Gao Wu: My Basic Attack Can Trigger Beheading

Chapter 98 Human Race, Overlord Of The Heavens!

"There are more than ten kinds of fierce beasts such as tigers, leopards, and cats recorded on it. You can see for yourself what kind and how many you need." Xu Guangyi introduced.

Su Mo flipped through the files of the beasts, but he couldn't tell which beasts would be useful to him from the files.

So Su Mo said: "Director Xu, let's have a hundred beasts from each race."

Xu Guangyi originally thought that Su Mo only needed a few beasts, but now he was speechless and said, "Why do you need so many beasts?"

"Curator Xu, money is not a problem, I can exchange it with a blood-quenching peak-world raging bull.

The value of the violent bull at the peak of quenching blood is not lower than these fierce beasts, right?" Su Mo said with a smile.

"It's not a matter of money or not, if you just want a few beasts, I can give them to you personally.

But if you want so many at once, it may be difficult even for the same fifty. For a while, I won't be able to find you so many beasts of different races. "Xu Guangyi said.

Su Mo pondered for a while, thought for a while and said, "Then Director Xu, I won't embarrass you. There are at least twenty of each kind of beast, and it would be best to have fifty."

Xu Guangyi nodded this time, and said: "Although it is a little difficult to get 20 beasts of each kind, I will try my best to help you get them.

After all, this is the first time you ask me for help, so I must be satisfied.

Also, you are the honorary owner of our Tianyang martial arts gym, you can enjoy a discount, and these fierce beasts can get a 50% discount.

Su Mo was slightly happy when he heard Xu Guangyi agreed, and thanked him: "Then I will trouble Director Xu."

Xu Guangyi waved his hand, and didn't take this small matter to heart, saying: "It's just a small matter, it doesn't matter."

After that, Xu Guangyi asked Su Mo to wait in the office for a while, and then went out to order his subordinates to handle Su Mo's matter.

Soon, Xu Guangyi found various tiger, leopard and cat beasts for Su Mo.

"Su Mo, I'll find you a batch of fierce beasts first, and more kinds of fierce beasts will be sent over later, but it will take some time."

Xu Guangyi said after walking into the office.

"Then thank you Director Xu. I don't know the training room of the martial arts gym, can you lend me a use?" Su Mo also got up to thank him.

This time there were a lot of beasts, and they were not corpses. It was difficult for Su Mo to take them away by himself, so Xu Guangyi simply asked for a training room for research.

"Su Mo, look at what you are talking about, you are also the honorary curator of Tianyang Martial Arts, how can it be regarded as a loan?

Don't worry, I have placed the beast in the training room for you a long time ago. I have already ordered it, and no one will disturb you. "Xu Guangyi said.

Xu Guangyi is impeccable in his work, and has already arranged everything properly.

Soon, Xu Guangyi brought Su Mo to the training room of the martial arts gym.

"Su Mo, you should study first, if you have any needs, just talk to the warrior at the door.

I won't be here to accompany you anymore, there are still some things to deal with. After Xu Guangyi finished speaking, he left the martial arts training room.

Su Mo nodded, and after a reply, only Su Mo and the ferocious beast locked in the iron cage were left in the martial arts training room.


The ferocious cat beast named Baiyinmao locked in the iron cage, with its whole body white, frowned at Su Mo one after another, making 'hissing' threatening sounds from its throat.

But this intimidating look is more of a cute look.

This kind of fierce beast called White Shadow Cat is very weak, belonging to the lowest level of fierce beasts in the heavens and ten thousand clans, and the strongest of the White Shadow Cat clan is only in the bone forging realm.

Because the white shadow cat is cute, many warriors of the human race want to try to domesticate it as a pet.

It's just that, the Baiyingmao family is cruel by nature, and they will attack and hurt people if they are unsuspecting.

So the matter of domestication as a pet is over.

Nowadays, the Baiying cat family is the best beasts used by major high schools to hone the high school students in the early stage of blood quenching.

This lowest race is also collectively referred to as the weak race in the heavens and myriad worlds.

On top of the weak races there are small races, big races, strong races and overlord races.

The division of these ten thousand races is based on the upper limit of the strength of each race.

The strength of the small clan above the weak clan is also very weak, but it is a little stronger than the weak clan. The bloodthirsty turtle and the blood-eyed monkey in the previous simulated actual combat test are considered to be the small clan.

The weak and small races in the heavens and worlds are basically fish and meat at the mercy of others, and the survival of their races is all in the power of the strong.

Most weak and small races will cling to other powerful races in order to find opportunities for the race to reproduce.

Above the small clan is the big clan.

The races that can become big clans are all races with a good reputation among the heavens and thousands of races.

For example, the violent bull in the simulated actual combat test, this family was once a big family of all the heavens and ten thousand races.

But because he offended the human race, he was broken by the strong human race and wiped out the realm.

As a result, the strongest now are no more than the Marrow Refining Realm and the Warrior Realm, and have been reduced to a small clan.

If the human race didn't need it to temper the juniors, it would not be impossible to completely exterminate them.

Above the big clan is the strong clan, which can be regarded as a truly powerful race in the heavens and myriad worlds.

It is also a race that can really speak in the heavens and worlds.

And above the strong race is the overlord race, such a race can destroy the world with a flick of a finger, and become the overlord of the heavens!

The human race is also one of the overlord races among all the races in the heavens!

Because the rise time was too fast and ruthless, it led to being jealous of several other overlord races. In order not to be alone in the heavens and worlds, the attitude of the human race to the outside world has gradually eased over the past century, and this can be regarded as attracting many races. So now this kind of extermination of the world is rarely done.


But when all the heavens and all races invaded the human world, the strong people of the human race ruthlessly wiped out many races, including the so-called strong and dominant races!

It was the ten thousand races that invaded the human world back then, and the revenge of the human race after its rise was so vicious that other races in the heavens and ten thousand worlds have always been extremely afraid of the human flag!

Second, most races don't have a good impression of the human race. In their ancient history, the ancient human race had enslaved them.

Therefore, they are unwilling to see the human race rise again, and they are extremely hostile.

It's just that the human race is developing rapidly, and now the races in the heavens and the world are also very afraid of the strength of the human race.

Only dare to harass from time to time on the frontline battlefield.


This has resulted in the present stalemate.

Although it seems to be a stalemate, in fact, the battle on the front line of the human race has never stopped.

Many strong and dominant races are fighting against the human race on the battlefield of the heavens, and they are fighting almost every day, but there are very few battles between the strong.

If any race can produce a powerful person, it will probably break the delicate balance.

Therefore, now the human race is also working hard to cultivate this follow-up force, and attaches great importance to talented geniuses.

That is to prevent other overlord races from appearing powerful and breaking the balance. At that time, the human race may have to return to the days when all the heavens and all races invaded.


This group of white shadow cats were only at the early stage of blood quenching, and to Su Mo, it was nothing more than a slap in the face.

Without wasting any time, Su Mo released the group of white shadow cats.

"Swipe! Meow!!!"

The white shadow cat came out of the cage in an instant, and its figure was quite agile. It rushed towards Su Mo, and it was true that it was cruel by nature.

But this group of white shadow cats was extremely slow in Su Mo's eyes.

Su Mo raised one hand casually, and the whole body of a white shadow cat was extremely distorted by Su Mo's slap. None of them called out.

【You killed a white shadow cat! The killing value for white shadow cats is +1!】

【White shadow cat: 1/30】

[The damage of your normal attack to the White Shadow Cat is permanently increased by 3.3%, the damage caused by the White Shadow Cat to you is permanently immune to 3.3%, and you have a 3.3% chance to trigger the absolute beheading effect on the White Shadow Cat! 】

"Huh? The white shadow cat only needs to kill 30 heads to fully stack the kill value."

After seeing the system broadcast, Su Mo was also taken aback for a moment, and murmured. .

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