Seeing that the experiment was successful, Qin Yi decided to keep going and continue to starve.

He lay on the sofa like an animal in hibernation, his body activity dropped rapidly, and he passively turned on the energy-saving and flow-saving mode.

In this state, his demand for food and water was reduced by half. Ordinary people must eat once every three days and drink water once a day, but for him, this time was extended to ten days and five days.

However, after starving for more than twenty-four hours, the energy-saving and flow-saving did not rise to LV2. Instead, his body, which had just recovered from a serious illness, was seriously depleted, and the four basic attributes began to decrease little by little.

"It seems that adaptive evolution has its limits. If I die before my cells evolve successfully, then everything will be over."

"My physical condition is not right now, I can't go on any longer."

Qin Yi stopped while he was ahead, staggered to support his body, took out the only two remaining nutritional supplements from the refrigerator, and swallowed them.

Since all his savings were spent in the hospital, he was now penniless and couldn't even afford normal food, so he could only eat the cheapest nutritional supplements.

This black jelly-like nutritional supplement tasted like plastic and had a sticky texture. It was hard to describe the overall taste, but fortunately it contained sufficient nutrients to meet the needs of an ordinary adult for one meal.

After taking two nutritional supplements, although he didn't feel full, Qin Yi obviously felt a lot more comfortable and his body became active again.


He turned on the faucet, and regardless of whether the tap water was clean, he poured it into his mouth until he was full.

"" Huh... I'm completely alive."

Feeling his body regain its vitality, Qin Yi felt lucky to have survived a catastrophe.

There is an old saying in his previous life - the poor rely on mutation, the rich rely on technology.

In this high-level martial arts world where spiritual energy is revived, if the"rich" get cancer, there are 10,000 kinds of panaceas from secret realms to treat it, while he, a low-level trash with no martial arts talent and no background, can only wait to die silently, and no one will help to collect his body after death.

Fortunately, he mutated.

Although he didn't know what the sudden appearance of the personal panel and talent was, Qin Yi knew that he had a chance to survive in this world.

And it was a chance to live well.

A short rest After a while, Qin Yi opened his personal panel again, and looking around, all the attributes had changed again.

Strength and agility increased to 4 points, physique did not change, but mental strength increased to 6 points!

According to the simple information he got when he obtained the personal panel, physical attributes represent physical strength and recovery; strength represents strength and blood; agility represents movement speed and nerve reaction speed (dynamic vision), and mental strength involves the mysterious soul, which may be similar to the"soul and mind" in the fairy tales of the previous life after development.

The two passives of [Energy Saving] and [Flow Saving] obtained by not eating or drinking yesterday slightly improved his mental attributes.

"It seems that even if I don't have a talent for martial arts, I can still strengthen my body and spirit through continuous evolution, become infinitely stronger, and even rival those famous warriors."

"In other words, why should I practice martial arts? I can just ruin my body!"

"As long as I don't kill myself, I will become stronger!"

Looking around, Qin Yi's eyes fell on the gas stove in the kitchen.


He turned on the gas stove, and a circle of light blue flames rose up, emitting heat.

After staring at the flames and hesitating for a while, Qin Yi gritted his teeth, closed his eyes, and stretched out his hand, exposing his skin to the flames and roasting it, moving it back and forth and turning it over like a skewer.

Under the high temperature of two or three hundred degrees, the fair skin turned red in an instant, and then gradually burned black, and the kitchen was filled with the stench of protein deterioration.

The pain of this process is roughly equivalent to the pain of cancer. With the blessing of pain tolerance LV3, it has been weakened a lot and can basically be endured. After about eight minutes of roasting, Qin Yi's right hand had lost consciousness, and a layer of ash was attached to the surface of the entire arm, which looked like it would fly away with a gust of wind.

At this moment, a strong vitality burst out from Qin Yi's body and gathered on his right hand that had turned into charcoal. The layer of ash broke and fell off piece by piece like an eggshell, revealing the new white skin underneath.

【Your cells have successfully adapted to the flames and evolved a passive skill - high temperature (flame) resistance LV1! 】

After having high temperature resistance, the flames produced by the gas stove can no longer cause harm to Qin Yi. When he touches the flames with his body, he will only feel warm and comfortable.

Qin Yi specially put all his limbs on the fire to try it out, and finally concluded that the cells determined by evolution are regarded as a whole. Even if only the right hand was burned by high temperature, the evolution obtained is inherited by all the cells in the body.

Good guy!

In this way, won’t the future self be able to evolve thousands of passives, physical immunity and magic immunity, and create an invincible body?

Although this process is similar to"self-mutilation", Qin Yi actually inexplicably recalled a sense of refreshment when he carefully reviewed the previous experience of being burned by fire.

Did I awaken some strange attributes?

No, it should be because I know that there will be gains and improvements after the pain, plus the increase in pain tolerance, so I am not so averse to pain.

This is like learning. Many people don’t like to study because hard work does not necessarily lead to gains, and the gains may not be"satisfactory enough."

If someone tells you that you will definitely be admitted to Tsinghua University or Peking University if you study hard, then the number of people who study hard will definitely increase dramatically.

"Unfortunately, high temperature resistance does not add attributes."

Glancing at the personal panel, the four attributes did not change.

Qin Yi was not discouraged. There are many ways to degrade oneself in this world, and playing with fire is just one of them.

He turned and walked out of the kitchen and came to the bathroom. Without saying a word, he filled the sink with water, and then dived in with a"plop".

The oxygen stored in his lungs was exhausted in an instant, his face turned red, and his body fell into a state of hypoxia.

Ten minutes after the active drowning, just when Qin Yi's eyes were black and his consciousness was blurred, the adaptive evolution of the cells was finally completed.

【Your cells have successfully adapted to the oxygen-deficient environment and evolved a passive skill - Anaerobic Resistance LV1]


Qin Yi suddenly emerged from the pool, breathing in the air.

"I haven't evolved to breathe underwater. Do I have to drink a lot of water in the pool to try to breathe?"

He looked at his personal panel, wondering.

He tried again, drowning and opening his mouth to breathe.

However, he was submerged for more than an hour until he felt dizzy, but he didn't evolve to breathe underwater. Instead, his anaerobic tolerance increased to level 2.

" seems that underwater breathing is not evolved in this way"

"Anaerobic resistance level 1 allows me to hold my breath for an hour, and level 2 for about three hours.…"

"In this way, if I raise my anaerobic tolerance to LV99, it will probably be no different from breathing underwater, or even better, and I can adapt to other anaerobic environments such as vacuum."

Qin Yi nodded in satisfaction, ready to continue trying the next project.

But at this moment, the familiar feeling of hunger suddenly broke out, and it was still strong despite the weakening of energy saving LV1.


Could it be that cell evolution requires energy, and this energy is obtained by eating?

Qin Yi was stunned for a moment, and then looked helplessly at the empty refrigerator with a heavy face.

He had no money to buy food.

Personal panel and evolutionary talent are unscientific things. He thought he could do whatever he wanted and evolve at will! Unexpectedly, it is so scientific!

As his eyes moved, he suddenly looked at the worn-out second-hand leather sofa in his living room and fell into deep thought.

He suddenly had a bold idea.

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