Seeing her son still bowing and apologizing in such a humble way, Sister Zhang became furious and was about to reprimand her son.

At this time, cars entered the community one after another and rushed towards them.

"Hey, isn't this the car of some of our biggest news media in Changwu City?

Why have you all come to our community today? Is there any big news here?"

A neighbor recognized it and said.

"What big news can come out of our community, son, I have to tell you well..." Sister Zhang didn't care, and still felt that education should be the main thing.

But at this time, someone interrupted Sister Zhang and said, "They stopped the car and came towards us!"

Behind a group of reporters was a group of videographers carrying cameras, trotting towards them.

"Big brother, big sisters, we are from the Jinhua News Agency..."

"We are from the Star News Agency..."

For a while, a group of reporters introduced themselves in a hurry.

"You said one by one, what are you going to do?" A neighbor felt a headache and said.

"Everyone, our goals are the same anyway, so let me ask!" said a reporter from Jinhua 113 News Agency.

The scene suddenly became quieter, and reporters from other news agencies nodded one after another.

"Brother, we want you to inquire. May I ask which building Su Qiang and Jiang Wanqiao live in?" asked the editor of the Jinhua News Agency.

The surrounding neighbors all looked dumbfounded and froze for a moment.

"Reporters, why are you looking for that young couple?" A neighbor responded and asked curiously.

"What's there for them to interview? Is your current news agency so boring?" asked a neighbor.

"That's right! We were talking about their son just now. The young couple's son really went astray. They didn't pay attention to the child and let him take potential pills, alas." Another neighbor said out loud.

"What are you talking about? Their son Su Mo has achieved unprecedented good results!" The reporter from Jinhua News Agency said in puzzlement.

Su Mo? Unprecedented good results?

All the neighbors are confused, what is the situation?

Even Su Qiang and Jiang Wanqiao felt a little confused, they also knew that Su Mo had made great progress recently.

But the unprecedented good results, is this unprecedented exaggerated?

"Comrade reporter, I am Su Mo's father, Su Qiang, and next to me is my lover, Jiang Wanqiao."

Su Qiang stood up from the crowd and said.

The eyes of the surrounding reporters lit up, and they all rushed forward in a swarm, and more than a dozen microphones appeared in front of Su Qiang and Jiang Wanqiao in unison.

"Are you really Su Mo's parents?"

"I didn't expect to be so lucky that I ran into it as soon as I got out of the car."

The reporters hurriedly asked.

Su Mo nodded and said, "Yes, I am.

After receiving Su Qiang's affirmative answer, the reporters began to gesture towards their respective photographers.

"We are live broadcasting on the whole network now, and we have a few questions about Su Mo that we would like to ask.

I hope Mr. Su and Ms. Jiang can accept our interview. ’ said a reporter.

The neighbors who were pushed aside were dumbfounded. Didn't it mean that Su Mo had taken the Potential Dan and had no potential?

Now why are these reporters saying that Su Mo has achieved unprecedented good results?

Did these reporters get it wrong?

"You reporters, don't you need to figure out who you want to interview first, don't make a mistake, there has been a big oolong.

Su Mo's child has taken the Potential Pill, so it is possible for him to get an unprecedented good result?" Sister Zhang stepped forward and said.

"Shut up! Don't say any more!" Xiao Deng was anxious, and immediately grabbed Sister Zhang's arm and shouted.

"Son, what are you doing? You are so indifferent to your mother?" Sister Zhang felt aggrieved and wondered what could be done?

Originally, there was a high probability that these reporters got the wrong target. She kindly stepped forward to remind her, is there still a mistake?

When the reporters heard the movement next to them, they turned their heads (bhab) and looked at Sister Zhang.

That look is like looking at a fool, is this big sister okay?

A monster-level genius who scored 300,000 points in the test, said that he came out of taking the Potential Pill?

Then the Potential Pill will be hailed as a generation of God Pill!

At this time, another black business car drove up from outside the community, with a big Chiyun High School badge on it.

"Isn't that the special car for the head of Chiyun High School? Why is the head of Chiyun High School also here?" Someone asked suspiciously after recognizing it.

You must know that although the overall strength of Chiyun High School is not as good as that of Mowu High School, it is also the top high school in Changwu City.

The leaders of Chiyun High School are all martial arts experts!

In the eyes of the neighbors around, they are all big things.

"Why did even the leaders of Chiyun High School come to our community?!"

"What kind of person can attract so many Chiyun school leaders to come forward in person?"

The neighbors around were all surprised and said, what day is it today.

"Could it be that there is an unprecedented genius level in our community?" A neighbor thought about what the reporter said just now, and took a breath.

Soon, after black commercial vehicles stopped on the street, school leaders in martial arts uniforms got out of the vehicles one by one.

When several school leaders saw that Su Qiang and Jiang Wanqiao were surrounded by a group of reporters, they said helplessly: "Principal Shi, I thought our speed was fast enough, but I didn't expect it to be faster than these reporters. what!"

"Let's go, even if there are reporters, they have to go up and say hello to Su Mo's parents." Shi Gao shook his head and said.

Several Chiyun leaders walked towards Su Qiang and Jiang Wanqiao who were surrounded by reporters.

"Mr. Su, Ms. Jiang! I have long admired your great names. It is our Chiyun High School who have neglected you for coming so late to meet you." Shi Gao greeted them with a smile.

"That's right! I have long wanted to meet the parents who can train such outstanding students, and now I finally meet the two ten-year-olds, forgive me!" Ten Weiwei's school leaders also said with a smile.

"Those of us who are engaged in education should also learn from the education model of Mr. Su and Ms. Jiang! In addition to visiting them this time, another purpose is to learn from them how to raise children." Another Chi Yun's school leader also said with a smile.

Several school leaders passed through a group of reporters easily, shaking hands with Su Qiang and Jiang Wanqiao.

"Even the principal of Chiyun High School is so polite to the couple!"

"These are all veritable martial arts experts!"

"Is Su Mo's score this time really an unprecedented good result?"

"The reporter may have made a mistake, but how could Chi Yun's school leaders make a mistake!"

The neighbors around looked more and more frightened, thinking of their attitude towards Su Qiang and Jiang Wanqiao just now, they couldn't help but start to get scared.

Could it be that Su Mo is really the student who the reporter said had achieved unprecedented good grades?

Before the neighbors could recover, another magnificent car drove into the community and stopped on this street. .

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