unworthy nephew...

Liang Xingcheng looked at Zheng Guang with resentment in his eyes.

The corpses of beasts at the peak level of quenching blood continued to appear, and the expressions of Mo Wu's students became distorted.

". "He... How many blood-tempered peak beasts are there in his storage bag?!" A student of Mo Wu yelled almost crazily.

The corpses of the beasts in Su Mo's storage bag did not stop, as if they were endless, the flesh and blood of the beasts in the storage bag were endless.

200 heads!

220 heads!

240 heads!

Suddenly, the pressure of energy and blood in the examination hall rose sharply again, and the powerful pressure of energy and blood made many students with insufficient strength turn extremely pale.

The terrifying coercion of qi and blood came crushing like a mountain. This time, even some top students couldn't help but change their faces and had to retreat crazily.

Otherwise it would be difficult to keep yourself safe under that terrible pressure.

"What a terrible coercion of qi and blood, what's going on? Why is the pressure so terrible all of a sudden?" Someone asked Yun in a startled (Zhao's) voice.

"You.....Look, that's a rampaging bull at the peak of blood quenching!"

Many students in the assessment hall exclaimed.

"Oh my God!" Many people showed horrified expressions, "It's a rampant bull at the peak of quenching blood, ten, twenty, my God, how many bulls are there, and the number is still increasing!! !"

There were bursts of gasps in the entire examination hall.

Everyone watched in amazement as the corpses of ferocious beasts with terrifying vigor and blood appeared.

The qi and blood pressure of these ferocious beast corpses completely crushed all the previous ferocious beasts, and they are the most powerful and blood-quenching peak violent bull corpses in the examination room!

"There are already fifty, and the number is still increasing, 60, 70... He... How many violent pieces of the blood quenching peak realm has he hunted down?

Everyone was shocked, as if a violent storm had set off in their hearts, no one could keep calm at this moment, and no one was shocked beyond words!.

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